Join USC School of Law representatives September 22nd at the Honors Center Great Hall from 12-1pm!
Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Clemson Pre Law Advising, .
Operating as usual
Join USC School of Law representatives September 22nd at the Honors Center Great Hall from 12-1pm!
Register now for the “You Should Be a Lawyer!” Diversity Law Day. https://clemson.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMrdO6sqzgvGtTg0EcO41hLFsKjYn9I_2Tq
Good Luck this week Tigers!
Happy Last Day of Classes, Tigers! As we move into exam week, we here at the Pre-Law office wish you good luck in your studying! 🐅🐅
STUDENT SPOTLIGHT: Today, we are highlighting Victoria, who, after graduating in the spring, will be attending at Elon University! Victoria is interested in studying social justice and ethics while in law school! Congratulations, Victoria!! 🐅🐅🐅 As always, if you or someone you know has made their law school decision, fill out the form in our bio to be featured!
SUPREME COURT SUNDAY: Today we are focusing on the 1967 court case Loving v. Virginia! Which case should we look at next week? Comment below
STUDENT SPOTLIGHT: Today we are featuring Katelyn, who will be attending School of Law in the Fall! She is interested in studying corporate, sport, or health law in the future. Congratulations Katelyn! 🐅🐅🐅
As always, if you or someone you know has made their law school decision, please fill out the student spotlight form at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1cxp0dU0oQbp8N2edcohZuoBu938TtCp6UmHbCm16oJw/edit =ACYDBNjISgGPh4tTNOCx_dEBfoUduOqTRW50zBzPlCNwM86TufTcd1bC--o8izA3c20w9oM
We are so excited to start Supreme Court Sundays! Each week, we will share a new case, starting with Miranda v. Arizona. Which cases would you like to see? Comment below!
STUDENT SPOTLIGHT: Today, we are featuring Caroline, who is attending the University of Georgia School of Law in the fall! Congratulations Caroline! 🐅🐅🐅 To submit a student to be featured on our account, check out our spotlight sheet at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1cxp0dU0oQbp8N2edcohZuoBu938TtCp6UmHbCm16oJw/edit
Welcome to Clemson University’s Pre Law Advising page! We will be posting about upcoming events, clubs, and alumni spotlights so that anyone who is interested in law school can use this page as a resource!