MCQs for ppsc exams May 2020

MCQs for ppsc exams May 2020

this page just for increase your knowledge

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پیج لائیک کریں پلیز


🥀 ❤


Ameen sum Ameen


آن لائن قرض کے نام پر فراڈ عام ۔۔۔۔۔ خود بھی بچیں اپنے پیاروں کو بھی بچائیں


Q. 1 The Islamic Development Bank is founded in
________ ?
A. 1970
B. 1971
C. 1973
D. 1981


*: اردو کے عظیم شعرا کرام*
*امیر خسرو 1253-1325*
میرا بائ 1488-1560
*قلی قطب شاہ 1565-1611*
ولی محمد ولی 1667-1707
*شاہ مبارک 1683-1733*
مرزا خان جاناں 1699-1781
*رفیع سودا 1713-1780*
خواجہ میر درد 1721-85
میر تقی میر 1723-1810
جرات بخش 1748-1810
نظیر اکبر آبادی 1740-1830
غلام حمدانی مصحفی 1750-1824
انشا خان انشا 1756-1817
بہادر شاہ ظفر 1775-1862
خواجہ حیدر آتش 1778-1846
ابراہیم ذوق 1789-1854
اسداللہ خان غالب 1797-1869
مومن خان مومن 1801-52
سلامت دبیر 1803-75
بابر انیس 1803-74
امیر مینائی 1828-1900
داغ دہلوی 1831-1905
الطاف حسین حالی 1837-1914
اکبر الٰہ آبادی 1846-1921
شبلی نعمانی 1857-1914
ظفر علی خان 1873-1956
حسرت موہانی 1875-1951
شاہ جہاں پوری 1875-1959
علامہ اقبال 1877-1938
فانی بدایونی 1879-1941
جگر مراد آبادی 1890-1960
جوش ملیح آبادی 1894-1982
فراق گورکھپوری 1896-1982
حفیظ جالندھری 1900-1982
اختر شیرانی 1905-48
ن م راشد 1910-1975
فیض احمد فیض 1911-1984
ریئس امروہوی 1914-88
احسان دانش 1914-82
مجید امجد 1914-74
احمد ندیم قاسمی 1916-2006
ضمیر جعفری 1916-1999
شکیل بدایونی 1916-70
آغا شورش کاشمیری 1917-75
شان الحق حقی 1917-2005
جگن ناتھ آزاد 1918-2004
قتیل شفائی 1919-2001
وزیر آغا 1922-2010
ناصر کاظمی 1925-72
ابن انشاء 1927-78
حبیب جالب 1928-93
دلاور فگار 1928-98
منیر نیازی 1928-2006
احمد فراز 1931-2006
جون ایلیا 1931-2003
شکیب جلالی 1932-66
محسن بھوپالی 1932-2007
انور مسعود 1935
محمود شام 1940
کشور ناہید 1940
افتخار عارف 1943
امجد اسلام امجد 1944
ن م دانش 1958
زاہدہ حنا 1962
ادریس آزاد 1969
شاعروں اور ادیبوں کے اصل نام

*قلمی نام............................ اصل نام*

آثم فردوسی میاں عبدلحمید
آرزو لکھنوی سید انور حسین
اختر شیرانی محمد داود خان
اختر کاشمیری محمد طفیل
اختر ہاشمی محمد جلیل
اختر وارثی عبدالعزیز
آئی آئی قاضی امداد امام علی قاضی
ابن انشاء شیر محمد خان
انشاء سید انشاءاللہ خان
اسلم راہی محمد اسلم ملک
افسر ماہ پوری ظہیر عالم صدیقی
تبسم کاشمیری ڈاکٹر محمد صالحین
انور سدید محمد انورالدین
انیس ناگی یعقوب علی
جاذب قریشی محمد صابر
پطرس بخاری سید احمد شاہ
تبسم رضوانی حبیب اللہ
تنویر بخاری فقیر محمد
ثاقب حزیں محمد غلام مصطفیٰ
ثمر جالندھری محمد شریف
جان کاشمیری محمد نصیر
بہزاد لکھنوی سردار حسن خان
جعفر بلوچ غلام بلوچ
جلیل قدوائی جلیل احمد
جمال پانی پتی گلزار احمد
جوش ملیح آبادی شبیر حسن
تابش دہلوی مسعودالحسن
حافظ امرتسری محمد شریف
حبیب جالب حبیب احمد
حفیظ جالندھری ابوالاثر حفیظ
خاطر غزنوی محمد ابراہیم بیگ
سہیل بخاری محمود نقوی
شاعر لکھنوی حسین پاشا
شکیب جلالی حسن رضوی
شوکت تھانوی محمد عمر
صبا اکبر آبادی محمد امیر
قتیل شفائی اورنگزیب
جمیل جالبی محمد جمیل خان
حافظ لدھیانوی محمد منظور حسین
رئیس امروہوی سعید محمد مہدی
حسن عسکری محمد حسن
ن م راشد نذر محمد
صہبا اختر اختر علی رحمت
قمر جلالوی محمد حسین
کوثر نیازی محمد حیات
محسن بھوپالی عبدالرحمٰن
محسن نقوی غلام عباس
محشر بدایونی فاروق احمد
نسیم حجازی محمد شریف
منو بھائی منیر احمد
ناسخ شیخ امام بخش
ذوق محمد ابراہیم
راسخ شیخ غلام علی
داغ نواب مرزا خان
دبیر مرزا سلامت علی
درد سید خواجہ میر
سرشار پنڈت رتن ناتھ
ساحر لدھیانوی عبدالحئ
سودا مرزا محمد رفیع
ماجد صدیقی عاشق حسین
ماہر القادری منظور حسین
مجنوں گورکھپوری احمد صدیق
مومن حکیم مومن خان
آتش خواجہ حیدر علی
آرزو محمد حسین
حسرت موہانی فضل الحسن
ابوالکلام آزاد محی الدین
اصغر گونڈوی اصغر حسین
افسوس میر شیر علی
فراق گورکھپوری رگھو پتی سہائے
فانی بدایونی شوکت علی
مصحفی غلام ہمدانی
میرا جی ثناءاللہ ڈار
حسن میر غلام حسن
میر محمد تقی
نظیر اکبرآبادی شیخ محمد ولی
نظم طباطبائی سید حیدر علی
ناصرکاظمی ناصر رضا کاظمی
مرزا غالب اسداللہ خان
نسیم پنڈت دیا شنکرم
یاس یگانہ چنگیزی مرزاواجد حسین
ولی دکنی شمس الدین محمدولی
محروم تلوک چند
امیر خسرو ابوالحسن یمین الدین
عمر خیام غیاث الدین ابوالفتح
اشرف صبوحی ولی اشرف
امانت لکھنوی سید اکبر حسین
امیر مینائی امیر احمد
انیس میر ببر علی
بےخود دہلوی سیدوحیدالدین
بےدل مرزا عبدلقادر
پریم چند دھیت رائے
تاباں غلام ربانی
جوش ملیسانی پنڈت لبھو رام
جرأت یحیٰ امان
جگر مرادآبادی علی سکندر
حالی مولاناالطاف حسین
چکبست پنڈت برج نارائن
امام غزالی ابوحامدمحمدبن غزالی
شیخ سعدی مصلح الدین
بلھے شاہ سید عبداللہ
سچل سرمست عبدالوہاب

