Pedagógusnapra 2023 Kalocsai Fényi Gyula Általános Iskola Belvárosi Általános Iskolája ://
Our World is one, waste is zero.
Lithuania, Greece, Turkey, North Macedonia, Hungary
Operating as usual
Madarak és fák napja 2023 Kalocsai Fényi Gyula Általános Iskola Belvárosi Általános Iskolája :// 1. Zene Ovi: ...
Gratulálunk Dege Hanna Abigél 6.a osztályos tanulónak, aki a legeredményesebb, legszorgalmasabb résztvevője volt az Erasmus+ Our World is One, Waste Is Zero projektnek.
Congratulations to Dege Hanna Abigél, a 6th-grade student who was the most successful and diligent participant in the Erasmus+ Our World is One, Waste Is Zero project.
Twinspace We are building the project to protect and preserve our Earth. Activities: - school garden - Earth Day - Europe Day - Birds and Trees Day - Fashion, things from recycled materials. I am sorry because this is an old website and our partners couldn't connect for this.
Part 3 of our Erasmus+ Our World is one, waste is zero project has also become a qualified project!
We would like to thank our partners who participated in the project or supported our goals in any way, as a result of which we won this title.
Erasmus+ Our World is one, waste is zero projektünk 3. része is minősített projekt lett!
Köszönjük partnereinknek, akik részt vettek a projektben, vagy bármi módon támogatták céljainkat, melyek megvalósulásának eredményeként ezt a címet is elnnyertük.
Part 3 of our Erasmus+ Our World is one, waste is zero project has also become a qualified project!
We would like to thank our partners who participated in the project or supported our goals in any way, as a result of which we won this title.
We have become an eTwinning partner institution.
Our school's project implemented within the framework of the Erasmus+ program called eTwinning - Community of European Schools was awarded the title of National Qualified e-Twinning project.
This title provides the school with a public confirmation of its commitment to quality and openness in European collaborative work.
The recognition is awarded by the Hungarian Service Point of e-Twinning, the Coordination Department of Pedagogical Professional Services of the Office of Education, to those projects that meet the criteria developed by an international pedagogical advisory group. The evaluation takes into account pedagogical innovation, tools for knowledge sharing, communication between partner institutions and tools for digital competence development.
The evaluation highlighted the role of teacher coordinator Annamária Ceylan, who coordinated the Our World is one, waste is zero project, which met the evaluation criteria perfectly. The project was realized with the help of the enthusiastic students, their teachers and the school staff. This achievement was recognized by donating the "eTwinning partner institution" plaque to our school.
eTwinning partnerintézmény lettünk.
Iskolánk az eTwinning – európai iskolák közössége elnevezésű Erasmus+ program keretében megvalósított projektje elnyerte a Nemzeti Minősített e-Twinning projekt címet.
Ez a cím nyilvános megerősítést nyújt az iskolának az európai együttműködésen alapuló munka keretében tanúsított elkötelezettségről a minőség és a nyitottság iránt.
Az elismerést az e-Twinning Magyarországi Szolgáltató Pontja, az Oktatási Hivatal Pedagógiai Szakmai Szolgáltatások Koordinációs Főosztálya ítéli oda azon projekteknek, amelyek megfelelnek egy nemzetközi, pedagógiai tanácsadó csoport által kidolgozott szempontrendszernek. Az értékelés figyelembe veszi a pedagógiai innovációt, a tudásmegosztás eszközeit, a partner intézmények közötti kommunikációt és a digitális kompetenciafejlesztés eszközeit.
Kiemelték az értékelésben Ceylan Annamária pedagógus koordinátor szerepét, aki az Our World is one, waste is zero projektet koordinálta, amely projekt az értékelési kritériumoknak kiválóan megfelelt. A projekt a lelkes diákok, tanáraik és az iskola dolgozói segítségével valósult meg. Ezt a teljesítményt ismerték el azzal, hogy az „eTwinning partnerintézmény” táblát adományozták iskolánknak.
