Rachel Gray Uni Studies Videos

Videos by Rachel Gray Uni Studies.

We are researchers at the University of Bradford, Division of Psychology and we are investigating time of day effects in diabetics and non-diabetics on cognitive tests.

If you are interested in taking part you will be asked some information about you, and about what food and/or drink you have had in the last three hours, along with a few short questions on your diabetes management (if applicable). You will then carry out some cognitive tests. The study should take approximately ten minutes and you will not need to give your name at any point.

Please only take part if:

(i) You are over 18

(ii) You do not have a clinical diagnosis of dementia

(iii) You do not have a clinical diagnosis of a cognitive impairment

(iv) You are fluent in English

Please note that part of the study does not work on all mobile phones, therefore you may wish to use a different device to complete the study.

Other Rachel Gray Uni Studies videos

We are researchers at the University of Bradford, Division of Psychology and we are investigating time of day effects in...