Photos from Muhammad Sufyan Musaddiq's post 29/05/2020

Pakistan joined UNO on 30 September, 1947.
Pakistan joined ILO in 1947.
Pakistan joined FAO in 1947.
Pakistan joined UNESCO in 1949.
Pakistan joined World Bank in 1950.
Pakistan joined IMF in 1950.
Pakistan joined SEATO in 1954
Pakistan left SEATO in 1973.
Pakistan joined CENTO in 1955.
Pakistan left CENTO in 1979.
Pakistan joined OIC in 1969.
Pakistan joined NAM in 1979.
Pakistan joined SAARC in 1985
Pakistan joined WTO in 1995.
Pakistan joined SCO in 2017


شب رفتہ کس شاعر کا مجموعہ کلام ہے


تاریخ اردو ادب کا اردو میں ترجمہ کس نے کیا


تاریخ اردو ادب کس زبان میں لکھی گئی


زبور عجم کس کی کتاب ہے


حضرت موسی اور حضرت ہارون آپس میں بھائی تھے۔
صفی اللہ حضرت آدم عہ کا لقب ہے
علم فلکیات کی بنیاد حضرت ادریس عہ نے رکھی
حضرت ادریس عہ نے علم الحساب کا آغاز کیا
ہجرت مدینہ کے دوران حضرت محمد صہ نے قصوی نامی اونٹنی پر سفر کیا ۔


جنگ قادسیہ حضرت عمر رضہ کے دور میں لڑی گئی
پہلا دن یوم ارمات
دوسرا دن یوم اغ


حضرت ادریس نے 180 شہر بسائے تھے۔
دنیا کے دوسرے پیغمبر کا نام حضرت شیث عہ ہے۔
ابوالبشر حضرت آدم عہ کو کہا جاتا ہے۔
قابیل نے ہابیل کو قتل کیا یہ دونوں آدم عہ کے بیٹے تھے یہ دنیا میں پہلا قتل تھا ۔
قرآن پاک میں 26 انبیاء کا زکر ہے


قرآن مجید میں یوم بدر کو یوم فرقان کہا گیا ہے
۔ فتح مبین صلح حدیبیہ کو کہا جاتا ہے۔
ابوالعرب حضرت اسماعیل عہ کو کہا جاتا ہے۔ ام العرب حضرت حاجرہ عہ کو کہا جاتا ہے
ابوالانبیا اور جد الا نبیا حضرت ابراہیم کو کہا جاتا ہے۔


انگلینڈ کے دارالحکومت کا کیا نام ہے؟
جواب لندن

ویٹیکن سٹی کے دارالحکومت کا کیا نام ہے؟
جواب ویٹیکن سٹی

یوگنڈا کے دارالحکومت کا کیا نام ہے؟
جواب کمپالا

یوکرین کے دارالحکومت کا کیا نام ہے؟
جواب کیو

تاجکستان کے دارالحکومت کا کیا نام ہے؟

تھائی لینڈ کے دارالحکومت کا کیا نام ہے؟

سری لنکا کے دارالحکومت کا کیا نام ہے؟

سوڈان کے دارالحکومت کا کیا نام ہے؟

سوئزر لینڈ کے دارالحکومت کا کیا نام ہے؟

شام کے دارالحکومت کا کیا نام ہے؟

ساوتھ افریقہ کے دارالحکومت کا کیا نام ہے؟
کیپ ٹاؤن

ساوتھ کوریہ کے دارالحکومت کا کیا نام ہے؟

سنگاپور کے دارالحکومت کا کیا نام ہے؟

فلپائن کے دارالحکومت کا کیا نام ہے؟

ناروے کے دارالحکومت کا کیا نام ہے؟

مالدیپ کے دارالحکومت کا کیا نام ہے؟

آئرلینڈ کے دارالحکومت کا کیا نام ہے؟

اسرائیل کے دارالحکومت کا کیا نام ہے؟

عراق کے دارالحکومت کا کیا نام ہے؟

جرمنی کے دارالحکومت کا کیا نام ہے؟


Who was the first Governor of Gilgit Balitistan:
Qamar-u-Zaman Kaira from (sep 16, 2009 ---- March 22 2010)

After promulgation of ordinance Shamma Khalid was second and first women Governor of GB hold office from:-
*23 March 2010 --- 15 September 2010*

Current Governor of GB is______________:
Syed Jalal Hussain Maqpoon

The current Chief Minister is______
Hafiz Hafeezur Rehman


★ ★
Shared by Dr. Laraib

☞Number of bones - 206
☞Number of muscles - 639
☞Number of kidneys - 2
☞Number of milk teeth - 20
☞Number of ribs - 24 (12 pairs)
☞Number of chambers in the heart - 4
☞Largest artery - Aorta
☞Normal Blood pressure - 120 - 80
☞Ph of blood - 7.4
👉Largest cell .....Neuron
👉Smallest cell.....Sperm
☞Number of vertebrae in the spine - 33
☞Number of vertebrae in the Neck - 7
☞No of bones in middle Ear - 6
☞Number of bones in Face - 14
☞Number of bones in Skull - 22
☞Number of bones in Chest - 25
☞Number of bones in Arms - 6
☞Number of bones in each human middle ear
# 3
☞Number of muscles in the human arm - 72
☞Number of pumps in heart - 2
☞Largest organ - Skin
☞Largest gland - Liver
☞Smallest cell - Blood cell
☞Biggest cell - Egg cell (o**m)
☞Smallest bone - Stapes
☞First transplanted organ - Heart
☞Average length of small intestine - 7 m
☞Average length of large intestine - 1.5 m
☞Average weight of new born baby - 2.6 kg.
☞Pulse rate in one minute - 72 times
☞Body Temperature - 36.9o C (98.4o F)
☞Average blood volume - 4 - 5 liters
☞Average life of RBC - 120 days
☞Pregnancy period - 280 days
☞Number of bones in human foot - 33
☞Number of bones in each wrist - 8
☞Number of bones in hand - 27
☞Largest endocrine gland - Thyroid
☞Largest lymphatic organ - Spleen
☞Largest cell - Nerve cell
☞Largest part of brain - Cerebrum
☞Largest & strongest bone - Femur
☞Smallest muscle - Stapedius (Middle ear )
☞Number of chromosomes in human cell - 46 (23 pairs)
☞Number of bones in New born body - 300
☞Largest muscle - Buttock (Gluteus Maximus)


🌳The battle of Khandaq is also known?
🅰battle of Ahzab

🌳Conquest of Makkah was took place on?

