Shakespeare Inside

Shakespeare Inside


Shakespeare Inside, through group study, offers an in-depth approach to his works that brings their

Operating as usual

Photos from Shakespeare Inside's post 26/09/2022

Villa Sant' Annina in aplenty in the midst of beautiful Puglian countryside and bookings for 2023 now open- can take up to 20 people .


Shakespeare Inside, through group study, offers an in-depth approach to his works that brings their spiritual dimension alive and shows the transformational power of sound, rhythm and wordplay to wake the soul, melt the heart and illuminate the mind.
See what is on offer at:


Shakespeare Inside through group study, offers an in-depth approach to his works that brings their spiritual dimension alive and shows the transformational power of sound, rhythm and word play to wake the soul, melt the heart and illuminate the mind.
Start your journey within with this free introductory audio file exploring the sonnets.
or visit the website:


Nice walk by the River Thames and a chance to talk about Shakespeare Inside and what's on offer. Yo can get hold of my Shakespeare booklet on Hamlet for nothing (bar postage) plus a large discount on my five week Zoom Macbeth course starting on Sunday July 5.

Shakespeare Study at Art in Action 2013 09/05/2020
Shakespeare Retreat in Italy 2019 09/05/2020

Hamlet - the play's the thing, to catch the conscience of the king.

Shakespeare Retreat in Italy 2018 09/05/2020

The Tempest - Prospero and company.

Shakespeare Retreat in Italy 2017 09/05/2020

Anthony and Cleopatra - passion and destruction.

Shakespeare Retreat in Italy 2016 09/05/2020

Measure for Measure in depth.

Shakespeare Day 2010 09/05/2020

Experimenting with The Tempest.

A Day with Shakespeare 2008 09/05/2020

Guest speaker, Cicely Berry OBE Voice Coach for the RSC. The Merchant of Venice under the microscope.

A Day with Shakespeare 2007 09/05/2020

Guest speaker, David Carey voice coach of RADA. Studying Richard II.

A Day with Shakespeare 2006 09/05/2020

Exploring Hamlet.

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Videos (show all)

Shakespeare Inside
Finding Shakespeare within you
Insights into Shakespeare
Shakespeare by the riverside