Be EMC2 Light Inc.
Empowering Empowerment and Encouraging courage
Operating as usual

It's been a while.. drop links y'all. 💗
Introduction to self.
Who are you? Have you ever been asked about yourself and you were unsure how to answer the question?
This is something that has happened in my life, my whole life.
Each time I was asked about me, I answered in a way I thought would be accepted.
I faked it. Every time.
I didn't "make it" by faking it, either. I got lost there. I lost me, unintentionally.
I tried so hard to be what I thought I was supposed to be that I blocked MY blessings and received the chaos that belonged to the individual I was portraying myself as. A jester in the kingdom. All the while not even realizing that stupid hat was covering my crown!!!!
Not because I am deserving, Lord knows I am not, but because the Kingdom comes back for those who love THE LORD with all their hearts.
He sees you, and he hears the cries of our hearts.
Let me repeat the last part...
I almost gave up on life, multiple times.
God never left me. In those darkest moments, he provided me with breath I know my lungs could not have.
He shifted me, over and over again, he stands firm and unwavering for his children.
He does not allow a battle without warrior to fight it.
He does not give pain without a purpose. It must ALL be counted joy.
I did not get that. At all.
I did not understand the "why" in my life for a very, very long time.
My why was for the purpose of showing others what Hope is.
In the midst of r**e, drug abuse, alcoholism, and sexual deviance, God was preparing me.
Some of you may think, nah that was just bad decision making.
Reality is, I did make bad choices based on where I was in life. I saw my life as a day by day by day. I didn't know what preparing for the future could look like because I didn't believe I would have one.
It turns out that I do have a future.
I am in hopes of showing you that you do too. No Matter What!!!!
There are so many people in this world, and so many of them need people like you and I to show them and tell them the miracles they can perform in the lives of others when believing in self.
Some days I have no clue what my day will bring, but I know that I will always have the choice to bring positivity and joy to each situation I encounter.
I now realize that I am only what I choose to be, not what others want me to be or what others think I should be or am.
I am who I will be, not who I was.
Overcoming Overwhelm in the Realm of Depression
Wheww!! That headline alone was kind of heavy... to me.
That's what anxiety and depression do. They create something BIG out of things that (dealt with properly) can be really small.
For anyone reading this that has never dealt with depression, anxiety, or any other invisible illness, I hope to portray for you appropriately how crippling these things can be for those who DO deal with it.
I want to share many things with you all here.. I don't know who "you all" are, yet, but welcome to my blog.
One of the first things is.. I'm squirrely, a lottle sometimes.
I still have yet to get a firm professional standpoint on whether I have ADHD or if the many traumas experienced at a very young age and never appropriately handled, is what has created the inability to focus and follow through with things without EXTREME dedication.
I wanted to start this blog as a way to inform others on the things someone like me deals with, thinks about, lives with on a constant basis.
The ways I have decided to change my life, and the many many ways I was hurting myself by denying my lifelong sentence with depression.
You see depression, for my family, is generational.
I am not sure who my ancestors disturbed, but they waged a war for sure.
I will work as hard as I can for the rest of my life to spread awareness of emotional warfare. I know that my pain has more purpose than I ever thought previously.
I know now that all the things I went through as a child were not to take me out, but to bring me forth!!!
I am now in understanding of my voice!! The same voice that was silenced for years. The same voice that didn't belong in certain crowds. The same voice that was just too loud for certain conversations.
Let me introduce myself:
My birth given name Shivon Nicole Garrison.
My birth family given name Nikki.
My street given name Juicy.
I am Shivon Garrison, or Juicy/Juice, if we kick it.
I hate being called Nikki.--> It reminds me of my childhood.
Good morning!!! It is 1:25a.m. and I am up working on my future. I wanted to use this time to introduce myself a little bit better to those of you who don't Really know me.
Here goes!!!
I am 35 yrs old and I was born and raised in the small town of Commerce, TX. I was "raised by" my mom in a single parent household. I put quotations because there's a deeper truth there. My mom, God rest her soul, was an amazing woman and she worked HARD, but I don't remember much about HER. It's a sad reality because now as a mom myself I understand what NOT healing can do to not just you but your children.
So while my mom worked her ass off, my brother was in charge of me, a lot. I have always looked up to my brother as a father figure almost (as an adult, that got weird)...
After lots of therapy I realize I was probably a burden to his childhood where he was my hero.
We don't speak since our mother passed. :(
I grew up with a lot of misconceptions, a lot of fears, and a lot of doubts about what I deserved out of life.
As an adult, I have made every possible excuse for things I was really ignorant to.
When I became pregnant with my first son I realized I needed to heal, whole.
During that pregnancy I watched my mom dissolve. She overdosed twice, blamed me for things I had no control over, and pretty much decided she was done with life.
Fast forward a little bit, my son turned 1 and less than 3mo later, I lost my mom.
I had started therapy while I was pregnant, THANK GOD.
Through therapy I have started to learn that the many, many obstacles I faced as a young girl weren't my fault and that I would HAVE to let go of the guilt and shame I carried.
Here we are almost 3 years after the death of my Mom & Father (Feb of this year) and I feel like I am starting to pull together the many strengths that I have gained through all of what I thought were my weakest moments.
I look forward to breaking down more barriers, and walking in Light with all of you.
Mental Health Matters and once you Go God you can Go Good!!!