🌳Battle in which prophet not participated is know as?

🌳Hazrat Hamza was the first commander of?

🌳In Uhd battle Muslim women participated?

🌳Battle of Mauta was the first?
🅰Non Arab War

🌳Old name of Makkah was?

🌳Old name of Medina was?

🌳Hazrat Bilal R.A was the first slave to?
🅰Revert to Islam

🌳Before Kabah, Prophet S.A.W used to pray towards?

🌳Wuzu k kitny faraiz hain?
🅰4 faraizhain

🌳Ghushal k kitny faraiz hain?
🅰3 faraizhain

🌳Israel was the laqab of?


*_دلچسپ معلومات_*

⬅️ سب سے کم شہر کون سا ہے؟
جواب: *آئین بوکک کی اسرائیلی آباد کاری*

⬅️ زیادہ تر امیگریشن ملک ہے.
جواب *USA*

⬅️ کس ملک میں سب سے زیادہ ٹیلیفون صارفین ہیں.
جواب *USA*

⬅️ قدرتی گیس کے سب سے بڑے ذخائر والا ملک؟
جواب *روس*

⬅️ دنیا میں سب سے زیادہ بولی جانے والی زبان کیا ہے.
جواب *چینی*

⬅️ زرمبادلہ کے سب سے بڑے ذخائر والا ملک؟
جواب *جاپان*

⬅️ دنیا کا سب سے بڑا آٹوموبائل مینوفیکچرنگ سینٹر میں ہے؟
جواب *ڈیٹرائٹ*

⬅️ دنیا کا سب سے بڑا پوسٹل نیٹ ورک ہے؟
جواب *ہندوستان*

⬅️ پہلی ریلوے لائن بچھائی گئی تھی؟
جواب *انگلینڈ*

⬅️ دنیا میں سب سے بڑی انسان سے تیار کردہ نہر ہے؟
جواب *پاناما نہر*

⬅️ دنیا کی سب سے طویل آپٹیکل فائبر کیبل کے درمیان اترا ہے؟
جواب *لندن اور نیو یارک*

⬅️ پہلا آٹوموبائل کس نے تیار کیا؟
جواب *ہنری فورڈ*

⬅️ سب سے کم ٹیکس والی دنیا کی سب سے آزاد معیشت؟
جواب *ہانگ کانگ*

⬅️ دنیا کا سب سے بڑا جوہری بجلی گھر واقع ہے؟
جواب *کینیڈا*

⬅️ دنیا کا سب سے بڑا یورینیم تیار کنندہ کون ہے؟
جواب *کینیڈا*

⬅️ دنیا کا سب سے بڑا کاغذ
پروڈیوسر کون ہے؟
جواب *USA*

⬅️ جنوبی ایشیاء میں سب سے کم فی کس آمدنی کس ملک کی ہے؟
جواب *نیپال*

⬅️ تمباکو کی تمام اقسام کی فروخت پر پابندی عائد کرنے والا پہلا ملک؟
جواب *سنگاپور*

⬅️ دنیا کی سب سے بڑی مصنوعی جھیل امریکہ کے شہر ایریزونا میں ہے؟
جواب *جھیل میڈ*

⬅️ امریکہ میں پہلے مسلمان عورت جج؟
جواب *چارلن میکلیڈ*


3️⃣ *Collective Noun;*

_A Collective Noun Is A Name Of A Persons Or Things Taken Together And Spoken Of As One Whole._

اسم جمع ان اشخاص یا اشیاء کا نام ہے جو اکٹھی لی جاتی ہیں یا ایک مکمل طور پر بولی جاتی ہیں...

*👉🏻Such As;*

_Crowd, Mob, Family, Nation, Cattle, Police, Committee, Team, Flock, Army, Jury etc._


➡️ *Cattle* _Are Grazing In The Field._
➡️ _Pakistani_ *Police* _Is Very Intelligent._
➡️ _There Is A_ *Bale Of Cotton.*

__An Army Of SoldiersBees._
_A Bunch Of Flowers._
_A Bundle Of Sticks._
_A Choir Of Singers._
_A Class Of Students._
_A Galaxy Of Stars._
_A Century Of Years._
_A Jury Of Judges._
_A Pile Of Books._
_A Library Of Books._
_A Crew Of Sailors._
_A Set Of Tool._
_A Collection Of Coins,_ _Pictures, Stamps._


CIA intelligence agency of USA was established in
A. 1943
B. 1944
C. 1946
D. 1947
*Answer is = D*
AMAN is the secret agency of?
A. Israel
B. Canada
C. Italy
*Answer is = A*
CIA is the secret agency of?
A. Israel
B. Canada
C. Italy
*Answer is = D*
MI 6 is the secret agency of?
B. Canada
C. Italy
*Answer is = A*
MOSSAD is the secret agency of?
A. Israel
B. Canada
C. Italy
*Answer is = A*
RAW is the secret agency of?
A. Israel
B. Canada
C. India
*Answer is = C*
KGB is the secret agency of?
A. Israel
B. Canada
C. Italy
D. Russia
*Answer is = D*
MI 5 is the secret agency of?
A. Israel
C. Italy
*Answer is = B*
SCOTLAND YARD is the secret agency of?
A. Israel
B. Canada
C. Italy
*Answer is = D*
MUST is the secret agency of?
A. Israel
B. Canada
C. Italy
D. Sweden
*Answer is = D*
MIT is the secret agency of?
A. Israel
B. Canada
C. Turkey
*Answer is = C*
DST is the secret agency of?
A. Israel
B. Canada
C. Morocco
*Answer is = C*
KHAD is the secret agency of?
A. Israel
B. Afghanistan
C. Italy
*Answer is = B*
FIA is the secret agency of?
A. Israel
B. Pakistan
C. Italy
*Answer is = B*
ISI is the secret agency of?
A. Israel
B. Canada
C. Pakistan
*Answer is = C*
PENTAGON is the secret agency of?
A. Israel
B. Canada
C. Italy
*Answer is = D*
SUPO is the secret agency of?
A. Israel
B. Canada
C. Italy
D. Finland
*Answer is = D*
KENON is the secret agency of?
A. Kenya
B. Canada
C. Italy
*Answer is = A*
NSO is the secret agency of?
A. Israel
B. Nigeria
C. Italy
*Answer is = B*
TRIPPLE SSS is the secret agency of?
A. Israel
B. Iraq
C. Italy
*Answer is = B*
NSA is the secret agency of?
A. Israel
B. Canada
C. Italy
*Answer is = D*
MAD is the secret agency of?
A. Israel
B. Germany
C. Italy
*Answer is = B*
FSB is the secret agency of?
A. Israel
B. Canada
C. Russia
*Answer is = C*
MOIS is the secret agency of?
A. Israel
B. Canada
C. Iran
*Answer is = C*


