School of Healing Mastery

School of Healing Mastery

Training school for therapists, coaches & healers who want to unlock more love, money & success for themselves AND their clients.

Home of the revolutionary HeartHealing Certification to help you heal yourself & the world.

Operating as usual


Wow wow wow.

Meet Bianca!

Bianca came on a HeartHealing® journey with me.

After our second 1 hour HeartHealing® session she secured her biggest ever course sale (4K!).

After her third in the package she secured her biggest ever 1:1 sale TRIPLE anything she’s charged for 1:1 before £10,000!!!

She then went on to have MULTIPLE 10k clients!

Healing your heart really is the portal to receiving MORE in your life.


🤯the trauma that had previously not been ready for healing, spilled out & left Bianca 🤯feeling free, confident & open to receiving
🤯She felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders.
🤯Her strong inner critic turned compassionate
🤯Glowing with energy
🤯Ready to rise, love, trust and believe in herself

So happy for Bianca, as I know this is just the beginning for her. And no surprise she is now training in this incredible method to bring to her own clients.

We have well and truly opened her heart to receiving 😍😍😍
She also received an unexpected out of the blue 6 figure offer for something not business related.

Can you believe she 5xd her investment DURING the package. This doesn’t include the future ROI of this deep healing work 🤯

There are currently 2 ways you can experience HeartHealing for yourself:

1. I do not have space for 1:1 currently, but You can work with my team HeartHealing therapist Kirsty who works closely with me and has been getting incredible results with clients for just a fraction of the investment to work with me. DM me KIRSTY for more info.

2. Imagine getting results like this for your own clients?! You can train in HeartHealing in my certification - we have some limited spaces left for our September cohort. DM me HEARTHEALER for more info.


The most incredible email landed in my inbox today.

I’ve been smiling all the way to my create-cation hotel break. I never usually leave on a Thursday SO it was clearly meant to be because of the celebration that landed in my inbox earlier.

I’ve been accepted onto my Spiritual Psychology Masters 🎉🎉🎉 it’s the next step towards my personal goal of a PhD.

Now, I already have a social work masters and psychology degree (plus several awards from the British Psychological Society) - and I always intended to become a forensic psychologist.

But life took me in another direction - and I’m so glad it did! Because I don’t want to be a traditional psychologist. There is so much red tape. Just like in social work. And I like to be innovative and free to create something outside of the traditional rules. I have many clients who are psychologists that come train in my methods and have never experienced anything as powerful. Because I integrate the best of psychology with spirituality and lived wisdom from many lifetimes.

I’ve done this thing called business success backwards compared to most people. I made millions, a global impact and built revolutionary incredible bodies of lifechanging work and unique contributions to the healing and success industry, without a PhD.

Well, you could say I had a life experience PhD healing and overcoming all forms of trauma.

You may think a PhD is a professional goal - but for me it’s a personal goal. I am an eternal learner. I always used to say when I was younger “if I win the lottery I would spend my days doing lots of different degrees.”

And metaphorically I really have won the lottery… and I’m only 37 years old.

I’ve two 7+ figure businesses.
Clients across 104 countries
Two beautiful children.
My dream home.
A supportive and loving partner.
A fabulous team.
An overflow of money
A few special friendships.

And I had taken my personal dream of a PhD off my vision board along the way. Everything became about the business. And whilst this journey will also ultimately benefit my business, I’m doing it for me. That’s why I chose the masters first instead of going straight into the PhD. I want to discover new things and expand my mind again in academia.

I knew from a young age one day I would be Dr Bray. Just like one day I knew I’d be a millionaire. It didn’t make sense and I didn’t know how. And I just love how it is unfolded in the perfect way for me.

A great reason for a rose champagne! Celebrate this magical moment with me 🎉


Multi-millions ORGANICALLY - as a healer.


The HeartHealing Certification

Heal your bank-account AND your heart.

I’m not the one to shy away from sharing my success.

In fact, I think there is a lot of empowerment in women sharing their success openly.

So we are not afraid to shine.

To be seen.

Both financially and spiritually.

And to show other women what’s possible too.

However, my success didn’t just happen overnight.

I’ve spent thousands of hours coaching, healing and mentoring people.

Listening to the deepest depths of womens minds, hearts and souls.

Discovering wounds and saboteurs we all have.

Healing the scars that have made life and success difficult.

And now … I want to teach YOU what I’ve found.

The deep transformation.

