HEIDI Project

HEIDI Project

HEIDI Erasmus+ Project - Digital Actions at HEIs as a catalyst for social change in the COVID-19 cri

Google Forms: Sign-in 22/05/2023

Would you like to come to our HEIDI Final Event?

Even better, would you like to speak at our Final Event?

On 30th and 31st May, our partner UCL Extreme Citizen Science will run two exciting 2-hour sessions. These will feature: four amazing keynote speakers on the subjects of citizen science, makeathons and hackathons; some stories from the HEIDI Project; discussion on how Higher Education Institutions can support Digital Action; some short guest presentations from people involved in Digital Action; and some fun activities such as a quiz.

You can register for either or both days at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/ucl-heidi-final-event-tickets-630985423387

And if you're interested in registering as a speaker, please fill out this form - it would be a five minute talk, with 1-2 slides if you like: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeeHiOwlrquF9XUrrMNcOEbRgh2lVz4N4rtPG1A6HVc92LEYw/viewform

Google Forms: Sign-in Access Google Forms with a personal Google account or Google Workspace account (for business use).

Digital Services at HEIs to Support Digital Action for Social Change – A HEIDI short film 11/05/2023

We hope you enjoy our short video of various ways you can find support for Digital Action at University College London! https://uclexcites.blog/2023/05/11/digital-services-at-heis-to-support-digital-action-for-social-change-a-heidi-short-film/ Do you want to run an event involving citizen science, makeathons or hackathons? You might find what you're looking for here ...

Digital Services at HEIs to Support Digital Action for Social Change – A HEIDI short film By Hannah Gibbs. As the HEIDI project comes to an end, we at UCL and our partners Citizens in Power in Cyprus, Université Paris Cité in France, Web2Learn in Greece and L-Università ta’Malta i…


Are you looking for a job in citizen science?

ECSA is now an influential association that supports and advocates for public participation in science in the growing field of . Our projects and activities are growing along with our team in Berlin and our collaborators all over Europe.
Join us and help us to make science accessible and valuable for everyone.
Apply by February 28. All info here: https://www.ecsa.ngo/2023/02/10/job-offer-operations-manager/

HEIDI Webinar: Scientific Outreach, Citizen Science: Marginalised & Indigenous Communities 25/01/2023

Last December, our London partner UCL Extreme Citizen Science ran a webinar on a topic close to its heart: reaching marginalised and indigenous communities.

We had two guest speakers: Rafael Chiaravalloti, who works in UCL Anthropology and gave a brilliant talk about the Pantanal wetlands in Brazil, a vast nature reserve where local people had been forcibly displaced, and Eugenia Covernton of Learning Planet Institute who is CEO of Lecturers without borders, which sends scientists to give talks in schools all over the world.

They both spoke about the inequalities they had encountered, what they and the people affected did about them and the challenges they encountered. Their talks were fascinating, so we wrote them up in detail and you can read about them here:

HEIDI Webinar: Scientific Outreach, Citizen Science: Marginalised & Indigenous Communities One of the final HEIDI Project events was to organise one more webinar on a subject close to UCL ExCiteS’s heart: reaching those underrepresented in science and citizen science. It is often h…

Home LearningPlanet Festival 13/01/2023

Home LearningPlanet Festival At the intersection of education, culture, science, as well as social and environmental impact, the 4th edition of the Festival will engage in new learning


𝗜𝗠𝗣𝗘𝗧𝗨𝗦 𝟭𝘀𝘁 𝗢𝗽𝗲𝗻 𝗖𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗶𝗮𝗹 𝘀𝘂𝗽𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁 𝘁𝗼 #𝗰𝗶𝘁𝗶𝘇𝗲𝗻𝘀𝗰𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗶𝗻𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗮𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲𝘀 𝗼𝗽𝗲𝗻𝘀 𝘁𝗼𝗱𝗮𝘆.

Here comes a special treat as a pre-announcement! IMPETUS will launch its 1st OPEN CALL on 10 January at 12:00 CET. The call will look for citizen science initiatives to provide them with financial, mentoring and training support. The kickstarting grant will give €20,000 to new projects and €10,000 to ongoing ones. Impetus4cs is also looking for outstanding citizen science projects and will award three prizes plus honorary mentions.

All relevant information will be available on www.impetus4cs.eu/opencall on 10 January at 12:00 CET.

Key Take-Aways from our “Ethics in Digital Action” Webinar 16/12/2022

A key component of the HEIDI Project is how societies cope with crises and change. On 29th November we held a panel on the impact of the Covid-19 crisis on research methodologies and ethics. When researchers work with people and communities, some of whom may be vulnerable or not familiar with digital tools, how do both the researchers and the people they work with cope when everything suddenly has to go online? What lessons can be learned? We held a panel of seven experts, including an ethics specialist.

