Платформа Дэмакратычны Дыялог

Платформа Дэмакратычны Дыялог

Платформа Дэмакратычны Дыялог прысвечана развіццю дэ?

Платформа Дэмакратычны Дыялог - пляцоўка, на якой мы знаёмімся з шырокім спектрам грамадска-палітычнага жыцця Беларусі, пашыраем веды, арганізуем абмеркаванні.Незалежная грамадская ініцыятыва.

Operating as usual

Political prisoners in Belarus 03/09/2023

If you have some time today, consider sending warm words to one of the 1,500+ individuals imprisoned for political reasons in Belarus.

You can read about them here:

Political prisoners in Belarus Bloggers, businessmen, presidential campaign members and peaceful protesters are held in prisons only because they were not afraid to exercise their rights - the right to participate in peaceful assemblies, to express their opinion and to be involved in political activities.

‘An especially dangerous criminal’ The story of Vasyl Ovsienko, who spent more than 13 years in Soviet prisons for using the Ukrainian language — Meduza 21/07/2023

This is a long read but well worth the time if you want to start to understand some of the history behind the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Sadly Vasyl Ovsienko died yesterday.
I was fortunate to have met him at a festival at Perm 36 - his former prison. He was a very mild man who bore no animosity.
The article charts how Russia has become more oppressive over the last 20 years with the brutal destruction of civil society. The prison camp museum at Perm 36 was shut down, only to be reopened as a museum that celebrates the loyal service of the prison guards.
Memorial was officially liquidated in 2022 with many of its leaders forces to leave Russia.

‘An especially dangerous criminal’ The story of Vasyl Ovsienko, who spent more than 13 years in Soviet prisons for using the Ukrainian language — Meduza Story by Kristina Safonova. Abridged translation by Carol Matlack.

'A long journey': Volunteers from Belarus fight for Ukraine 22/05/2022

Report from US news AP on Belarus people joining the fighting in Ukraine.


'A long journey': Volunteers from Belarus fight for Ukraine WARSAW, Poland (AP) — One is a restaurateur who fled Belarus when he learned he was about to be arrested for criticizing President Alexander Lukashenko. Another was given the choice of either denouncing fellow opposition activists or being jailed.

Ковалевский: Минск не может ни о чем договариваться с Европой за спиной у белорусов 05/05/2022

Belarus opposition meeting with Council of Europe to focus on building civil society and democracy education.


Ковалевский: Минск не может ни о чем договариваться с Европой за спиной у белорусов Валерий Ковалевский объяснил, что даст белорусам сотрудничество ПАСЕ с демсилами, а не официальным Минском.

Eighth survey wave 15/04/2022

London based Chatham House report on polling of Belarus citizens on their attitudes to the war in Ukraine.

Poll carried out in March 2022.

Results available in English and Russian.


Eighth survey wave Belarusians’ views on the military conflict between Russia and Ukraine

Neither Nato nor Ukraine can de-Putinise Russia. We Russians must do it ourselves | Mikhail Shishkin 28/03/2022

Russian author writing about how Russian people would need to achieve regime change. Recognising the responsibility for the autocracy that exists, the silence of the people that has allowed it to fight a war in Ukraine.

To change would require a collective responsibility for the atrocities, facing up to the death and destruction in Ukraine.

Then finding a way to change all - not just systems but people who currently rule in the regions and small bureaucractic posts across the country.


Neither Nato nor Ukraine can de-Putinise Russia. We Russians must do it ourselves | Mikhail Shishkin A new, democratic Russia is impossible without a change of national mindset – and an acknowledgment of national guilt, says novelist Mikhail Shishkin

Lukashenko is dragging Belarus closer to a war that most of its citizens don’t want | Ryhor Astapenia 21/03/2022

Excellent analytical opinion piece from researcher at Chatham House - strategic analysis - from the UK.

