Tolerance In Aggregates and other Materials- Ready-Mixed Concrete.
ASTM C94 Chapter 9 Measuring Materials
9.1 Cementitious material- When the quantity of cementitious materials exceeds 30 % of the full capacity scale, the measured quantity of the hydraulic cement shall be within ±1 % of the required mass, and the cumulative measured quantity of hydraulic cement plus supplementary cementitious materials shall also be within ±1 % of the required cumulative mass at each intermediate weighing.
9.2.1 For aggregates are measured in individual or cumulative weigh batches, when the required intermediate or final mass is less than 30 % of the scale capacity the mass of the aggregate shall be within ± 0.3 % of the scale capacity or within ±3 % of the required mass, whichever is less.
9.2.2 When the aggregates are measured in an individual weigh batcher and the required mass of aggregate is equal to or greater than 30 % of the scale capacity, the quantity of aggregates shall be within ± 2 % of the required mass. When aggregates are measured in a cumulative aggregate weigh batcher, and the required intermediate and final cumulative mass of aggregate components is equal to or greater than 30 % of the scale capacity, the quantity of the aggregate at each successive weighing shall be within ± 1 % of the required mass.
Note 11- The batching accuracy limit of 0.3 % of scale capacity establishes a reasonable minimum weighing tolerance limit that is independent of the quantity of material being weighed. It generally governs for smaller batch quantities weighed in weigh batchers (scale).
9.3 Mixing water shall consist of water added to the batch, ice added to the batch, water occurring as surface moisture on the aggregates, and water introduced in the form of admixtures. The added water shall be measured by weight or volume to an accuracy of 1 % of the required total mixing water. Added ice shall be measured by weight. In the case of trucks mixers, any wash water retained in the drum for use in the next batch of concrete shall be accurately measured; if this proves impractical or impossible, the wash water shall be discharged prior to loading the next batch of concrete. Total water (including any wash water) shall be measured or weighed to an accuracy of ± 3 % of the specified total amount.
Required accuracy of the batched water is a relatively tight ± 1 % of the total mixing water. Water meter calibrations are typically to a tolerance of ± 1 % of the actual batch water quantity going through the meter.
The NRMCA National Ready Mix Concrete Association Certification program includes a requirement that volumetric measuring devices for water at the plant be accurate ± 1.5 % of the target water quantity.
Admixture: most chemical admixtures contain approximately 70 % water and 30 % solids.
9.4 Chemical admixtures in powdered form shall be measured by mass. Liquid chemical admixtures shall be batched by mass or volume. Admixtures measured by either mass or volume, shall be batched with an accuracy of ± 3 % of the total amount required or plus or minus the amount or dosage required for 100 lb [50 kg] of hydraulic cement, whichever is greater.
ILsen Concrete
Concrete design information.
Compressive Strength Results @ 28 Days Job Mix 1 : 2 : 3 & 2500 Psi Pcd
The objective of this comparative is to know the ultimate strength of job mix 1:2:3. As we can see the cement factor of job mix 1:2:3 in one cubic meter is 400 kilograms while the 2500 Psi is 352 kilograms. Another thing the job mix 1:2:3 doesn't use while the 2500 Psi used a minimum dosage of admixture 0.0075 by cement. This comparison of job mix 1:2:3 and 2500 Pump mix is really challenging in construction.
NSCRP - North-South Commuter Railway Project, 50 Mpa Concrete Design (Precast Segment)
NSCRP Project- Lunching Girder Set-up Front Support Legs
Concrete Field Testing Technician - 1, ASTM C 172 - 14a - Reviewer
NSCRP - Metro Railway Project - Er****on of Precast Segment Using Launching Girder

Statistical Analysis of Concrete Strength (Shewhart Chart)
Statistical Process Control (SPC)

50Mpa Precast Segment

My latest Design Format Combined ACI & DIN
Note: Maximum 5 different Aggregates into single grading.

Thank you Boss G👏
NSCR - Metro Railway Project - Er****on of Precast Segment Using Launching Girder
II Poured 375 m3 @ New Ville Project,
II 3000 Psi G-1 @ 28 Days
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50Mpa with Fly Ash -Metro Rail Project Philippines -Pampangga to Bulacan-Courtesy by Ronnyl Catubig
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5000 Psi design mixture for swimming pool
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Slab Structure, 4000 Psi Concrete Design Mixture poured by Skelton Concrete Products (2010) Limited
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Concrete Design Mixture (196 cubic yard poured by SCP)
TBM Tunnel Boring Machine Riyadh Metro Project
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Skelton Concrete Products (2010) Limited Pouring at Windy Hill
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Skelton Concrete Products (2010) Limited - Slab Structure
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Design Mixture: 3500 Psi Pump Mix
Quantity: 82 Cubic Yards
Location: Cooten Bay
Type of equipment used: Pumpcrete (Boom Type) 38 meters
Watch the Quality of Skelton Concrete Products (2010)Limited - Shed Slab
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