کلاس 9th اور 10th کی امتیحانی داخلے کی آخری تاریخ20/01/2023ہے.
بحکم: پرنسپل
ایڈمن: کلرک
GGHS sandovi
Govt Girl High School Sandovi
Operating as usual

S.No1.Mst parveen rahman has been nominated as DEO Female Shangla.
welcome to Shangla
(The place of hospitality & land of peace).

The final merit will be displayed on 20 OCT 2022 officially.
kindly keep yourself courage and be patients, applicants have been selected for special subject on open and pure merit.
All of you are requested to keep yourself far from evils thoughts as well as evil acts.

Interview will be held on 17,18 oct 2022 at GGHSS SANDOVI.

GGHS sandovi has been upgraded to GGHSS sandovi.
Female education is our priority and their rights.

سیکنڈ شفٹ کے لے سبجیکٹ اسپیشلاست apply کریں ۔۔۔
It is informed publicly to apply through talent pool and also submit your documents by hand for 2nd shift.
SDEO (F) Puran.