First it confims that Lukashenko has provided access to the territory of Belarus to facilitate the Ukrainian war, second he has given access to Belarus military infrastructure. Third is the political support, particularly at an international level, such as Belarus voting at the United Nations for instance with Russia.

The article then analyses the likelihood of direct Belarus military involvement including how Belarus can maintain some level of independence from the war. Otherwise Belarus would receive sanctions similar to Russia. Rather than the partial sanctions that Belarus currently experiences. This in turn would push Belarus into greater dependency on Russia.

Once again the author recognises the strong opposition to involvement in the war from people in Belarus and emphasises how important this is. It means Belarus will hopefully not become a full co-agressor in the war.


Lukashenko is dragging Belarus closer to a war that most of its citizens don’t want | Ryhor Astapenia The dictator’s first loyalty is to Putin, says Ryhor Astapenia, director of the Belarus Initiative at Chatham House

Ukrainian Railways Chief Says 'Honest' Belarusians Are Cutting Russian Supplies By Train 21/03/2022

Radio Free Europe reports on the status of the railway connection from Belarus into Ukraine. Reports of blocked line are confirmed by Ukrainian railway staff.


Ukrainian Railways Chief Says 'Honest' Belarusians Are Cutting Russian Supplies By Train In an interview with Current Time, the head of Ukraine’s state-run railroad said “honest people” among Belarusian railroad workers have completely cut off efforts to supply Russian forces by train via Belarus. "I can say that there is no railway connection between Ukraine and Belarus,” he sa...

Stalled Russian offensive increases pressure on Belarus to join invasion 20/03/2022

London Financial Times reports on likelihood of Belarus forces joining invasion of Ukraine. There was no.definite view. Reports continue to suggest that troops are inexperienced and could have low morale to get involved. Article also mentions the opposition of the general population.


Stalled Russian offensive increases pressure on Belarus to join invasion President Alexander Lukashenko has limited ability to resist Kremlin if called upon to contribute troops, say analysts

Lukashenko dodges and weaves over joining Russia in attacking Ukraine 16/03/2022

Politico report on how likely it is that Belarus joins the war against Ukraine. It calculates that the army is not trained for it, and that people in Belarus would strongly oppose involvement. They say that people in Belarus are better informed and unlikely to accept propaganda about the armies involvement. If Belarus army is involved it is likely, in their view, to be a limited number of units.


Lukashenko dodges and weaves over joining Russia in attacking Ukraine Former officers say he’s hesitating because of the mauling that Ukraine is giving the Russian invaders.

Belarus: UN report reveals extent of violations in human rights crackdown 11/03/2022

United Nations report on suppression of political opposition in Belarus.


Belarus: UN report reveals extent of violations in human rights crackdown The Belarusian Government’s continuing crackdown on political opponents, civil society, journalists and lawyers has seen the fundamental human rights of tens of thousands violated, with no sign of any of the perpetrators being held accountable, the UN rights office, OHCHR, reported on Wednesday.


"Я не ўхваляю тое, што вы кажаце, але я буду абараняць да смерці ваша права сказаць гэта"
Эвелін Xол
"Сябры Вальтэра"

Sky News Daily - Russia invades Ukraine: Why is Belarus involved? 07/03/2022

Sky News podcast on role of Belarus in Ukraine war. Including interviews with Belarus diaspora.


Sky News Daily - Russia invades Ukraine: Why is Belarus involved? Belarus is the only European country that has supported Russia’s invasion of Ukraine by allowing Russian troops to enter across its border. But why has its President Alexander Lukashenko decided to get involved? On the Sky News Daily podcast with Leah Boleto, we are joined by Belarusian journalist...

Belarus has effectively ceded control to Kremlin, says opposition leader 06/03/2022

Analysis of likelihood of Belarus military becoming directly involved in Ukrainian war. Plus the implications for Belarus of getting involved in the war.