10 Most Powerfull intelligence agencies around the world

1 ; ⚘
Inter services intelligence
Founded . 1948
Country : Pakistan
HQ. Islamabad

2 ; ⚘
Research and Analysis Wing
Founded. 1968
Country. India
HQ. New Delhi

3 ; ⚘
HaMossad leModian ule Tafkandim Meyuhadim
Founded. 1949
country. Israeli
HQ. Tel Aviv

4 ; ⚘
Central Intelligence agency
Founded. 1947
Country. USA
HQ. Fairfax, Virgina

5 ; ⚘
Military Intelligence Section 6
Founded. 1909
country. UK
HQ. London

6 ; ⚘
Main Intelligence agency
Founded. 1918
Country. Russia
HQ. Moscow

7 ; ⚘
Ministry of state Security
Founded. 1983
Country. China
HQ. Beijing

8 ; ⚘
Bundes nachrichten dienst
Founded. 1956
Country. Germany
HQ. Pullach, and Berlin

9 ; ⚘
General Directorate for external Security
Founded. 1982
Country. France
HQ. Prais

10 ; ⚘
Australian Secret intelligence services
Founded. 1952
country. Australia
HQ. Cenberria



1. Pakistan is not member of?

View Answer
Answer: D

2. ‘BIN’ is the intelligence agency of which country?
A. Britain
B. Germany
C. Russia
D. Indonesia
View Answer
Answer: D

3. ‘Tenge’ is the currency of
A. New Zealand
B. Kazakhstan
C. Finland
D. Malaysia

View Answer
Answer: B
4. Pakistan largest district by area is?
A. Chagi
B. Karachi
C. Lahore
D. Islamabad

View Answer
Answer: A
5. Which is the oldest search engine of the internet?
A. Archie
B. Ask
C. Yahoo
D. Google

View Answer
Answer: C
6. What is meant by ‘Hung Parliament’?
A. When parliament passes a no trust motion against the prime minister but he refuses to step down
B. When the president dissolves the parliament
C. When there is no single political party has an outright majority
D. When the opposition party boycotts the sessions

View Answer
Answer: C
7. Which UN Organization has won twice Nobel Prize for peace?
D. All of the above

View Answer
Answer: C
8. Through which strait 40 percent world oil is transported?
A. Bengal
B. Bosporus
C. Gibraltar
D. Hormuz

View Answer
Answer: D
9. Total number of countries in Islamic Military Alliance are?
A. 39
B. 29
C. 34
D. 42

View Answer
Answer: A
10. Which country is the largest trading partner of Pakistan?
C. Canada

View Answer
Answer: B
11. What is ‘Khmer Rouge’?
A. Tamil resistance in Sri Lanka
B. A communist movement in Cambodia
C. An American scientist who invented dirty bomb
D. Chief of NATO forces in Afghanistan

View Answer
Answer: B
12. Where is the headquarters of IMF?
A. Washington D.C
B. New York
C. Oslo
D. Hague

View Answer
Answer: B
13. Pakistan largest river is?
A. Ravi
B. Hub
C. Indus
D. Jhelum

View Answer
Answer: C
14. Deficiency of vitamin C causes
A. Meningitis
B. Scurvy
C. Cataract
D. Glaucoma

View Answer
Answer: B
15. CPU is the abbreviation of ——
A. Central Programming Unit
B. Central Processing Unit
C. Central Power Unit
D.Central Procession Unit

View Answer
Answer: B
16. Headquarters of Shanghai Cooperation Organization is in?
A. Russia
B. China
C. Inida
D. Brussels

View Answer
Answer: B
17. Largest continent by area is?
A. Asia
B. Africa
C. North America
D. Antarctica

View Answer
Answer: A
18. ‘Nippon’ is the stock exchange of
A. Japan
B. France
C. Russia

View Answer
Answer: A
19. Who is called the father of computer?
A. Merry John
B. Charles Babbage
C. Konrad Ruse
D. Newton

View Answer
Answer: B
20. Who is youngest nobel laureate?
A. Lawrence Bragg
B. Werner Heisenberg
C. Malala Yousafzai
D. Tsung-Dao Lee

View Answer
Answer: C
21. Hamas was founded by
A. Yasser Arafat
B. Sheikh Ahmad Yasin
C. Khalid Mashaal
D. Ismail 1-laniyah

View Answer
Answer: B
22. Which country has world’s oldest anthem?
A. Japan
B. Netherlands
D. Russia

View Answer
Answer: B
23. ‘Silicon Valley’ of California is called thus because of —
A. Government Offices
B. Film Industry
C. Stock Exchange
D. Computer Industry

View Answer
Answer: D
24. Largest Ocean is?
A. Atlantic
B. Pacific
C. Indian
D. Arctic

View Answer
Answer: B
25. Which of the following organizations is the oldest?
A. D-8

View Answer
Answer: C
26. Three Gorges Dam Project is in the country of
A. Finland
B. Belgium
C. China
D. Russia

View Answer
Answer: C
27. Capital of Canada?
A. Washington D.C
B. Hague
C. Oslo
D. Ottawa

View Answer
Answer: D
28. What is ‘Brain Drain’?
A. Emigration of non skilled workers to other countries
B. Emigration of intellectuals and highly skilled personnels to other countries
C. Emigration of a lot of people to other countries
D. Lack of unity among the nation

View Answer
Answer: B
29. “Asiana Airlines” is the airline of which country?
A. Japan
B. South Korea
C. North Korea
D. Malaysia

View Answer
Answer: B
30. ‘Blue House’ is the official residence of
A. Prime Minister of Britain
B. Chancellor of Germany
C. Vatican Pope
D. President of Korea

View Answer
Answer: D
31. Headquarters of OPEC is in?
A. Austria
B. Iran
D. Saudi Arabia
View Answer
Answer: A
32. ‘Aramco’ is the oil company of which country?
A. Iraq
B. Saudi Arabia
C. Kuwait
D. Qatar

View Answer
Answer: B
33. The study of birds is called
A. Ethnology
B. Astrology
C. Ornithology
D. Anthropology

View Answer
Answer: C
34. Largest country by area is?
A. Canada
B. China
C. Australia
D. Russia

View Answer
Answer: D
35. The Nobel Peace Prize 2008 has been given to Marthi Ahtisaari. He is the former president of
A. Iceland
B. Poland
C. Finland
D. North Korea