That will change YOU and your clients lives forever.

You see that number in the title?

That’s not just for ME.

And it’s a possibility for many women that choose to heal…their HEART (I’ve seen it firsthand!)

In fact, studying psychology since the age of 17, I went as far as turning my almost 2 decades of education, professional and personal experience into a certification.

A certification that allows YOU to heal your heart and your clients hearts.

In a way special to you.

Specifically, HeartHealing® focuses on the Receiving Wounds® of the heart- Universal Wounds we all have that are blocking us from receiving the love, money joy and success we ALL deserve.

💗Our Enoughness Wound®
💗Our Trust Wound®
💗Our Worth Wound®
💗Our Acceptance Wound®
💗Our Love Wound®

And takes you through a process where and your clients get to discover how each wound shows up for them uniquely.

And heal them… for you and for them.

That’s when YOU can say out loud:

“… my client just healed her relationship with her child AND made 50k this month, her best ever month…”

“… my client is not afraid of sexual intimacy with her partner anymore, and they are taking their second honeymoon whilst having her best launch ever😉”

“… my client has told me I’m the best healer shes EVER worked with and she feels completely at peace with the abuse she went through despite having years of therapy previously.”

If you want to be the BEST, this certification is for YOU.

If you want more information (which I know you do 😉 ).

Please DM me HEARTHEALER to grab the info. There is a small application form to check you are the right fit.

Be warned!

You’ll be asked for the sale.


Words spread fast when you heal with THAT level of quality 😉


Interested in the HeartHealing Certification? Join me for a 90 minute information session tomorrow 11am (replay available!) link in comments


Coaches, therapists, professionals and healers...are you ready to get the fastest, deepest, safest results you and your clients will EVER experience?

At the School of Healing Mastery, we believe that you get to change the world and be hugely financially rewarded for it. Join myself, multi award winning Master Healer and creator of HeartHealing, Natasha Leigh Bray, and Course Supervisor Kirsty Wick for an exclusive inside peek into our pioneering 3 in 1 certification and how it can help you unlock your next evolution as a healer and leader in your field.



1. Discover the Universal Receiving Wounds™ of the Heart that have been radically transforming the hearts, lives and businesses of our graduates and trainees and their clients around the world in as little as one hour.

2. Understand how this psychology-meets-spirituality modality and certification will not only transform your professional practice to being called ‘the best healer’ your clients have ever worked with but also lead to emotional and financial freedom for you too through our powerful tried-and-tested Healing Mastery Trifecta.

3. See behind-the-scenes of our certification - exactly what it’s like and all of the magic on the inside so you can take your client results (and business) to the next level.

4. Experience a HeartHealing® taster session so you can experience the transformative power of this modality for yourself.
There will also be an exclusive Q&A for you to have all your questions about the certification answered by Natasha & Kirsty.

5. Don't miss this opportunity to be a pioneer in your field by finding out more about how you can train in HeartHealing and integrate it with your own gifts for even better, deeper, faster results with your clients and get £1000 OFF our professional healer certification.

There will be a replay if you cannot attend live. Link in comments!


*I just made an easy completely passive 5k in the last 24 hours selling my your Quantum Year course - and you can do this too*

Your Quantum Year® is soooo damn good it gets a lot of copycats...

Last year I saw someone I know selling a similar offer, similar name, even using some of my content to promote it.

At first I was super shocked and a bit annoyed, but then I realised they probably hadn't done it with any malicious intent. I reminded them my content is legally protected and that they would need to remove my content.

But, it got me thinking...

It reminded me how hard some people find it to create powerful experiences and courses.

Sometimes because they just don't haven't had the time or energy to.

Sometimes they haven't got the confidence or doubt their abilities to create powerful courses.

And I know deep down it's the Imposter Success saboteur® that led to this woman taking this 'shortcut' that can get her into all sorts of trouble.

So, casually washing my hair in the shower one day - my intuition gave me a solution!


The tried and tested exact powerful manifesting process that I do at least once (sometimes twice!) a year to create Quantum shifts that lead to another Quantum Year for me (and my clients). It has literally contributed to millions, love, babies, engagements, marriages on tropical islands and so much more!

Kinda like a course in a box. But so much more than that.

💫They get a process they can integrate into their work with clients to tap into the quantum field for even BETTER and FASTER results.
They can use the 7 stage YQY Method with 1:1 clients to skyrocket results.