Belarus has effectively ceded control to Kremlin, says opposition leader Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya says Putin ally Alexander Lukashenko is ‘not controlling our military any more’

Could the international criminal court bring Putin to justice over Ukraine? 02/03/2022

What constitutes a war crime?

A term often used, sometimes to excess. Below is some brief details on what is covered.

In an armed conflict there are rules about

How prisoners of war are treated.

Not deliberately targeting civilians by attacking them.

Not attacking civilian objects such as a school, a religious place like a church or a cultural building such as a museum.

Not attacking people who are providing humanitarian assistance.

The newspaper article covers the likelihood of Putin and others responsible for possible war crimes in Ukraine being taken to the international criminal court in The Hague.

Update from BBC below added 3 March 2022. With news of opening of case by the Court following referral by 39 countries.


Could the international criminal court bring Putin to justice over Ukraine? Even if Russian leader were charged, he would have to be arrested in a state that accepts the court’s jurisdiction

The Guardian view on Europe versus Putin: a strategic journey without maps | Editorial 02/03/2022

This is a London based Guardian newspaper editorial (opinion piece) on the impact of the Russian war in Ukraine on European security.

Amongst many points it highlights-

New debate in Finland on joining NATO.

Sweden supplies of military arms to Ukraine.

The significant changes in Germany. Sending weapons to Ukraine. Increased funding in general for the military.

In my view it should highlight more how this invasion of Ukraine has altered peace and security more than just through the increase in military war. It has started in effect a world war in finance, economy and information. NATO alliance does not want to fight a military war. But it's members are prepared to wage a war against Russia and Belarus through an impact on their wider economic, social and political spheres.

Peace is more than just the absence of war. Peace involves democracy, it includes human rights, the right to economic stability, the right to a fair legal system, the right to access information, and so much more.

Stay safe. Stay strong. Believe in friendship and community.

Live in peace.

Kate, Edinburgh


The Guardian view on Europe versus Putin: a strategic journey without maps | Editorial Editorial: The Russian invasion of Ukraine has ended an era of German foreign policy and is transforming security assumptions across the EU

This thread about the 'first Great Information War' is a fascinating and important read 02/03/2022

The thread below has been published from Twitter by one of the bravest UK journalists. She exposed much of the manipulation of information about Brexit. Particularly the links that demonstrate Russian sponsored disinformation in the campaign.

In the thread she discusses the development of the information wars. It illustrates the links being made over the use of disinformation in different political and now military spheres.

I think it's useful for people to understand the severe impact on democracy across the world.


This thread about the 'first Great Information War' is a fascinating and important read Journalist and author Carole Cadwalladr has gone wildly viral on Twitter with this thread about the ‘first Great Information War’ and it’s a fascinating and important read. 1. Ok. Deep breath. I think we may look back on this as the first Great Information War. Except we’re already 8 years i...

The antisemitism animating Putin’s claim to ‘denazify’ Ukraine | Jason Stanley 26/02/2022

Interesting writing from Jason Staney a professor from Yale University in the USA and an expert on fascism.

He seeks in the article to explain Putin's comments about de-nazification of Ukraine.

I'm opting to paste directly from the text parts of the article to provide an opportunity to see a translated version.

Putin’s claim that Russia is invading Ukraine to denazify it is therefore absurd on its face. But understanding why Putin justifies the invasion of democratic Ukraine in this way sheds important light on what is happening not only in eastern Europe, but worldwide.

Fascism is a cult of the leader, who promises national restoration in the face of supposed humiliation by ethnic or religious minorities, liberals, feminists, immigrants, and homosexuals. The fascist leader claims the nation has been humiliated and its masculinity threatened by these forces. It must regain its former glory (and often its former territory) with violence. He offers himself as the only one who can restore it.