View Answer
36. Lukand and Kadima are the famous political parties of which country
A. Egypt
B. Lebanon
C. Israel
D. Syria

View Answer
Answer: C
37. Who is the current Prime Minister of Australia?
A. Malcolm Turnbull
B. Gordon Brown
C. Kevin Rudd
D. Nicolas Sarkozy

View Answer
Answer: A
38. Who is the special envoy of President Barack Obama to Middle East?
A. Richard Holbrooke
B. Robert Gates
C. George Mitchell
D. Hillary Clinton
View Answer
Answer: C
39. 3 May is celebrated as the international day of
A. Environment
B. Press Freedom
C. Population
D. White Cane

View Answer
Answer: B
40. Pakistan is not member of

View Answer
Answer: D
41. Under ‘Enhanced Partnership with Pakistan Act of 2009’ USA Will provide Pakistan?
A. F — 16
B. $5 billion annually
C. $1.5 billion annually
D. Economic help for generation of electricity

View Answer
Answer: C
42. ‘Seattle’ is the seaport of
A. Iceland
B. France
C. Russia

View Answer
Answer: D
43. Where are the headquarters of Human Rights Watch?
A. Paris
B. New York
C. Hague
D. Rome

View Answer
Answer: B
44. Which country assisted Pakistan in building Karachi Nuclear Power Plant?
B. France
C. China
D. Canada

View Answer
Answer: C
45. Which country among P-5 has used veto power most of the time?
A. Britain
B. Russia
D. France

View Answer
Answer: C
46. Chennai is the new name of which Indian state?
A. Haryana
B. Chandigarh
C. Calcutta
D. Madras

View Answer
Answer: D
47. Who is ‘Hemant Kurkure’?
A. US naval chief of staff
B. Indian secret agency chief killed in Mumbai attacks in November 2008.
C. NATO commander of forces in Afghanistan
D. Winner of Nobel Prize for Literature

View Answer
Answer: B
48. Schwab Klaus was the founder of
A. Red Cross
B. Amnesty International
C. World Economic Forum
D. Human Rights Watch

View Answer
Answer: C
49. ASEM (Asia Europe Meeting) was initiated by Mr. Goh Chok Tong, Prime Minister of
A. Singapore
B. North Korea
C. Japan
D. China

View Answer
Answer: A
50. Chronometer is used for measuring
A. Temperature
B. Current
C. Velocity
D. Longitude

View Answer
Answer: D
51. UNO spends $8 billion annually on which activity?
A. Peace Keeping
B. Refugees
C. Science
D. Children

View Answer
Answer: A
52. Who is the current Managing Director of IMF?
A. Alistiar Darting
B. Guy Quaden
C. Christine Lagarde
D. Dominique Strauss-Kahn

View Answer
Answer: C
53. Which of the following categories of Nobel Prizes was not created by Swedish Scientist Alfred Nobel?
A. Peace
B. Literature
C. Economics
D. Medicine

View Answer
Answer: C
54. Russia supply natural gas to European countries which transit through the state of:
A. Latvia
B. Ukraine
C. Estonia
D. Lithuania
View Answer
Answer: B
55. Itar-Tass is the news agency of:
A. Iran
B. Italy
C. France
D. Russia

View Answer
Answer: D
56. The world’s largest subway system is in:
A. Tokyo
B. Moscow
C. Mexico City
D. New York

View Answer
Answer: D
57. Under the Status of Forces Agreement with the Iraqi government. US intend to remove all troops from Iraq by the end of:
A. 2011
B. 2012
C. 2013
D. 2014
View Answer
Answer: A
58. ‘Philately’ is a
A. Science of drugs
B. Stamp collection
C. The study of written record.
D. The study of animal behaviour
View Answer
Answer: B
59. The world’s largest number of newspapers are published from.
A. America
B. China
C. Russia
D. Japan
View Answer
Answer: B
60. The most famous book of 2008 “The Way of the World—A story of truth and hope age of extremism” is written by:
A. Ron Suskind
B. H.V. Hudson
C. William Congreve
D. Ayesha Jalal
View Answer
Answer: A
61. ‘Paracel islands’ in the South China Sea are disputed between China and:
A. Philippines
B. Japan
C. Vietnam
D. South Korea
View Answer
Answer: A
62. National Income is essentially composed of
A. All wealth of a nation.
B. Annual income of the central government.
C. All income of the people in a year.
D. Income derived from taxes by the central government.
View Answer
Answer: C
63. ‘Fleet Street’ London is famous for
A. Banking and financial offices.
B. Offices of the cargo companies.
C. Offices of the newspapers and press agencies.
D. Offices of the Royal Navy establishment.
View Answer
Answer: C
64. ‘Petra’ an archaeological site is among the new Seven Wonders of the World located in
A. Mexico
B. Italy
C. Spain
D. Jordan
View Answer
Answer: D
65. ‘Marco Polo’ was a famous:
A. Writer
B. Scientist
C. Traveller
D. Sports man
View Answer
Answer: C
66. The only vitamin which can not be stored in human body:?
A. Vitamin C
B. Vitamin D
C. Vitamin K
D. None of these.
View Answer
Answer: A
67. Swat Valley is situated in the mountain range of:
A. Hindukush
B. Karakorum
C. Himalayas
D. None of these.
View Answer
Answer: A
68. 1 metric ton is equal to:
A. 100 Kilogram
B. 500 Kilogram
C. 1000 Kilogram
D. 10,000 Kilogram
View Answer
Answer: C
69. In which of the following countries, 240 years old monarchy was abolished in 2008?
A. Sweden
B. Brunei
C. Bhutan
D. Nepal
View Answer
Answer: D
70. Which of the following countries first introduced paper currency in the world?
B. Greece
C. China
D. France
View Answer
Answer: C
71. ‘Anemometer’ is an instrument used for measuring:
A. Wind speed
B. Electric current
C. Temperature
D. Air pressure

View Answer
Answer: A
72. Green vegetables are good source of:
A. Starch
B. Fats and Oil
C. Protein
D. Minerals and Vitamins
View Answer
Answer: D
73. British East India Company was established during the reign of Mughal Emperor:
A. Akbar
B. Jahangir
C. Shahjahan
D. Aurangzeb
View Answer
Answer: B
74. The International Criminal Court of Justice has recently issued arrest warrant of one of the following sitting President of a country on committing War Crimes, he is:

A. President of Sudan Omar al Bashir
B. President of Somalia Sharif Ahmad
C. President of Serbia Boris Tadic
D. None of these