💫They can run it as a half day online experience at significant times of the year (New Year, Lionsgate, mid year etc).

💫They could run it as a live 7 day experience as I had or sell it as completely passive!
And the content for 8 modules to deliver within a course - written for them with guidance on where to add their personalised bits in.

💫They'll even get a 48 hour flashsale 'done for you' marketing take and tweak posts/emails to launch it to their audience. YES - your copy done for you!!

💫And they get my self study version of the course to go through it themselves first AND deliver from a place of experience.


If yes - YOU will get my exact process to teach and use with your own clients - a licence to transform others using my revolutionary YQY Method and all registered trademarks associated to all the guidance you need to deliver a knockout experience whether 1:1, a half day online experience or a 7 day group experience. So you can deliver this mindblowing vision & manifesting experience to your audience and clients too!

This done-for-you licensed method and course is usually £2222 but is on special offer for £1111 for the next 24 hours. Yes, thats £1111 to licence my Your Quantum Year® method and course and use it with your own clients (forever more)!!

🔥For context - I sold this course for £111 per client and we had 170 in the first ever round!

🔥I just sold 5k worth of it completely passively whilst on holiday on the beach with my kids.

AND many people who have done this course with me have upsold into other higher paid offers with me (they will with you too!).

You would make your investment back in 10 sales (or less with my cart tips), not to mention the huge ROI from the increased results your clients will get when you incorporate it into your 1:1 work with them!

It is £1111 for the next 24 HOURS ONLY before going back up to £2222.

So what do you say? Want to manifest Your Quantum Year™ with me?

If you want to certify and lisence my Your Quantum Year™ process and have all of the materials and rights to sell this course on as your own too, get all of the branding, workshop slides, marketing and manifesting processes done for you, ready to deliver the course and use the techniques as your own with your own clients.

DM me LICENCE for more info

Or if you just want to buy the instant access course for £111 for the next 24 hours (normally £222) to do it yourself and unlock crazy results like my other clients have, Link in comments.


“If you felt guilty asking your parents for money, that’s why you feel guilty asking your clients to pay you now. 🤯”

~ Natasha Leigh Bray


I have been manifesting things into my life before I even realised what manifesting was BUT December 2018 I did my first ever Quantum Year Manifesting process with my bestie and it changed everything.

It's crazy seeing all thats come true literally within a matter of just a few years.

That year, I set the intention:

• Being a 7 figure business owner… by 2025!

• I wanted to be making 40k a month in passive income.

• 85% income from passive streams

• I wanted to feel financially free.

• I wanted to impact thousands

• To get married on a beach with my true love

I was only charging £500 at the time for my 1:1 package. I had just run my first ever group signature programme with a 35k launch. A good start but 7 figures seemed so far off! My income was 80% 1:1 and I was already at my capacity. How was it even possible?!

In 2019, I set the intention:

• ”I will have a beautiful new home on a generous piece of land surrounded by nature. I am recognised worldwide for the work I do but I achieve all this with love and connection in my life”

• I will be a millionaire by the time I am 35

• I have a strong team of 5 running my business

• 6 figure months become my new normal

• A baby with Blake when I am 34

It felt so far away. It felt scary. It was a big dream- the ultimate goal.

There were so many things blocking my belief that was possible for me. Internally I didn’t feel worthy of 7 figures.

Here’s what I wrote down:

• I can’t achieve this because my prices are not high enough.

• I am being held back by my belief that work and money cannot come easily.

• I do not have enough time.

• Who am I to be a millionaire?!

• Its not safe to have it all because I will become a target

• What if I lose it all?!

And what happened? Something that absolutely blows my mind...

Age 33, just 2 years later in 2020 - 5 YEARS EARLIER THAN I EVEN THOUGHT POSSIBLE

• I hit $7 figures in my business (very close to £7 figures).

• I became a $ millionaire and £ millionaire - in cash!

• 6 figure (and even multi-6 figure!) months are my new normal

• Charge £4444 for my 1:1 package)

• 75% of my income from courses and group experiences

• I had grown a team of 5

In 2020, I wrote: That I will be a multi-7 figure business owner in 2021 and very possibly even a billionaire in the future if I have already achieved this by the age of 33.

And what happened in 2021?

• The dream home with 3 acres of land

• The proposal

• The baby when I was 34

• The multi-7 figure business

• Sold my first £33k packages! (Crazy!)

• Directly impacting thousands of my own clients

• Impacting millions through the ripple effect of my work and training other therapists in my methods.