Central to European fascism is the idea that it is the Jews who are the agents of moral decay. According to European fascism, it is the Jews who bring a country under the domination of (Jewish) global elite, by using the tools of liberal democracy, secular humanism, feminism and gay rights, which are used to introduce decadence, weakness and impurity. Fascist antisemitism is racial rather than religious in origin, targeting Jews as a corrupt stateless race who seek global domination.

Fascism justifies its violence by offering to protect a supposedly pure religious and national identity from the forces of liberalism. In the west, fascism presents itself as the defender of European Christianity against these forces, as well as mass Muslim migration. Fascism in the west is thus increasingly hard to distinguish from Christian nationalism.
Putin, the leader of Russian Christian nationalism, has come to view himself as the global leader of Christian nationalism, and is increasingly regarded as such by Christian nationalists around the world, including in the United States. Putin has emerged as a leader of this movement in part because of the global reach of recent Russian fascist thinkers such as Alexander Dugin and Alexander Prokhanov who laid its groundwork.

It is easy to recognize, in Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, the roadmap laid out in recent years by Dugin and Prokhanov, major figures in Putin’s Russia. Both Dugin and Prokhanov viewed an independent Ukraine as an existential threat to their goal, which Timothy Snyder, in his 2018 book The Road to Unfreedom, describes as “a desire for the return of Soviet power in fascist form”.

The form of Russian fascism Dugin and Prokhanov defended is like the central versions of European fascism – explicitly antisemitic. As Snyder writes, “… if Prokhanov had a core belief, it was the endless struggle of the empty and abstract sea-people against the hearty and righteous land-people. Like Adolf Hi**er, Prokhanov blamed world Jewry for inventing the ideas that enslaved his homeland. He also blamed them for the Holocaust.”

The dominant version of antisemitism alive in parts of eastern Europe today is that Jews employ the Holocaust to seize the victimhood narrative from the “real” victims of the N***s, who are Russian Christians (or other non-Jewish eastern Europeans). Those who embrace Russian Christian nationalist ideology will be especially susceptible to this strain of antisemitism.

Prokhanov had a core belief, it was the endless struggle of the empty and abstract sea-people against the hearty and righteous land-people. Like Adolf Hi**er, Prokhanov blamed world Jewry for inventing the ideas that enslaved his homeland. He also blamed them for the Holocaust
Timothy Snyder

With this background, we can understand why Putin chose the actions he did, as well as the words he used to justify them. Ukraine has always been the primary target of those who seek to restore “Soviet power in fascist form”. Echoing familiar fascist antisemitic tropes, in a 2021 article, former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev denounced Zelenskiy as disgusting, corrupt and faithless. The free democratic election of a Jewish president confirms in the fascist mind that the fascist bogeyman of liberal democracy as a tool for global Jewish domination is real.

By claiming that the aim of the invasion is to “denazify” Ukraine, Putin appeals to the myths of contemporary eastern European antisemitism – that a global cabal of Jews were (and are) the real agents of violence against Russian Christians and the real victims of the N***s were not the Jews, but rather this group. Russian Christians are targets of a conspiracy by a global elite, who, using the vocabulary of liberal democracy and human rights, attack the Christian faith and the Russian nation. Putin’s propaganda is not aimed at an obviously skeptical west, but rather appeals domestically to this strain of Christian nationalism.

There are broader morals here. The attack on liberal democracy in the west comes from a global fascist movement, whose center is Christian nationalism. It will be hard to disentangle this movement from antisemitism (albeit a version of antisemitism that allies with forces pushing for a Jewish nationalist state in Israel). Unsurprisingly, proponents of the view that a Christian nation needs protection and defense against liberalism, “globalism” and their supposed decadence, will be marshaled to their most violent actions when the faces of free, secular, tolerant liberal democracy prominently include Jewish ones.


The antisemitism animating Putin’s claim to ‘denazify’ Ukraine | Jason Stanley The Russian leader’s pretext for invasion recasts Ukraine’s Jewish president as a N**i and Russian Christians as true victims of the Holocaust

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