Mauritius English language papers SC preps

Mauritius English language papers  SC preps


Tips for revising for SC English language exams in Mauritius

Operating as usual

Photos from Mauritius English language papers  SC preps's post 06/10/2021

Much Ado about Nothing. Language and structure analysis (A-level)

Photos from Mauritius English language papers  SC preps's post 06/10/2021

Themes, motif and symbols in Mrs Dalloway by Virginia Woolf. (A-level)

Photos from Mauritius English language papers  SC preps's post 06/10/2021

Character analaysis of Mrs Dalloway By Virginia Woolf for A-level

Photos from Mauritius English language papers  SC preps's post 06/10/2021
Carol Ann Duffy: 'War Photographer' Mr Bruff Analysis 23/09/2021

I am a big fan of Mr. Bruff who makes amazing videos to help students with their exams. Rather than posting my own videos, I will signpost O-level/SC students towards his videos related to the Mauritian syllabus wherever it is available. I have advised my own students many times to view his videos before exams.

War Photography by Carol Ann Duffy.
Please note in your exams you do not have to answer questions that relate to texts/poems you have been taught in schools, you can answer any questions, including texts/poems you have studied on your own or outside the curriculum as long as you feel confident.

Carol Ann Duffy: 'War Photographer' Mr Bruff Analysis Buy my revision guides in paperback on Amazon*:Mr Bruff’s Guide to GCSE English Language Mr Bruff’s Guide to GCSE English Literature...


Stage Directions


PLEASE Join me in the Room for the Q&A on Umm Safia ( my profile on FB)


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DAFOREST- speech


I have a dream by Martin Luther King is one of the best speeches.


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