Congratulations to TRIO student Carly James, who is earning her bachelor degree very soon! We are very proud of you, Carly, and we will miss you! We wish you all the best in your next adventure.
Interdisciplinary and Communication Studies at Miami of Ohio
Please join our page and stay in the loop with us! We welcome your opinions, and encourage open discussion about the topics we post.
The Official Miami University Department of Interdisciplinary and Communication Studies page provides current students and alumni with a medium for networking and information sharing. If we become aware of messages that contain advertising, are off-topic, are intended to defame, infringe someone’s rights, or are violations of the law, we reserve the right to remove them
Operating as usual
Today, we celebrate Lisa Engel, Bachelor of Integrative Studies major and soon-to-be graduate! Lisa, we are SO PROUD of all your hard work and accomplishments, and we cannot wait to see the work you do in our community after graduation! It has been an honor to serve you. Wishing you all the best in your future endeavors! Congratulations on both your upcoming graduation and for receiving the Senior Service Leadership Award!
Five students presented at the Student Scholar Symposium at Miami Hamilton on April 24. Vanessa Marcum presented her oral history project from her WGS 201 (Intro to Women's, Gender, and Sexual Studies) class entitled, "West Point Women." Vanessa (center) is pictured with her instructor, Dr. Basia Nowak (right) and her research subject, retired Captain Tamara C. Kaseman (left). Captain Kaseman was in the first class of women to graduate from West Point, in 1980.
Dr. Jeff Kuznekoff won the 2022 Distinguished Article Award for his piece:
Mobile Phones in the Classroom: Examining the Effects of Texting, Twitter, and Message Content on Student Learning.
Jeff's article is one of the most read and cited in the field's top journal in instructional communication, Communication Education, a journal affiliated with the National Communication Association. According to Google Scholar, the piece has been cited more than 250 times.
Congratulations to the ICS graduates! We are all very proud of your accomplishments.
Dr. Caryn E. Neumann is the faculty advisor for this certificate:
We're excited to introduce our first Global Readiness Certificate cohort from the College of Liberal Arts and Applied Science (CLAAS). Learn more about this great partnership with Miami University Global Initiatives -
Karla is a Communication Studies major:
Dr. Celeste Didlick-Davis, an adjunct member of the department, won the Robert "Sonny" Hill, Jr. Humanitarian Award for her many contributions to Middletown. Didlick-Davis, who holds degrees from Princeton and Cornell as well as Miami, is Middletown-born. Congratulations!!
Humanitarian award winner ‘humbled, honored’ to be associated with Robert ‘Sonny’ Hill Celeste Didlick-Davis doesn’t know all 13 past recipients of the Robert “Sonny” Hill Jr. Humanitarian Award.
Flashback. Jazzminn earned a BIS degree and currently works as Director of Laboratory Animals at Miami.
A Miami Moment with Jazzminn Hembree Jazzminn Hembree is a laboratory coordinator in Miami University's animal care facility, which serves the biological sciences and others in the university research community. She is a certified animal technologist who started in the field when she was 17 as a student helper at the University of Cinc...
Our own Allison Combs, Health Communication Major, has been selected for the prestigious university-wide President's Distinguished Service Award. Only 19 students across the whole of Miami were selected this year.
2021 PDSA Recipient, Allison Combs 2021 PDSA Recipient, Allison Combs
Shaun Smart (Liberal Studies major) and Craig Patrick (Communication Studies major) both had papers accepted to the Southern States Communication Association's undergraduate honors conference in April (virtually). Shaun's paper is about deception detection and freudian slips, while Craig's analyzes the film 2001: A Space Odyssey.
BIS grad Sherrita Thornton on tv. Congratulations, Sherrita!
On today's show, we have some wonderful advice for everyone currently in a long-distance relationship! 👫✈🌐
Life Coach and Therapist Sherrita Thornton will share tips and tricks on how to maintain a healthy and strong relationship in these uncertain times ❤
➡ Only at 9 AM E|P on Heartland, Retro, Roku, The Family Channel, +
Reminder: Community Conversations Planned for June 10 & 11 Community Conversations Miami Regionals Office of Diversity and Multicultural Services is a hub for candid, critical conversations, and promoting an inclusive environment where difference is the rule rather than the exception. Join our local community leaders as we discuss the “new normal” broug...
Set an appointment with your department Academic Advisor. If you're not sure who this is: Go to MyMiami, click "Student" tab at the top of your screen, and your Advisor should be listed on the top right corner.
Registration dates:
Honors & SDS & Military Affiliated Registration: April 23
Juniors & Seniors: April 28 - May 1
Freshman & Sophomores: May 5 - 8
Open registration: May 11
Don't forget about summer! Talk to your Advisor about how summer courses could keep you on track. ALL Miami summer courses on the schedule as face to face are being carefully and thoughtfully prepared for remote learning.
