Danielle Anderson - Math Tutor

Danielle Anderson - Math Tutor


My main focus is high school math, physics and chemistry. However, I have worked with students in every grade from 4-12.

Operating as usual


I hope everyone has had a wonderful long weekend!

I don't have much to say right now, but came across this little cartoon that made me laugh, and so I wanted to share with all my families. ❤️

I'm so glad that I can help a bunch of parents avoid having to feel the emotions... 🤣❤️


I'd like to quickly thank everyone for their enthusiastic referrals over the past several years!

My schedule is already more full than I initially intended, and so unfortunately I can no longer accept any additional students for this semester.

I'm looking forward to getting back into the swing of the school year with the students I've got scheduled and will see many of you guys next week. 😊


The time has come to look at calendars and schedules for the upcoming semester.

Having started a full-time job during the day this past spring, it is important that I dial back my tutoring time even more this year so that I'm not a burnt out mess by Thanksgiving (this is best for myself and your students as well, I promise!).

I've made the decision to make the move back to Zoom on Monday-Wednesday, and keep Sunday limited to a few in-person sessions for those kids who I know really need the in-person session for success. This is going to be a bit of a transition for some people, but I assure you that Zoom has become an extremely functional tool for this, and I've had so much success with using it over the last several years.

I anticipate that these very limited spots will fill up extremely fast, and I will not have space for any new students this year. If you know your kids are looking for a spot this semester, do not wait to get in touch!


Another school year is about to close it's doors, and I wanted to take a quick minute wish everyone an amazing summer! To those who are moving on to post secondary endeavors, I wish you an incredible experience wherever your path leads.

I hope summer brings adventure and relaxation in equal measures, and that when we meet again we're all recharged and ready for another year of learning.

My world looks a lot different than it did in September, as I recently started a new job during the day. As such, I anticipate having a very limited schedule available in the fall. Watch this space towards the end of August for when I'm ready to start scheduling your lovely kids!

Until then, happy summer and enjoy these months with your families!


Spring break is approaching quickly for my CBE crew, and so if I haven't already confirmed whether or not I'll be seeing your students next week, I would be extremely appreciative if you could touch base with me in the next couple days. 😊

I know my CSSD kids have another week, but it's never too soon to let me know what your plans are. 😄


Hello math/science fam!

This is just a quick reminder that the clocks change tonight! Don't be surprised if I show up at a time that feels an hour early tomorrow 😁


I wanted to post a quick update that as of right now I have just 3 spots remaining for the upcoming semester. If you're looking for some extra support for your high school student, please reach out via FB message or text. :)

This year I've had an increasing number of inquiries about booking alternate weeks, or sessions with friends taking the same class. Unfortunately, I don't book alternating weeks because it's simply too hard to find an exact match who will want the other alternate dates.

However, if your child has a friend taking the same class, feel free to reach out about 2-to-1 sessions and their pricing! This is definitely something that I'm happy to accommodate, provided the students are working on the same topics.

Also...Facebook is finally letting me post gifs again, so I apologize in advance for my absolute love of this form of communication!


Semester 2 is just around the corner, so it's that magical time again...

Time to start building my schedule for the rest of the school year! With some students returning from the first semester, spots are already booking up fast.

I look forward to working with your kids for another round of courses! :)


Another blink, and another crazy chunk of time has passed us by. December has arrived, and with it we all look forward to some well earned down time in a few weeks!

As usual, I will be taking some time off from working with your lovely young humans to rest and recharge (and hopefully to get some winter hiking in as well). From December 21st-January 1st I will be on holidays, and from January 2nd-4th I will resume sessions on an on-demand basis. What this means is that if your student would like some extra time with me over the holidays, we can arrange that between January 2nd-January 4th. As of January 7th, I will resume regular sessions (unless otherwise arranged).

With so many celebrations occurring in the month of December, I wish you all a wonderful holiday season, regardless of which holidays you celebrate!