Artemis Skarlatidou writes up her reflections on the fascinating stories and views we heard. If you'd like to catch up, we've provided links to our YouTube video of the panel and our live-tweets if you prefer reading.

Key Take-Aways from our “Ethics in Digital Action” Webinar Dr Artemis Skarlatidou reflects on one of the HEIDI Project’s recent events: As an important matter of concern for public trust and since digital technologies are now entering previously inac…


We have two events today we are excited to share with you! Bringing together those of us interested in how citizens, community groups, voluntary organisations and staff and students at Higher Education Institutions use and benefit from Digital Action.

Join us today at 4:30pm for our discussion (link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/479434400197)

and at 5:30pm for our co-creation event (link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/460051405137) (UK time) ​​​​.

If you have experience, criticism of, or just an interest in this form of citizen science see you there!

Citizens, community groups and Digital Action: what do communities need?

Join others interested in what communities and community groups need for Digital Action, and map skills, challenges, and solutions. We look forward to seeing you there.

Higher Education and voluntary groups co-creation event 12/12/2022

It's been a busy December and we hope you've enjoyed our events this autumn. We've got two more to go in London before the end of the year ...

Both are on Thursday 15th December

16:30 GMT: Community Groups Roundtable: What do community groups need for Digital Action? https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/citizens-community-groups-and-digital-action-what-do-communities-need-tickets-479434400197

17:30 GMT: Higher Education and Community Groups Co-Creation Event https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/higher-education-and-voluntary-groups-co-creation-event-tickets-460051405137

You're welcome to attend either one or both of these. You can attend online or in person - though there are limited in-person places! Both will be run by Hannah Gibbs, our brilliant PhD student who studies citizen science and archaeology at UCL.

Higher Education and voluntary groups co-creation event Join people from and interested in Higher Education and the voluntary sector to co-create methods to support Digital Action projects


We invite researchers, students and anyone with an interest in citizen science, hackathons or makeathons to join our webinar on Higher Education Institution Ethics for Digital Action during Covid-19.

We will discuss ethics for Digital Action, and through the lenses of various different Digital Action projects, we will analyse how the pandemic and its restrictions influenced project design and implementation, what the ethical implications were and what we have learned and how we will apply this in the future.

Scan the QR code on the flyer or register here on Eventbrite https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/hei-ethics-for-digital-action-during-covid-19-tickets-467606532727 for Tuesday 29th November, 4:30pm GMT. Free and no prior knowledge or experience required! Please feel free to share among your networks and we hope to see you there.

EURAXESS UK November Newsletter 16/11/2022

Thanks Euraxess for highlighting our roundtable tomorrow! We'd love to see you or any readers there.

EURAXESS UK November Newsletter Special event announcement - join us on 8 December 2022 for EURAXESS UK webinar: Public Engagement in Science and International Connections

Photos from Dawra Madwarna. Connecting People - Connecting Places's post 08/11/2022

An amazing initiative for public engagement! Learn more about Walking Malta on our newsletter… which you can subscribe to here: https://heidiproject.eu/about


Join if you can! This should be very interesting!

⚠️Webinar alert⚠️

Calling all our schools and students!

Do you know what a digital action is? Or how digital actions can relate to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)? Or how the SDGs can be relevant to issues like the Covid-19 pandemic? In this webinar, we will explore all of these questions and more.

Join us online: bit.ly/3T8kkO4

HEIDI Project Réseau des clubs scientifiques du Sénégal


Upcoming webinar (tomorrow!) organised by the UP team in collaboration with international and locar NGOs!

⚠️Webinar alert⚠️

Calling all our schools and students!

Do you know what a digital action is? Or how digital actions can relate to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)? Or how the SDGs can be relevant to issues like the Covid-19 pandemic? In this webinar, we will explore all of these questions and more.

Join us online: bit.ly/3T8kkO4

HEIDI Project Réseau des clubs scientifiques du Sénégal

Digital-Proofing Society to Face Future Crises – Think Magazine 04/11/2022

A fantastic interview with our University of Malta team - Heather, Maria and Wendy https://thinkmagazine.mt/digital-proofing-society-to-face-future-crises/

THINK magazine reflects on how glad many of us are to leave memories of the early pandemic behind, how we struggled with switching everything to Zoom in the beginning - but how our project is looking at the digital lessons that can be learned from this, because humanity will face more crises and it will be great to be equipped for them by building digital skills, not just of university staff but of everybody, not least community groups providing assistance or trying to improve some situation.