Who here can create an app???? 🤓
This post is to recognize OTHERS in your life who you know deserve more recognition. Drop links or pages to people we should be following!!!!
Please do not post your own pages. This is to show you all the value in a network.
Happy Monday to each of you!!
I hope this week starts with Nitro for each of you in the way you're goal setting and go getting. Sending my love and praying for your blessings, with you.
Be a light, you're already a lighthouse! :)

Welcome to the page newcomers!!! I greatly appreciate your acceptance to my invite.
I hope to hold myself more accountable to social media content, here and on my website
May you all be blessed, kept and highly favored. 🙏🙌🙏🙌🙏
Empowering Empowerment | BE EMC2 LIGHT INC. Texas BE EMC2 LIGHT INC is all about empowering others to take a leap of faith, get outside of their comfort zones and create true comfort for their futures.
Like, comment on and share this post for the opportunity to get this courses content for free on March 1st.
**Applies to first 10 react, comment AND shares, must do all 3 to be qualified for content**
10K IN 10 DAYS In this course I hope to inspire you to rid yourself of all anxiety and fear that traps you into thinking you can do anything less than everything you desire. Decades of JUST SURVIVING has shown Me how to finally BE. ALIVE.
I am so thrilled to let you all know how I just made this desire a reality so quickly. I hope you will join me for the launch of my new course on Feb 15th. I love your souls!!
10K IN 10 DAYS In this course I hope to inspire you to rid yourself of all anxiety and fear that traps you into thinking you can do anything less than everything you desire. Decades of JUST SURVIVING has shown Me how to finally BE. ALIVE.

A million in a month was a "crazy dream" I had and now not even a month later 10K in 10 DAYS became a reality!!! I am so excited to share with all of you how this happened for me, and how I know it can happen for you too!!!
10K IN 10 DAYS In this course I hope to inspire you to rid yourself of all anxiety and fear that traps you into thinking you can do anything less than everything you desire. Decades of JUST SURVIVING has shown Me how to finally BE. ALIVE.
Does anyone have a testimony they want to share? I would LOVE TO KNOW what God did for you, too. If you don't want to share it with me can I challenge any of you to share it on your own timeline, publicly? It makes such a huge difference to the world when we have a light in our eyes it fills our bodies, the same as when we have evil in thine eye. I am searching for as many stories of grace and understanding as possible. PLEASE, TURN THINE EYE FROM THE DOLLAR AMOUNT. THAT IS A PLEA FOR ATTENTION OF THE WICKED! We are NOT supposed to be richer than our brethren in the WORD OF GOD. I love you ALL with the love of Christ. Grace be with thee. �

Just a few. Goodnight all. Grace be with thee.
Now offering merch for any of you who like the idea but want something for your contribution!!! I will add photos shortly, so stay tuned. You guys may think this is silly but I have never felt more alive in Christ than I do right now. Becoming a fisher of men means Jesus will use his disciples to grow the kingdom of God. If I even help one person turn their eyes towards the Lord, I have accomplished something that no dollar amount can come close to.

My goal has changed as I am meant to on my path towards a more wholesome Christ like life. My goal is now to reach a million people with the message that Christ loves them right where they are and wants them to call on him no matter what season they are in. Donations accepted. The end goal is still somewhat the same but a focus on God and how our changes are inevitable to our path that he created us for. To find our purpose that we were without a doubt created for!!! I just received the most powerful message. If you don't already get notifications for Liberate church, please listen to this mornings sermon. I am compelled by Christ and his good works!!!

I have been made aware that GoFundMe is requiring minimum donations of $5. Please don't let this stop you from just sharing the word about "this crazy girl trying to make a million dollars in a month just by asking people"!! There's so much more to it than that but I know headlines get read more than the story sometimes. I love you all with the love of Christ 💗
is me chasing my dreams, even though they're bigger than "normal". I am trying to prove to myself and my peers that anything really can be possible. Depending on how hard you are willing to go for it. For me, helping others is all I want in life but I have been scared to use my own voice to change MY situations. This is me overcoming that fear and skyrocketing into the next chapter with all of you who decide to make an impact. If you think this is crazy and you want to laugh at me with your friends, please SHARE THIS POST!! I love you all too with the same love Christ shows me.
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Opening Hours
Tuesday | 09:00 - 17:00 |
Wednesday | 09:00 - 17:00 |
Thursday | 09:00 - 17:00 |
Friday | 09:00 - 17:00 |