I don't know about everyone else, but for a while it definitely felt like we might never see the end of September! However, here we are in October, nicely settled into the rhythm of the fall semester and headed towards Halloween.

I wanted to talk about a conversation I've had many times in the past year, and that is parents and students asking me about ADHD and whether or not I think it may play a role in their child's learning. Obviously I'm not a doctor, and so I am certainly not qualified to be dispensing medical advice to anybody! My recommendation is always (ALWAYS!) to speak to your family doctor.

The interesting part about these conversations is that more often, I am getting these questions or comments from students. It's often a comment on the side, partially joking but also with a hint of curiosity about whether they could be on to something. I never want to be someone who downplays or brushes these conversations aside as if they don't matter, because when your kids trust me enough to start that conversation I definitely want to continue to be a safe person for them to talk to. I encourage them to speak to mom or dad, and to ask about setting up an appointment to discuss their concerns or suspicions further with their doctor.

Let's work together to break the stigma and normalize asking for help, and take the concerns of our kids at face value. Asking for help is hard, and it's even harder when mental health is involved!


The fall semester is underway, and the learning has begun! I am looking forward to my first full week with your lovely kids next week, and can't wait to hear about summer adventures and what the year ahead has in store.

I know that success looks different for every student, and so with that in mind I hope that everyone is able to achieve their definition of success this year! I'll be here to support your kids along the pathway to their version of success, whatever that may look like for them. ❤️


Hey folks! I've been meaning to post an update regarding my availability!

Unfortunately, my calendar filled up within 48 hours of posting my last update. So I no longer have spots open for this semester.


I hope everyone had an incredible summer and is feeling ready to get back into the fall routine.

My calendar is officially open to returning students! Availability is extremely limited this year as I anticipate some upcoming changes to my daytime employment. It's unlikely that I'll be able to accommodate every inquiry, and so I will do my best to provide referrals where I can. 😊


This has been a fantastic year and I have enjoyed working with all of your kids! I will have to say goodbye to several long-time folks this year, and it's definitely going to be bittersweet. It's hard to say goodbye, but I just love seeing where they go and what they do from here. They've only just begun!

Now, it's that time of year where I ask that you please let me know when your kids will be wrapping us their time with me for the school year!

My last day working with students will be June 22nd, but due to scheduling, your kids may be finished prior to that day. If this is the case, I appreciate you letting me know so that I can accommodate extra session requests from those who are writing exams during these final weeks.

As for next year, watch for a post towards the end of August. I always try to make sure my high school kids have their schedules before opening up my calendar. As usual, returning families will get priority (usually two days advance) when choosing/booking times.


With the arrival of June, I would like to wish everyone a very Happy Pride Month!

In my little universe I welcome humans of every kind with open arms and will not ever judge students (or their families for that matter) based on their preferences, their gender identity, or anything of the sort. My goal is to create a welcoming space where everybody I encounter feels comfortable, and if I ever fail to do this I sure hope someone mentions it to me.

If your student needs a safe adult to talk to, I want them to know that I am always happy to be that safe adult. I welcome open conversations and difficult questions.

Math doesn't care who you love.


This week marks the start of grad season for all my grade 12 students. I've been with some of them for many years, and some for only a semester. Regardless of how long I've worked with your kids, I am equally proud of every single one of them and what they have achieved.

Congratulations to all my grads out there!! Have an amazing time celebrating. ❤️❤️



More news folks...another spot has opened up on Wednesday afternoons. If you'd like more information, send me a message ASAP! This availability won't last long. :)


I'd like to wish a massive congratulations to all my Grade 12 students who have finished writing their math and chemistry diploma exams this semester! I hope they all enjoy a few days of well-deserved rest and relaxation before it's all systems go on Monday.

I also need to inform you that my schedule for the upcoming semester is officially full. If you are in need of a tutoring spot for your child, please feel free to reach out and I will happily refer you to some great people who still have space. :)

Happy January everyone! We've almost made it through... 😁

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