Consider the following courses, which still have seats available:
CRN38066 IDS 159: Strength Thru Cultural Diversity (IC, GCRS, TS, IIC)
This course will be delivered remotely but with no meetings; students will be able to participate in the course asynchronously.
CRN36713 ITS 201: Introduction to International Studies (IC, GCRS, TS, IIC)
This course will be delivered remotely but with no meetings; students will be able to participate in the course asynchronously.
BIS 301 will be offered in Fall 2021. Due to the pandemic, service learning is unavailable for Fall 2020. This impacts BIS 301, which has service learning as a key part of the seminar. BIS 301 is normally only offered in fall and BIS 401 is normally offered in spring. BIS 301 will not be on the Fall 2020 schedule. It will be offered in Fall 21 with an appropriate service learning component. Please discuss your ongoing plans and options with your department Advisor. SENIORS: You should have a separate email from me to help with your planning for this. If not, please contact me directly at [email protected] or at 513-785-3055.
In addition to the scholarships available to Miami Regional students, the Department of Interdisciplinary and Communication Studies currently offers three scholarships. Deadline is May 8. Application information is here:
Scholarship Information | Integrative Studies | Regionals - Miami University In addition to the scholarships available to Miami Regional students, the Department of Interdisciplinary and Communication Studies currently offers three scholarships.
There have been some changes to the fall schedule because of the pandemic that may impact your planning. Before you register, please be sure to consult with your Academic Advisor. Due to the pandemic, service learning partners and the university are making alterations to their plans and policies concerning students. This impacts how we offer BIS 301, which includes service learning as a key part of the seminar. BIS 301 is normally only offered in fall and BIS 401 is normally offered in spring.
Here is what you need to know:
You can take BIS 301 and 401 simultaneously. We are removing the prerequisite to take BIS 301 prior to BIS 401 for seniors directly impacted by the pandemic scheduling changes only. Both BIS 301 and BIS 401 will be offered in Fall 2021.
Planning for Spring 2021 graduation. IF you are prepared to graduate in Spring 2021, you need to confirm this with your department advisor no later than September 30. In this case, the department will work with you to provide an alternative option to keep you on track to graduate.
I want to emphasize that these changes are particular to the circumstances we are in right now as we try to navigate the impact of the pandemic. We are absolutely committed to your success and will do whatever we can to facilitate that for you. If you have any questions about this, please feel free to contact me directly at [email protected] or 513-785-3055.
Interdisciplinary and Communication Studies at Miami of Ohio updated their website address.
Interdisciplinary and Communication Studies at Miami of Ohio updated their business hours.
Congratulations to BIS major Kaitlyn Harlow for receiving the Student Service-Learning Impact Award from Miami's Center for Civic Education for her work with Miami Buddies at Fairfield West Elementary. Kaitlyn completed her work as part of BIS 301.
Congratulations to BIS major Koffi Elliott Kugbe for winning the Edgar Ewing Brandon Prize, given by the Department of French and Italian to a senior student. The award is named for a former president of Miami University who studied the Marquis de Lafayette.
As part of the Service Learning Institute, Dr. Caryn E. Neumann (Interdisciplinary and Communication Studies) is working with the Voice of America Museum in West Chester. She spoke to the museum's docents and board members this past week on teaching best practices. The museum, off Tylersville Road, welcomes visitors on Saturdays from 1-4 pm for $5 per person.
This is a chance for all interested students to explore internships and/or full-time employment with regional and national employers. Spring ICE provides the opportunity for you to meet with employer representatives from business and industry as well as selected governmental and public service agencies. Employer tables are placed throughout Millett Hall (Oxford) where you can visit with employer representatives about internships and/or full-time job opportunities and leave them a copy of your resume. Learn more at
The co-founder of HUGS is a BIS grad. FYI.
The Many Benefits of Hugelkultur Hugelkultur are no-dig raised beds with a difference. They hold moisture, build fertility, maximise surface volume and are great spaces for growing fruit, vegetables and herbs.
Need to submit a petition or SEO revision? SPRC Meeting Information:
March 8 meeting (deadline: noon on Feb. 26)
April 12 meeting (deadline: noon on April 2)
May 10 meeting (deadline: noon on April 30)
The last opportunity for any student, regardless of enrollment in BIS seminars or term of anticipated graduation, to submit an SEO, petition, or revised SEO for consideration in the spring term is April 30 at noon. Anything received after April 30 at noon will be considered in the fall SPRC meeting (likely October).
There will not be an SPRC meeting in the summer.
Dr. Lori Parks (Humanities and Creative Arts) and Dr. Caryn Neumann (Interdisciplinary and Communication Studies) participated in Lakota Local School District’s Family and Parent CommUnity University on Saturday, November 17 in a session focused on understanding the complexities of gender-expansive youth. Lakota is Southwest Ohio's largest suburban district with 16,500 students and the program drew a large audience.