An interesting quote from Maria: "The COVID-19 pandemic effectively closed us up as a society and pushed a lot of our lives online, practically overnight. It essentially turned everyone into digital activists, as we all had to engage with technology in some form or another, whether we were skilled at it or not. This project is essentially helping us to look at the impact that this shift has had on our society, and to try to understand how these newly acquired skills can be used in the future."

And a valuable point from Heather: "... There needs to be better digital literacy for projects and research in digital action to produce better results. A way of doing this is to address digital equality. If a person does not have the skills or finance to access digital tools, they are marginalised, and that can lead to exclusion from the micro and macro communities."

Digital-Proofing Society to Face Future Crises – Think Magazine The importance of digital literacy has been undisputed for some time now, but the recent pandemic brought this into centre stage on a global level. As more of us shifted to the digital world, inequalities and gaps in our overall knowledge and preparedness were made starkly evident. An Erasmus projec...

Student Roundtable: Shaping Digital Action 18/10/2022

Thank you to all the students who joined our Digital Action roundtable at the end of September. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!

Student Roundtable: Shaping Digital Action On Friday 30th September, Hannah and Alice ran a roundtable for the HEIDI Project’s Intellectual Output 4, which is about “Developing digital skills of HE students and staff with regard to responsi…

Roundtable: HEI Staff requirements and challenges for Digital Action 17/10/2022

Are you a staff member at a Higher Education Institution? You don't have to be a lecturer or researcher - we are happy to hear from all university and college staff members.

On 9th November we will be holding a roundtable for HEI Staff to hear about requirements and challenges for Digital Action. For example, have you been interested in setting up a hackathon, or participating in a citizen science project - perhaps for a student's research, or your own interest? Was it easy, or were there barriers? Is your HEI supportive of such endeavours, and how can HEIs provide more support to participants and organisers? Please come along at 4pm BST to talk with each other and HEIDI researchers:

Roundtable: HEI Staff requirements and challenges for Digital Action Higher Education Institution Staff Roundtable Event: “Understanding HEI requirements and challenges for Digital Action”

Age-related mobile digital divide in citizen science: the CSMON-LIFE experience 30/09/2022

Right out of the experience of the 6-year Csmon-Life Project, a paper has been released about "Age-related mobile digital divide in citizen science: the CSMON-LIFE experience". Check it out here:

Age-related mobile digital divide in citizen science: the CSMON-LIFE experience Author(s): Martellos, Stefano; Seggi, Linda; Conti, Matteo | Abstract: The amount of available Citizen Science data has increased significantly in the last two decades and has been used in several biogeographic studies as well. Citizen Science data are mostly collected through digital platforms, and...

Student Roundtable: Shaping Digital Action 28/09/2022

We're very excited that so many students have got tickets to our roundtable on Friday: "Shaping Digital Action" https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/student-roundtable-shaping-digital-action-tickets-415620400807 Whether you're looking to get some ideas for your research, to bring your work out into communities or just to meet some like-minded people, we think you'll find it interesting. Very soon we'll be sending out details of where to meet on campus if you're going to do so - and how to join on Zoom if you're not. But there's still plenty of time to get tickets. We look forward to seeing you there!

Friday 30th September, 16:00 - 17:30 BST, either on the UCL Campus or Zoom. An address will be sent to you by e-mail. We have booked the room for some extra time in case you'd like to chat with each other afterwards.

Student Roundtable: Shaping Digital Action Join students across the UK, France, Malta and Cyprus for ‘Shaping Digital Action’: mapping skills, identifying gaps and digital solutions


A Citizen Science Τoolkit for deaf and hard-of-hearing adults is to be released in the coming months. Web2Learn, in cooperation with partners of the CitSci4All consortium, will soon finalize the open access toolkit! Stay tuned!

Achieving a Green and Just Transition with Citizen Science: The case of air quality ONLINE - 12WS22249 26/09/2022

CitiMeasure and Sociobee are organising an online workshop on "Achieving a Green and Just Transition with Citizen Science: The case of air quality", on the 12nd of October, at 4:30 CEST.
Find out more here: https://eu.app.swapcard.com/event/euregionsweek-2022/planning/UGxhbm5pbmdfOTYwNjYy

Achieving a Green and Just Transition with Citizen Science: The case of air quality ONLINE - 12WS22249 As cities prepare local Green Deals to achieve net-zero emissions, it's important to focus on the different co-benefits this transition could bring. These include health gains and climate justice for people who disproportionately suffer from issues such as air pollution. At this interactive workshop...


The European Citizen Science Association Conference is just a few weeks away! Don't forget to check its programme. More info here:https://ecsa.citizen-science.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/ECSA2022_Preliminary_Conference_Programme_20220812.pdf


Informal Education (MOOC) – csi-cop 16/09/2022

The CSI-COP project has launched its informal online course on "Your Right to Privacy Online" in 13 languages! Check it out here: https://csi-cop.eu/informal-education-mooc/

Informal Education (MOOC) – csi-cop CSI-COP’s free, online informal education course on ‘Your Right to Privacy Online‘. Available in these languages: Catalan, Czech, English (updated May 2022, please see below), Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian (updated version), Italian, Romanian (updated version), Polish and S...