• My business is now 90% powerful passive/ semi passive income because I have alchemised a way to get results as powerful as 1:1 through my group experiences.

Then 2022:

• the wedding on the beach happened on Richard Branson's island - in the most unexpected way you could ever imagine! Under the full moon on the Mayan day of love... seriously you cannot make this up. Blake wasn't even meant to be there with me! (See picture below).

• another multi 7 figure year

• a 500k MONTH (wtf?!)

And want to know the craziest thing?

I did all of this without a plan.

Without a business coach.

Without any investments or loans.

Without any idea HOW the hell it was going to happen.

What did I do?

I worked on me - healing my heart and my Success Saboteurs.

Combined with the very same manifesting magic in my Your Quantum Year instant access self study course you can buy for just £88 for a few more hours!

And things have kept going up and up ever since!

This is your last chance to grab my INSTANT ACCESS “Your Quantum Year” ™ experience for £88 at the flash sale price!

Previous clients have had INSTANT results like:

• “I listened to the Midas recording a couple of days ago and earned £2230 within 24 hours, just like that. These new clients never heard of my work before this week.”

• ”I was stuck on a bunch of stuff mentally and hadn’t made any sales in TWO months! After doing this program, I confidently made sales and brought in $3500.”

• ”The month I did this course, I lived a life of luxury (all expenses paid) and made good money.”

• ”That moment you’ve made $25k in one week....”

• ”After listen to the first recording I gained 2 new clients”

• ”Within a week of completing the course I had opportunities flying at me from work to personal goals. I feel much more aligned to my true purpose and no longer held back by fear.”

• ”I did the vision board with my daughter and half of her visions have manifested too.”

For the next few hours you can get instant access this incredible magical self study course for just £88.

After that it goes up to £111 for the next 24 hours and £222 after that.

It takes you through the exact Manifesting and Visioning process I do at the end of every year (and mid year) to create quantum shifts that lead to another Quantum Year™ far beyond my wildest dreams so you can experience this magic too! No secrets - I will give you everything. Your success is my success. I truly believe we all rise together.

I will even include a sensational 10X Quantum Leap & Midas Touch Activation™ so that you manifest your 10 x vision rapidly and every idea you have you have no doubt you can turn it into gold.

The powerful content is broken down into bitesize chunks so you can implement them daily (reducing overwhelm). But don’t worry, you’ll get lifetime access to the materials and activations to use over and over to quantum leap your own manifestations in your life and business whenever you need to.

It is £88 FOR A FEW MORE HOURS ONLY (link in comments)

So what do you say? Want to manifest Your Quantum Year™ with me?

BUT WAIT - theres a twist!

Option 2: can also certify and lisence my Your Quantum Year™ process and have all of the materials and rights to sell this course on as your own too! Yes, you get all of the branding, workshop slides, marketing and manifesting processes done for you, ready to deliver the course and use the techniques as your own with your own clients. Imagine having a powerful tried-and-tested visioning and manifesting process that you can deliver in 1:1 or group format to accelerate your clients results (and your own!)?

Normally £2222 but £888 for lionsgate (4 more hours only)

(link in comments)


Another two incredible women have joined the HeartHealing certification - the only foundational degree in healing hearts! ✨ when women heal, we heal the world.


Manifest with me.

Today, 8th of the 8th - the peak of the lions gate portal. If you don’t already know, the Lions Gate Portal is a really potent time for manifestation and often called the “galactic new year” as it’s considered by many as the marker of a new year for resolutions and goal setting. Within this portal, the veil between the physical and spiritual realms is much thinner and we have the opportunity to access a higher level of consciousness and accelerate our quantum leaps.

This last year has truly been a quantum year for me so far- another 7 figure+ year, a global bestselling book, starring in a huge film with Joe Vitale that will be seen by millions, big quantum leaps in the power of my work and gifts...

And every big leap I have had has always been a co-creation with the Universe.

So I thought why not Flash Sale my mind blowing “Your Quantum Year “ experience - the one that has got me to where I am today.

The very same process that has helped me 10x my business, 10x my launches, 10x my life and manifest the most incredible things into my life.

Today would be a powerful portal to begin this work.

I revisit this same process every year, and will be repeating it again myself today when the kids are in bed, that allows me to manifest quantum leaps in my life and business.

THIS powerful manifesting process has seen huge leaps for my clients and I want that for you too.

