
We're the Utah State University section of American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA)


Our next Lunch and Learn is next Wednesday! We hope to see you all there.


Mark your calendars and invite your friends! We have another IH activity next Thursday.


Friends! We are having another club activity next week! Make sure to mark your calendars and invite your friends! This will be a great opportunity to meet John, Scott, Carl, and other students in the program. See you there!


Don't forget about our lunch and learn today! Come get some free food and free knowledge about Savage Services!


Hey friends, mark your calendars for our next lunch and learn. Food will be provided. Along with Critical Risk Management Kyle will talk a little about Savage’s open internship position. Invite your friends!

Photos from USU AIHA's post 03/10/2022

Our AIHA opening social was a success! Thanks to Carl for opening his home to us and to for providing a griddle for our street tacos. Invite your friends to follow us to hear about more activities like this!


Hey everyone! Mark your calendars. We will be having our AIHA opening social next Thursday (9/29) at Carl's Place. We hope to see you there!


It is time to vote for your 2022-2023 USU AIHA Presidency roles of:
▪Vice President

Watch your emails in the coming days for more election details and ballots.

Reach out to Carl Farley if you are interested in being involved in USU AIHA non-elected roles:
▪Content Manager
▪Fundraising Team
▪Other Committees/Teams

Photos from USU AIHA's post 01/05/2022

Thanks to everyone who made our closing social a success!

Good luck on the rest of finals and enjoy your summer! ☀️



- When: This Wednesday the 27th from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
- Where: Message us for the address!
- What: We will be having a BBQ, so please bring a side or salad

AS SOON AS YOU CAN, please fill out the Google Form in the bio so we can get a headcount and get food for you. Otherwise, there might not be enough food!


The time is almost here for our 2021-2022 AIHA Closing Social! Mark your calendars and stay tuned for more information!


❗️RCRA participants❗️
Your RCRA training certificates are now available outside Carl Farley’s office (BNR 131). Be sure to pick yours up - this certification looks great on resumes!


We need a headcount of all who are planning on attending by this FRIDAY AT NOON to order food: please fill out the survey in the bio!

More info below 👇

🌟 We will be holding RCRA training on March 22nd from 6:30-8:30 pm

This training involves how to manage hazardous waste, including its storage, handling, and disposal. This training will be useful if you plan on going into industrial hygiene or anything related to EHS! Everyone who completes the training will get a certificate which they can put on their resume.

We look forward to seeing you there!🌟


Thanks to everyone who attended our last Lunch & Learn (including those not pictured) with Dr. Charles Burtis!

Stay tuned for updates on an upcoming training and our closing social!

Photos from USU AIHA's post 16/02/2022

🩺 Our next Lunch & Learn will be with Dr. Charles Burtis (swipe right) who will be talking about how his degree in IH helped him in his medical career!

As usual, expect food! See you there 🥪


SPRING SOCIAL - Join us for food and games this Wednesday Jan. 26th in the IH lab! 🌟

Photos from USU AIHA's post 19/01/2022

We had Kyle Naylor (a former USU Industrial Hygiene student) come present on ESG for our November Lunch and Learn!
Thanks to all who came 🌟

Want your school to be the top-listed School/college?