Home - SPOTTERON Citizen Science 14/09/2022

Check SPOTTERON's new set of tools that allow citizens to confirm their contributions, while Data check-in options are available for experts. Find out more here: https://www.spotteron.net/

Home - SPOTTERON Citizen Science We make Citizen Science Apps work! SPOTTERON is a fully customizable solution for your Citizen Science, environment protection and volunteer monitoring projects with social features and community building at its core.

CAMALIOT 12/09/2022

Would you like to collect satelite data to advance scientific research in weather forecasting? Then, you should participate in Camaliot's new campaign! Find out how here: https://www.camaliot.org/

CAMALIOT CAMALIOT is a project funded by the European Space Agency (ESA) NAVISP Element 1, which aims to develop innovative concepts, techniques, technologies, and systems related to the PNT sector along the entire value chain. This Project is led by ETH Zurich in collaboration with the team at ESA. The Inte...

Citizen Science: Scope, Methodology, Tools and Practices 09/09/2022

Citizen science has an absolutely enormous range of potential activities, topic areas, and levels of focus. If you're thinking of getting involved or starting a project, or if you'd just like to learn more about the subject, this 30 minute webinar on Wednesday at 4pm BST with Alice Sheppard at UCL ExCiteS might be just the thing for you!


Citizen Science: Scope, Methodology, Tools and Practices Would you like to learn more about Citizen Science? This short talk will introduce you to some of its enormous range and variety.

Welcome! You are invited to join a meeting: Gamers for Science: Gamification in Citizen Science. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the meeting. 09/09/2022

Interested in learning more about gamification in citizen science? Then, register for the European Citizen Science Association 's webinar on this topic to be held in September 14, at 16:00 CEST.
Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIkcO2srTouEtIm7llGZP9cMp7REXL-IqnB

Welcome! You are invited to join a meeting: Gamers for Science: Gamification in Citizen Science. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the meeting. Citizen science, i.e. the crowdsourcing of scientific research and the involvement of the public in the scientific process reigns supreme in science engagement and provides invaluable help for researchers. Unfortunately, it often struggles with attracting participants. Our innovation was the integra...

Open Science Communication 2022 – Међународна сарадња 07/09/2022

The Open Science Communication Conference (OpenSciComm 2022) will take place in Belgrade in November 24/25. You can still submit your proposal to the Conference by September 10!
Check the announcement here: https://int.cpn.edu.rs/en/open-science-communication-2022/

Open Science Communication 2022 – Међународна сарадња Open Science Communication Conference – OpenSciComm 2022November 24/25, 2022Yugoslav Film ArchiveBelgrade, SerbiaWorking language: English CALL FOR PROPOSALS In a knowledge-based society, citizens are able to make decisions based on the reliable and relevant information delivered by science. Open ...


The European Citizen Science Association has created a profile on flickr where photos of projects are being showcased! Check it out here 194835111@N03/albums" rel="ugc" target="_blank">https://www.flickr.com/photos/194835111@N03/albums
To contribute, get in contact with Simona Cerrato (ECSA communications and community manager, [email protected]).

ECSA’s albums | Flickr

Pilots 30/08/2022

The project has launched its new pilot projects that address challenges like , with citizens of diverse abilities, well-being, children’s and managing .

You can find out more on the pilots here: https://coeso.hypotheses.org/pilots

Pilots 10 Pilots to address the challenges of collaboration COESO’s “use cases” strive to update the practices of Citizen Science in the social sciences and humanities. Ten case studies reporting on specific challenges will feed the project: five of them began at the beginning of the project in Janu...

HEIDI Roundtable Event to discuss Digital Action 15/11/2021

There are still a few places left on the last of the UCL Extreme Citizen Science Roundtables tomorrow! It will be at 11am London time (12pm CET) and we are inviting a variety of people - decision-makers, research staff and anyone who works with a university as part of their job - about their experiences with Digital Action. This may be citizen science, hackathons, makeathons or some other aspect of digital action or activism we haven't thought of yet. Are you interested? We'd love to hear from you - please leave a comment here if you have a question, or purchase a free ticket from Eventbrite if you'd like to come along https://www.eventbrite.com/e/heidi-roundtable-event-to-discuss-digital-action-tickets-203105492997

HEIDI Roundtable Event to discuss Digital Action HEI staff roundtable discussion, to discuss Digital Action (citizen science, makeathons and hackathons)

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