In this school year, we also consider it important that our students and their families take care of their environment and that we once again get involved in the Sustainability theme week. The first stop of this was watching the presentation of former president János Áder at Budapest's Corvinus University, which is part of the subject "Hungary's role in achieving global sustainability and climate goals". Our students also tested themselves, during which it turned out that they solved the questions flawlessly with the help of what they learned about nature. To be continued.
Ebben a tanévben is fontosnak tartjuk, hogy diákjaink, családjaik ügyeljenek a környezetükre és ismét bekapcsolódjunk a Fenntarthatósági témahétbe is. Ennek első állomása volt a Budapesti Corvinus Egyetemen Áder János volt köztársasági elnök előadásának megtekintése, mely a Magyarország szerepe a globális fenntarthatósági és klímacélok elérésében című tantárgy része. Tanulóink tesztelték önmagukat is, mely során kiderült, hogy a kérdéseket hibátlanul megoldották a természettel kapcsolatban tanultak segtségével. Folytatása következik.
On the occasion of World Car-Free Day, September 22, 2022, we encouraged our students to come to school by bicycle, foot or public transport.
Gyere kerékpárral, gyalog vagy busszal iskolába 2022. szeptember 22-én, csütörtökön! Meg tudod csinálni!
The world's largest lesson has begun, the opening event of which was the viewing of a UNICEF Hungary cartoon about global goals. All of our lives depend on the Earth. Our culture is different, but we only have one planet - if we take care of it and sustainably produce, and share what we have, we will have a future.
The participants also watched a presentation on climate protection.
The next program will be on Wednesday. Our topic is healthy food.
The world's largest lesson theme week - Hungary
Today's mission was completed by a small enthusiastic team. They cleaned the sidewalks, grassy areas, and sidewalks next to the school. Thank You!
World Walking Day 2022
Gyaloglónap 2022 Kalocsai Fényi Gyula Általános Iskola Belvárosi Általános Iskolája ://
At our school, we consider it important to draw our students' attention to environmental protection, the protection of the Earth, and actions that have an impact on the future. We organize several theme weeks and programs in order for our students to become responsible adults.
The eco-specialists visited a fill again store with teacher Andrea Varga, where they learned about packaging-free shopping.
Let's follow them!
Kinga Bertók, Liliána Góman, 5th-grade students created a tableau and a presentation, with which they draw the attention of their fellow students to the respect and protection of forests. Brigitta Baksa, an 8th-grade student, edited a "green newspaper" in which you can read about renewable energy sources. The works will soon appear on the school bulletin board.
Forests, nature conservation, and related "green" innovations play an important role in our Erasmus+ Our World is One, Waste is Zero project.
Our World is One, Waste is Zero
ourworldisone Kalocsai Fényi Gyula Általános Iskola Belvárosi Általános Iskolája
The recycling challenge has continued in the library.
Works made from the caps were posted on the wall.
Authors: Zsanett Bognár Vivien 8.b, Csímka Mirabella Tímea 8.b Decaák Csenge Luca, 6.a, Kovács Lujza 7.a.
Felkerültek a falra a kupakokból készített alkotások.
Készítettők: Bognár Zsanett Vivien 8.b, Csonka Mirabella Tímea 8.b Decsák Csenge Luca, 6.a, Kovács Lujza 7.a.
Pictures of the cups.
Erasmus "Our World is one, waste is zero - Today, the country of letters and numbers made of caps has been handed over to first and second graders. Learning to play is always fun.
The games were made by students Lujza Kovács 7.a and Zsanett Vivien Bognár 8.a.
Good game!
Salads stuck in high heat found their place in the highlands with the help of the lower grades.
Work is also going on in the "school garden".
Recycling - Continued. next
This is a longer process.
And the surprise.
On the day of the birds and trees, the 1st graders observed the plants, insects, and birds during their walk. They also made drawings and fairy tale illustrations.
Today, the main activity was painting.