If you want part of the action, I am offering my “'Your Quantum Year™' course for a never-seen-before price of £88 for 24 HOURS only to honor Lionsgate. It is instant access, self study to complete in your own time.

When you could collapse timelines like crazy to all those things that have sat on your vision board unachieved for years (including money)?, it’s a no brainer really as it will pay for itself a thousand times over. So what do you say? Want to compound Lionsgate portal the BEST way you possibly can, for yourself and your lift?

It takes you through the exact Manifesting and Visioning process I do at every year to create quantum shifts that lead to another Quantum Year™ far beyond my wildest dreams so you can experience this magic too! No secrets - I will give you everything. Your success is my success. I truly believe we all rise together.

I will even include a sensational 10X Quantum Leap & Midas Touch Activation™ so that you manifest your 10 x vision rapidly and every idea you have you have no doubt you can turn it into gold.

The powerful content is broken down into bitesize chunks so you can implement them daily (reducing overwhelm). But don’t worry, you’ll get lifetime access to the materials and activations to use over and over to quantum leap your own manifestations in your life and business whenever you need to.

💫It is £88 for 24 HOURS ONLY (normally £222)💫

OR you can certify and purchase my done-for-you Your Quantum Year course that you can sell to your own clients! Get all of the materials and rights to sell this course on as your own too! Yes, you get all of the branding, workshop slides, marketing and manifesting processes done for you, ready to deliver the course and use the techniques as your own with your own clients. Imagine having a powerful tried-and-tested visioning and manifesting process that you can deliver in 1:1 or group format to accelerate your clients results (and your own!)?

💫certify and done for you course - £888 for 24 hours only (normally £2222)💫

So what do you say? Want to manifest Your Quantum Year™ with me?

More info in the comments 💫🤯


Remember this from 4 years ago?

August 2020 I crossed the total 1 million in all of my 6 years in business. (I only just realised this was lionsgate!!).

That same year became my first million dollar year by the end of it.

2021 became my first multi-million dollar year.

And I’ve continued to make millions ever since.

I had joked to Blake I wanted balloons after seeing someone else do it for their partner and genuinely didn’t expect him to get them 😂

Me and jenson had a little child friendly celebration party. Sweets, cake and apple juice 😍

He told me he was going to be a billionaire 😂

Look how young he looks bless him.

A very specific manifesting process alongside all of the healing of my Success Saboteurs and Receiving Wounds was key to collapsing time around these huge leaps in success.

It’s incredible how fast time can collapse around a goal once you have the evidence it’s possible.


🤯One decision really can change your life🤯

A woman inboxed me asking if I could help her get unstuck.

She didn’t have the available funds to work with me 1:1 at the time. So I recommended a book to her called Profit First (my own book wasn’t out at the time!) and she did my lowest priced 6 week course available.

Within 3 months she had the money to invest with me 1:1 as her business had grown to consistent 20k+ months. 🤯

Her results and deep level of healing were lifechanging and profound.

Within 4 more months she had her first 40k WEEK. 🤯

YES - she went from not affording to be able to work with me to 40k WEEKS within 7 months.

A month later she bought her dream home.

She has more money in her bank than she’s ever had.

She continued working with me in my Ultimate Uplevel Academy as she knows how powerful my work is and the compound effect of doing the deep inner healing.

More transformations happened - huge financial overflow, shedded lots of excess weight, stopped drinking alcohol, new car, biggest ever financial months and so much more. She told me how much she loved life and everything in it.

Imagine if she had just decided to walk away that time she couldn’t afford to work with me 1:1? To ‘wait another 6 months’?

That one decision changed her life.

And I’m honoured she chose me to be a part of her journey, again and again.

The compound effect can’t happen if you walk away.

Starting small is better than not starting at all.


How Victoria is impacting the world with HeartHealing™ in her own way 🔥

Meet Dr. Victoria Ang-Nolasco, HeartHealing Practitioner, Leadership Coach and Author. Based in the Philippines, Victoria has been a trail-blazer in her country, even delivering a HeartHealing™ taster session at her University to over 100 psychologists in training.

‘There was hardly a dry eye in the audience’, Victoria told us ‘I could see that they all felt recognised and empowered, with many personally expressing their gratitude.’

Victoria has truly embodied the spirit of courage and trail-blazing within her profession, her country, and in her therapeutic practice, and is now guiding clients towards profound healing and transformation with an outstanding commitment to her mission.

