Certificado de Diseño Grafico.
Did you know that we offer a Graphic Design Fundamentals Certificate?
In this certification you will develop visual design, typography, and conceptual skills. Your certificate can be used to become a design assistant, marketing production artist, junior graphic designer or junior production artist.
The future is in your hands.
The greatest teacher you could ever have is your life! Knowledge can come from anywhere and everywhere. Experiences will teach so much and will shape the person you will be. Learn from them and grow each day!
Life gives you the best of the lessons.
Millones de miembros de la Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días alrededor del mundo no tiene un titulo Universitario. Por que? Porque el costo es muy alto, los estudiantes carecen de confianza en sus habilidades para tener exito escolar. BYU PATHWAY ESTA AQUI PARA CAMBIAR ESTO.
Millions of members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints throughout the world don’t have a university degree. Why? Because costs are too high, students lack confidence in their ability to succeed in school, or they don’t have access to quality higher education. is here to change that.
Millions of members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints throughout the world don’t have a university degree. Why? Because costs are too high, students lack confidence in their ability to succeed in school, or they don’t have access to quality higher education. BYUPathway is here to change that.
Si regresaste de tu misión dentro de los últimos 5 años, calificas para la beca de misionero retornado de BYU-Pathway. Obtén el título universitario que siempre has querido y mejora tus oportunidades de empleo completamente en línea. Inscríbete hoy mismo!
BYU-Pathway ofrece becas para misioneros retornados
BYU-Pathway Worldwide anunció un programa de becas para misioneros retornados y que ayudará a reiniciar su vida académica sobre todo a quienes han regresado antes de tiempo debido a la pandemia de COVID-19.
Clases preparatorias para aplicar a BYU-Pathway
Hoy Jueves 6 pm.
Capilla Rumiñahui.
Las clases empezarán el Lunes 6 de Enero 2020.
No te quedes fuera y da el salto que te acercará más a tener un título Universitario avalado por la Senescyt en Ecuador y válido en Estados Unidos también.
click aqui:
No detengas la oportunidad de seguir estudiando, aplica con un par de clicks.
Finish Your PathwayConnect Application Today!
"Along with this opportunity today, you have the blessing of having access to high quality education, which will better help you contribute to the gathering of Israel." - Elder Walter F. González