View Answer
Answer: A
75. Pakistan and Afghanistan have ‘Transit Trade Agreement’ signed in:
A. 1955
B. 1959
C. 1962
D. 1965
View Answer
Answer: D
76. What do you understand by the disease “Insomnia”?
A. Inability to sleep
B. Colour blindness
C. Depression
D. None of these
View Answer
Answer: A
77. The World’s famous Madame Tussaud’s museum is situated in:
A. Paris
B. London
C. Rome
D. New York
View Answer
Answer: B
78. The World’s oldest parliament, founded in the year 930 AD is:
A. British Parliament
B. Diet of Japan
C. Althing of Iceland
D. Cortes of Spain
View Answer
Answer: C
79. The last King of Afghanistan was:
A. Habib ullah Khan
B. Muhammad Zahir Shah
C. Sardar Daud Khan
D. Aman ullah Khan
View Answer
Answer: B
80. “Ornithology” is the study of:
A. Birds
B. Insects
C. Sea Animals
D. Sea Plants
View Answer
Answer: A
81. ‘Order of Cloud and Banner’ is the most prestigious military award of:
A. Japan
B. China
C. India
D. South Korea
View Answer
Answer: B
82. ‘Naxalite movement’ is a pro communism movement started in:
A. India
B. Nepal
C. Bhutan
D. Sri Lanka
View Answer
Answer: A
83. What is meant by “Petticoat Government?”
A. A government in exile
B. A government run by a woman
C. A government without actual power
D. A government run by some feudal lord
View Answer
Answer: B
84. Which of the following South Asian leaders has recently given a proposal to form ‘South Asian task force to combat terrorism’ in the region?
A. President Asif Zardari of Pakistan
B. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina of Bangladesh
C. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh of India
D. Prime Minister Ratnasiri Wickremanayake of Sri Lanka
View Answer
Answer: B
85. World Cup football tournament 2010 was held in:
A. England
B. Spain
C. Italy
D. South Africa

View Answer
Answer: D
86. The largest o***m producer province of Afghanistan is:
A. Nangarhar
B. Helmand
C. Paktia
D. Herat
View Answer
Answer: B
87. Light travels from Sun to Earth in:
A. 499.0 seconds
B. 599.0 seconds
C. 399.0 seconds
D. 6990 seconds
View Answer
Answer: A
88. What do understand by the term ‘Intifada’?
A. Reconciliation
B. Uprising
C. Offence
D. Negotiation
View Answer
Answer: B
89. Which of the following rivers run through Paris?
A. The Seine
B. The Thames
C. The Rhine
D. The Danube
View Answer
Answer: A
90. ‘Pearl Harbour’ is located in American state:
A. Alaska
B. Hawaii
C. Virginia
D. New York
View Answer
Answer: B
91. Deficiency of vitamin ‘C’ in human body leads to.
A. Eye disease
B. Nerve disease
C. Teeth disease
D. Skin disease
View Answer
Answer: C
92. The largest section of the Kurd population is living in:
A. Iraq
B. Iran
C. Turkey
D. Syria
View Answer
Answer: C
93. The correct sequence of planets in the descending order of their equatorial diameter is:
A. Mars, Pluto, Uranus, Earth
B. Earth, Mars, Pluto, Uranus
C. Pluto, Uranus, Mars, Earth
D. Uranus, Earth, Mars, Pluto
View Answer
Answer: D
94. The exact time taken by the earth for single rotation on its own axis is:
A. 24 hrs
B. 24 hrs 35 sec
C. 23 hrs 50 minutes 7.2 sec
D. 23 hrs 56 minutes 4.09 sec

View Answer
Answer: D
95. Which of the following regions are regarded as areas of high density of population?
A. East Asia, Central and Southern Europe, Tropical Deserts
B. Amazon and Congo Basins, South East Asia, European Russia
C. Congo Basin and Indonesia, Central and Southern Europe, European Russia
D. East Asia, Southern Asia, North Western Europe

View Answer
Answer: D
96. Name the capital of Iceland
A. Loma
B. Port Vila
C. Reykjavik
D. Free Town
View Answer
Answer: C
97. Which country were involved in 100 year war?
A. Turkey and Austria
B. England and France
C. Palestine and Israel
D. Germany and Russia
View Answer
Answer: B
98. World’s longest ruling head of government is from:
A. Switzerland
B. Cuba
C. Zimbabwe
D. New Zealand
View Answer
Answer: B
99. Maximum spoken language in the world is:
A. Arabic
B. English
C. Mandarin
D. Spanish
View Answer
Answer: C
100. The largest automobile manufacturing centre in the world is located at:
A. Detroit
B. Tokyo
C. Birmingham
D. Berlin
View Answer
Answer: A

1. Pakistan is not member of?

View Answer
Answer: D
2. ‘BIN’ is the intelligence agency of which country?
A. Britain
B. Germany
C. Russia
D. Indonesia
View Answer
Answer: D
3. ‘Tenge’ is the currency of
A. New Zealand
B. Kazakhstan
C. Finland
D. Malaysia

View Answer
Answer: B
4. Pakistan largest district by area is?
A. Chagi
B. Karachi
C. Lahore
D. Islamabad

View Answer
Answer: A
5. Which is the oldest search engine of the internet?
A. Archie
B. Ask
C. Yahoo
D. Google

View Answer
Answer: C
6. What is meant by ‘Hung Parliament’?
A. When parliament passes a no trust motion against the prime minister but he refuses to step down
B. When the president dissolves the parliament
C. When there is no single political party has an outright majority
D. When the opposition party boycotts the sessions

View Answer
Answer: C
7. Which UN Organization has won twice Nobel Prize for peace?
D. All of the above

View Answer
Answer: C
8. Through which strait 40 percent world oil is transported?
A. Bengal
B. Bosporus
C. Gibraltar
D. Hormuz

View Answer
Answer: D
9. Total number of countries in Islamic Military Alliance are?
A. 39
B. 29
C. 34
D. 42

View Answer
Answer: A
10. Which country is the largest trading partner of Pakistan?
C. Canada

View Answer
Answer: B
11. What is ‘Khmer Rouge’?
A. Tamil resistance in Sri Lanka
B. A communist movement in Cambodia
C. An American scientist who invented dirty bomb
D. Chief of NATO forces in Afghanistan

View Answer
Answer: B
12. Where is the headquarters of IMF?
A. Washington D.C
B. New York
C. Oslo
D. Hague

View Answer
Answer: B
13. Pakistan largest river is?
A. Ravi
B. Hub
C. Indus
D. Jhelum

View Answer
Answer: C
14. Deficiency of vitamin C causes
A. Meningitis
B. Scurvy
C. Cataract
D. Glaucoma

View Answer
Answer: B
15. CPU is the abbreviation of ——
A. Central Programming Unit
B. Central Processing Unit
C. Central Power Unit
D.Central Procession Unit

View Answer
Answer: B
16. Headquarters of Shanghai Cooperation Organization is in?
A. Russia
B. China
C. Inida
D. Brussels

