5th grade MCPS teachers

5th grade MCPS teachers

Hi 5th Grade Teachers! Thanks for joining this group. It's purpose is to create a safe space for us to collaborate and support each other.

Ground rules include: Be respectful to one another and no promotions.


Hi Everyone- as many of you know, there were alot of contradicting statements from yesterday‘s meeting. He was a sample email that you can send to fight for better conditions. Of course, feel free to edit as you see fit.

Shebra L. Evans, [email protected]
Brenda Wolff, [email protected]
Jeanette E. Dixon, [email protected]
Karla Silvestre, [email protected]
Patricia B. O’Neill, Patricia_O’[email protected]
Judith Docca, [email protected]
Rebecca Smondrowski, [email protected]
To whom it may concern:

My name is Insert Name Here and I am state relationship to county here in Montgomery County Public Schools. I am writing to you to express my outrage at the information that was shared at the MCEA Town Hall meeting on July 16, 2020, which came from MCPS officials.
The following things were stated by MCPS officials to union members that are directly in conflict with public statements made by MCPS:
-All staff and students will get two cloth masks for the entire year (not filtered).

-Teachers will have to rely on teachers and students only to clean between classes.

-Teachers are not allowed to require students to wear the masks. We are only allowed to “encourage” them.

-Most disturbingly, the lack of teacher choice which was promised to us: Dr. Smith had originally stated that teachers WILL have a choice about returning to school or not. However MCPS has now stated NO choice for teachers.

Given the nature of the virus our planet is facing, it seems unconscionable that the school system would not provide greater sanitation between classes, let alone ample masks. This does not even begin to touch the audacity of the change that has occurred with regards to teacher choice in returning. How is it possible that our own superintendent made a statement that so directly contradicts another only days later? While the above statements alone are disturbing, they more significantly create a distrust between our community members and the officials who run our school system. On top of this, these are just absolutely unreasonable, inexcusable determinations that have been made. The lack of provisions for students and staff to keep us all safe is in itself unconscionable. If students and staff fall ill, their fate was and is in your hands.
How is it a viable option to not provide greater cleaning supplies to every staff member, along with masks, in the midst of a global pandemic? MCEA outlined clear and reasonable guidelines for return including no new cases for fourteen days. We are facing a virus for which there is no known cure, no vaccine, and whose numbers rise daily. We cannot control certain points of contact in our buildings, including the student bathrooms. We cannot, therefore, ensure safety to the fullest degree.
We can do better; we have to do better. Please, I implore you, do better for our county’s children.


This page is being deleted since I couldn’t figure out how to make it private. Search 5th grade MCPS teachers! For the private group. I will approve everyone!!! Sorry for the confusion.

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