We are currently attempting to schedule Mr. Baldwin as a distinguished guest speaker at our 2023 graduation ceremony.
Luckily, his charges were downgraded because he is part of the Hollywood elite, which is exactly how it should be. They're better than you, and they know it!
The Alec Baldwin School of Gun Safety
The best worst gun advice from the best worst professor
Operating as usual
If someone near you has a gun, it's your responsibility as an innocent bystander to stay out of the way of the muzzle.
Mr. Baldwin may be charged, but that doesn't mean he is guilty. To be guilty, he would have to be a real person, and actors aren't real people.
Unsure if you've fired all the rounds in your revolver? Point it at a coworker so they can look down the barrel and confirm for you.
Upset with someone on your movie set? Enroll today and learn all the tricks to help you deal with annoying bosses and coworkers.
Always point a gun at things you don't intend to shoot.
Treat every gun as if it is unloaded.
Always keep your finger on the trigger!
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