View Answer
Answer: B
17. Largest continent by area is?
A. Asia
B. Africa
C. North America
D. Antarctica

View Answer
Answer: A
18. ‘Nippon’ is the stock exchange of
A. Japan
B. France
C. Russia

View Answer
Answer: A
19. Who is called the father of computer?
A. Merry John
B. Charles Babbage
C. Konrad Ruse
D. Newton

View Answer
Answer: B
20. Who is youngest nobel laureate?
A. Lawrence Bragg
B. Werner Heisenberg
C. Malala Yousafzai
D. Tsung-Dao Lee

View Answer
Answer: C
21. Hamas was founded by
A. Yasser Arafat
B. Sheikh Ahmad Yasin
C. Khalid Mashaal
D. Ismail 1-laniyah

View Answer
Answer: B
22. Which country has world’s oldest anthem?
A. Japan
B. Netherlands
D. Russia

View Answer
Answer: B
23. ‘Silicon Valley’ of California is called thus because of —
A. Government Offices
B. Film Industry
C. Stock Exchange
D. Computer Industry

View Answer
Answer: D
24. Largest Ocean is?
A. Atlantic
B. Pacific
C. Indian
D. Arctic

View Answer
Answer: B
25. Which of the following organizations is the oldest?
A. D-8

View Answer
Answer: C
26. Three Gorges Dam Project is in the country of
A. Finland
B. Belgium
C. China
D. Russia

View Answer
Answer: C
27. Capital of Canada?
A. Washington D.C
B. Hague
C. Oslo
D. Ottawa

View Answer
Answer: D
28. What is ‘Brain Drain’?
A. Emigration of non skilled workers to other countries
B. Emigration of intellectuals and highly skilled personnels to other countries
C. Emigration of a lot of people to other countries
D. Lack of unity among the nation

View Answer
Answer: B
29. “Asiana Airlines” is the airline of which country?
A. Japan
B. South Korea
C. North Korea
D. Malaysia

View Answer
Answer: B
30. ‘Blue House’ is the official residence of
A. Prime Minister of Britain
B. Chancellor of Germany
C. Vatican Pope
D. President of Korea

View Answer
Answer: D
31. Headquarters of OPEC is in?
A. Austria
B. Iran
D. Saudi Arabia
View Answer
Answer: A
32. ‘Aramco’ is the oil company of which country?
A. Iraq
B. Saudi Arabia
C. Kuwait
D. Qatar

View Answer
Answer: B
33. The study of birds is called
A. Ethnology
B. Astrology
C. Ornithology
D. Anthropology

View Answer
Answer: C
34. Largest country by area is?
A. Canada
B. China
C. Australia
D. Russia

View Answer
Answer: D
35. The Nobel Peace Prize 2008 has been given to Marthi Ahtisaari. He is the former president of
A. Iceland
B. Poland
C. Finland
D. North Korea

View Answer
36. Lukand and Kadima are the famous political parties of which country
A. Egypt
B. Lebanon
C. Israel
D. Syria

View Answer
Answer: C
37. Who is the current Prime Minister of Australia?
A. Malcolm Turnbull
B. Gordon Brown
C. Kevin Rudd
D. Nicolas Sarkozy

View Answer
Answer: A
38. Who is the special envoy of President Barack Obama to Middle East?
A. Richard Holbrooke
B. Robert Gates
C. George Mitchell
D. Hillary Clinton
View Answer
Answer: C
39. 3 May is celebrated as the international day of
A. Environment
B. Press Freedom
C. Population
D. White Cane

View Answer
Answer: B
40. Pakistan is not member of

View Answer
Answer: D
41. Under ‘Enhanced Partnership with Pakistan Act of 2009’ USA Will provide Pakistan?
A. F — 16
B. $5 billion annually
C. $1.5 billion annually
D. Economic help for generation of electricity

View Answer
Answer: C
42. ‘Seattle’ is the seaport of
A. Iceland
B. France
C. Russia

View Answer
Answer: D
43. Where are the headquarters of Human Rights Watch?
A. Paris
B. New York
C. Hague
D. Rome

View Answer
Answer: B
44. Which country assisted Pakistan in building Karachi Nuclear Power Plant?
B. France
C. China
D. Canada

View Answer
Answer: C
45. Which country among P-5 has used veto power most of the time?
A. Britain
B. Russia
D. France

View Answer
Answer: C
46. Chennai is the new name of which Indian state?
A. Haryana
B. Chandigarh
C. Calcutta
D. Madras

View Answer
Answer: D
47. Who is ‘Hemant Kurkure’?
A. US naval chief of staff
B. Indian secret agency chief killed in Mumbai attacks in November 2008.
C. NATO commander of forces in Afghanistan
D. Winner of Nobel Prize for Literature

View Answer
Answer: B
48. Schwab Klaus was the founder of
A. Red Cross
B. Amnesty International
C. World Economic Forum
D. Human Rights Watch

View Answer
Answer: C
49. ASEM (Asia Europe Meeting) was initiated by Mr. Goh Chok Tong, Prime Minister of
A. Singapore
B. North Korea
C. Japan
D. China

View Answer
Answer: A
50. Chronometer is used for measuring
A. Temperature
B. Current
C. Velocity
D. Longitude

View Answer
Answer: D
51. UNO spends $8 billion annually on which activity?
A. Peace Keeping
B. Refugees
C. Science
D. Children

View Answer
Answer: A
52. Who is the current Managing Director of IMF?
A. Alistiar Darting
B. Guy Quaden
C. Christine Lagarde
D. Dominique Strauss-Kahn

View Answer
Answer: C
53. Which of the following categories of Nobel Prizes was not created by Swedish Scientist Alfred Nobel?
A. Peace
B. Literature
C. Economics
D. Medicine

View Answer
Answer: C
54. Russia supply natural gas to European countries which transit through the state of:
A. Latvia
B. Ukraine
C. Estonia
D. Lithuania
View Answer
Answer: B
55. Itar-Tass is the news agency of:
A. Iran
B. Italy
C. France
D. Russia

View Answer
Answer: D
56. The world’s largest subway system is in:
A. Tokyo
B. Moscow
C. Mexico City
D. New York