Her dedication has led to beautiful results, helping clients to heal wounded family relationships and even witnessing improvements in her clients' physical conditions too.

Victoria says:

‘I love how HeartHealing™ combines both scientific and spiritual principles, and how this is an academically recognized modality (being a UK Level 4 equivalent certification). Evidence based is important to me, and I have research on the effects of hypnotherapy as well as other modalities that go into HeartHealing®, and even how it can influence epigenetics and heal intergenerational trauma…’

Victoria has consistently pushed through her own doubts, sharing with us that she’s now running a business that she loves and is truly passionate about.

‘When we heal ourselves, not only does it help us, but we also create a ripple effect on our family, kids, and community…’

What an incredible impact she is making!

Want to join the HeartHealing™ Revolution and get deeper, faster, safer results for yourself and your clients? DM HEARTHEALER for more info.


If you are a coach, therapist or healer you have a DUTY to work on healing your wounds.

There’s so much wisdom in the healing of our wounds that unlocks the unique gifts we were meant to bring to the world.

You get better results.

Your clients get better results.

Your children are positively impacted.

This self mastery is missing for so many, and is actually one of the biggest contributors to business success.

Heal yourself, heal the world.



So many women are making sales hard.

I'm here to show you it gets to be easier.

When everyone is saying 'sales have changed'

- I am over here making hundreds of thousands of dollars in the last couple months alone repurposing what has always worked.

Yep, that’s how we do it in my world

This year, I've been on multiple overseas holidays and work trips and even had surgery, and yet the sales are still coming in.

I haven’t been writing as much new content for my marketing.

Because I’ve already done the groundwork.
I know what works.

There has been some new sales content peppered in too of course, but genuinely most of what you’ve seen this year has been repurposed.

You don’t always have to reinvent the wheel in business.

Just one of the many ways of doing things differently that I utilise to make sales easy in my business.

I truly embody being a Rebel Sales Queen and I’m ready to unlock this in others too.

Do you:

* Feel scared to break away from the sales rules that got you here?

* Feel burned out and stressed by your current way of selling?

* Dislike the standard masculine approach to selling that dominates the industry?

* Feel huge resistance to selling every day in case you come across ‘too salesy’?

* Want to SELL WITH EASE in a way that doesn’t even look like you are selling and brings waaay more money into your business so you are the one celebrating your 6 or 7 figure success online?

Like lots of the women I work with, you’ve probably realised that the ‘rules’ that got you here aren’t going to take you to the next level of sales and impact you dream of.

You want the next milestone in sales, because you know this is the result of your service. And you are here to impact the world - in a BIG way!

But you want to do it in a way that feels soul-aligned, not soul-sucking.

You need Rebel Sales Queen.

It's normally £2222 and I am actually selling it for $555 for 48 hours. There are 8 hours left. I know.

Ready to become a Rebel Sales Queen? Instant access. Self study. Great if you love immediate gratification, like me.

DM me REBEL for the info 😉

Want your school to be the top-listed School/college?

Videos (show all)

At the School of Healing Mastery we’re setting a new standard for the healing industry by taking coaches, healers and th...
Introducing the first male Hearthealer - Aaron Swartz.We're incredibly proud of Aaron for going through the HeartHealing...
Juliette increased her revenue 50% and skyrocketed her client results business in just 3 monthsMeet the amazing, Juliett...
30 years as a practitioner of one sort or another and now finally owning it 🔥Meet Shan Withnell, who shared incredible f...
The HeartHealing™ certification is accredited by the Accredited Counselors, Coaches, Psychotherapist, and Hypnotherapist...
I cried watching this video!Exactly 1 year ago we had the amazing news that our HeartHealing Certification was assessed ...
Hear what Nikie had to say on our recent HeartHealing Level 2 Graduation call about the Certification and how gobsmacked...
Sold out, fully booked and now working on passive income streams ✨🔥Our most recent Level 2 HeartHealing Practitioner, Ju...
We are so proud of our recent Level 2 HeartHealing Practitioner graduate, Emma Kirkham who had 85 sign up's to a HeartHe...
We would love to introduce you to Christy Bartelt, a Inner Work Mentor. Christy recently attended our Practitioners Retr...
Why Primary School Teacher Carly Began Her Spiritual Journey to Being the First HeartHealing Practitioner in Northern Ir...
Anusha has trained in many other modalities including functional medicine but she always felt like something was missing...