Angielski w Irlandii

Angielski w Irlandii

Szkoła językowa stosująca Metodą Callana. Uczymy angielskiego cztery razy szybciej niż szkoły stosujące inne metody. Krótszy czas nauki oznacza niższe koszty!


New Beginner Groups are commencing this January!
Set 2023 up for success by starting it with learning a new skill for only €192!
This 6-week course is perfect for anyone who is starting their English journey!
Our classes will begin on the 16th of January at Tyrrelstown Community Centre.
The classes will run every Monday and Friday.
The morning class will run from 9-11AM.
The evening class will run from 7-9PM.
For more information about the morning class follow this link:
For more information about the evening class follow this link:
We hope to see you at our school this January!
Have a Happy New Year!


Zwyciężasz gdy mimo wszystko po każdym upadku wstajesz i idziesz dalej


Thank you to the wonderful group for their hard work and wonderful atmosphere in the classroom. Time for a well-deserved vacation. I'll see you in September.
We wish all our students a wonderful holiday

Thank you to the beautiful group for their hard work and wonderful atmosphere in the classroom. Time for a well-deserved vacation. I'll see you in September.
We wish all our students a wonderful holiday.


study idioms with Easy English Dublin:)

study idioms with us:)
Callan book 8 lesson no.125


We are enrolling now on a new intensive Callan Method English course for beginners and intermediate.
Classes in Tyrrelstown Community Centre and in Finglas.
The Callan Method is a unique way to learn English. Its carefully structured syllabus and its emphasis on oral practice in a lively and active environment mean that all students can improve their listening and speaking skills- fast!
For more information on Callan Method, check our website: or call us T 0857833645


Zapraszamy na nowy kurs angielskiego dla początkujących oraz średniozaawansowanych. Lekcje odbywać się będą w Tyrrelstown Community Centre . Kurs obejmuje 4 lekcje w tygodniu i trwa 3 miesiące. Koszt 1 lekcji to tylko 8,5 euro.
Kurs rozpocznie sie w pażdzierniku ale ze względu na ograniczoną ilość osób w klasie zwiazaną z restrykcjami Covidowymi zapraszamy chętne osoby do zapisywania się jak najszybciej

We are enrolling now on our new English course for beginners and pre-intermediate.
The lessons at Easy English school are entirely focused on speaking and listening; there is no exercise in the book. You will hear spoken English throughout the whole class and speak a lot with the constant help of your teacher.
The classes take place in Tyrrelstown Community Centre
Call us on 0857833645 or contact us on FB: Easy English Dublin.

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