View Answer
Answer: D
57. Under the Status of Forces Agreement with the Iraqi government. US intend to remove all troops from Iraq by the end of:
A. 2011
B. 2012
C. 2013
D. 2014
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Answer: A
58. ‘Philately’ is a
A. Science of drugs
B. Stamp collection
C. The study of written record.
D. The study of animal behaviour
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Answer: B
59. The world’s largest number of newspapers are published from.
A. America
B. China
C. Russia
D. Japan
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Answer: B
60. The most famous book of 2008 “The Way of the World—A story of truth and hope age of extremism” is written by:
A. Ron Suskind
B. H.V. Hudson
C. William Congreve
D. Ayesha Jalal
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Answer: A
61. ‘Paracel islands’ in the South China Sea are disputed between China and:
A. Philippines
B. Japan
C. Vietnam
D. South Korea
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Answer: A
62. National Income is essentially composed of
A. All wealth of a nation.
B. Annual income of the central government.
C. All income of the people in a year.
D. Income derived from taxes by the central government.
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Answer: C
63. ‘Fleet Street’ London is famous for
A. Banking and financial offices.
B. Offices of the cargo companies.
C. Offices of the newspapers and press agencies.
D. Offices of the Royal Navy establishment.
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Answer: C
64. ‘Petra’ an archaeological site is among the new Seven Wonders of the World located in
A. Mexico
B. Italy
C. Spain
D. Jordan
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Answer: D
65. ‘Marco Polo’ was a famous:
A. Writer
B. Scientist
C. Traveller
D. Sports man
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Answer: C
66. The only vitamin which can not be stored in human body:?
A. Vitamin C
B. Vitamin D
C. Vitamin K
D. None of these.
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Answer: A
67. Swat Valley is situated in the mountain range of:
A. Hindukush
B. Karakorum
C. Himalayas
D. None of these.
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Answer: A
68. 1 metric ton is equal to:
A. 100 Kilogram
B. 500 Kilogram
C. 1000 Kilogram
D. 10,000 Kilogram
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Answer: C
69. In which of the following countries, 240 years old monarchy was abolished in 2008?
A. Sweden
B. Brunei
C. Bhutan
D. Nepal
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Answer: D
70. Which of the following countries first introduced paper currency in the world?
B. Greece
C. China
D. France
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Answer: C
71. ‘Anemometer’ is an instrument used for measuring:
A. Wind speed
B. Electric current
C. Temperature
D. Air pressure

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Answer: A
72. Green vegetables are good source of:
A. Starch
B. Fats and Oil
C. Protein
D. Minerals and Vitamins
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Answer: D
73. British East India Company was established during the reign of Mughal Emperor:
A. Akbar
B. Jahangir
C. Shahjahan
D. Aurangzeb
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Answer: B
74. The International Criminal Court of Justice has recently issued arrest warrant of one of the following sitting President of a country on committing War Crimes, he is:

A. President of Sudan Omar al Bashir
B. President of Somalia Sharif Ahmad
C. President of Serbia Boris Tadic
D. None of these

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Answer: A
75. Pakistan and Afghanistan have ‘Transit Trade Agreement’ signed in:
A. 1955
B. 1959
C. 1962
D. 1965
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Answer: D
76. What do you understand by the disease “Insomnia”?
A. Inability to sleep
B. Colour blindness
C. Depression
D. None of these
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Answer: A
77. The World’s famous Madame Tussaud’s museum is situated in:
A. Paris
B. London
C. Rome
D. New York
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Answer: B
78. The World’s oldest parliament, founded in the year 930 AD is:
A. British Parliament
B. Diet of Japan
C. Althing of Iceland
D. Cortes of Spain
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Answer: C
79. The last King of Afghanistan was:
A. Habib ullah Khan
B. Muhammad Zahir Shah
C. Sardar Daud Khan
D. Aman ullah Khan
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Answer: B
80. “Ornithology” is the study of:
A. Birds
B. Insects
C. Sea Animals
D. Sea Plants
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Answer: A
81. ‘Order of Cloud and Banner’ is the most prestigious military award of:
A. Japan
B. China
C. India
D. South Korea
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Answer: B
82. ‘Naxalite movement’ is a pro communism movement started in:
A. India
B. Nepal
C. Bhutan
D. Sri Lanka
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Answer: A
83. What is meant by “Petticoat Government?”
A. A government in exile
B. A government run by a woman
C. A government without actual power
D. A government run by some feudal lord
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Answer: B
84. Which of the following South Asian leaders has recently given a proposal to form ‘South Asian task force to combat terrorism’ in the region?
A. President Asif Zardari of Pakistan
B. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina of Bangladesh
C. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh of India
D. Prime Minister Ratnasiri Wickremanayake of Sri Lanka
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Answer: B
85. World Cup football tournament 2010 was held in:
A. England
B. Spain
C. Italy
D. South Africa

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Answer: D
86. The largest o***m producer province of Afghanistan is:
A. Nangarhar
B. Helmand
C. Paktia
D. Herat
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Answer: B
87. Light travels from Sun to Earth in:
A. 499.0 seconds
B. 599.0 seconds
C. 399.0 seconds
D. 6990 seconds
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Answer: A
88. What do understand by the term ‘Intifada’?
A. Reconciliation
B. Uprising
C. Offence
D. Negotiation
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Answer: B
89. Which of the following rivers run through Paris?
A. The Seine
B. The Thames
C. The Rhine
D. The Danube
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Answer: A
90. ‘Pearl Harbour’ is located in American state:
A. Alaska
B. Hawaii
C. Virginia
D. New York
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Answer: B
91. Deficiency of vitamin ‘C’ in human body leads to.
A. Eye disease
B. Nerve disease
C. Teeth disease
D. Skin disease
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Answer: C
92. The largest section of the Kurd population is living in:
A. Iraq
B. Iran
C. Turkey
D. Syria
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Answer: C
93. The correct sequence of planets in the descending order of their equatorial diameter is:
A. Mars, Pluto, Uranus, Earth
B. Earth, Mars, Pluto, Uranus
C. Pluto, Uranus, Mars, Earth
D. Uranus, Earth, Mars, Pluto
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Answer: D
94. The exact time taken by the earth for single rotation on its own axis is:
A. 24 hrs
B. 24 hrs 35 sec
C. 23 hrs 50 minutes 7.2 sec
D. 23 hrs 56 minutes 4.09 sec

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Answer: D
95. Which of the following regions are regarded as areas of high density of population?
A. East Asia, Central and Southern Europe, Tropical Deserts
B. Amazon and Congo Basins, South East Asia, European Russia
C. Congo Basin and Indonesia, Central and Southern Europe, European Russia
D. East Asia, Southern Asia, North Western Europe

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Answer: D
96. Name the capital of Iceland
A. Loma
B. Port Vila
C. Reykjavik
D. Free Town
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Answer: C
97. Which country were involved in 100 year war?
A. Turkey and Austria
B. England and France
C. Palestine and Israel
D. Germany and Russia
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Answer: B
98. World’s longest ruling head of government is from:
A. Switzerland
B. Cuba
C. Zimbabwe
D. New Zealand
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Answer: B
99. Maximum spoken language in the world is:
A. Arabic
B. English
C. Mandarin
D. Spanish
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Answer: C
100. The largest automobile manufacturing centre in the world is located at:
A. Detroit
B. Tokyo
C. Birmingham
D. Berlin
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Answer: A

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