Singing SENCO Videos

Videos by Singing SENCO. Free/ low cost communication and music resources for use with children in the early years, and with t

Another reason to think carefully about the transitions between activities during the day... THIS!!

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Other Singing SENCO videos

Another reason to think carefully about the transitions between activities during the day... THIS!!

Songs of Transition 10- "Time to go outside"
New song alert!!! Here is the latest addition to “Songs of Transition”, this one is called “Time to go outside”; song nu...

Not OK
Hi There are more Singing SENCO songs on the way. In another life, I have started to write and record my own music... I ...

Songs of Transition 7- The Bed Time Song
This is the “Bed Time Song”. This can be used at nap times too. Why not share with your families. if you from a school/ ...

Songs of Transition 1 - "It's nearly time to finish"
Giving warning that a favourite activity is going to finish is SO important! Think about how you might feel when somethi...

Songs of Transition 9 - "Snack Time"
Spotlight video today; "Snack time"... why not have a go at learning this today? or share it with someone who would find...

Songs of Transition 5 - "Dinner Time"
You've got to eat!! Here is the "dinner time" song. Why not have a go at learning this today, and sharing it with your w...

Songs of Transition 2 - "Every Body Tidy Up"
Everyone loves a "Tidy up" song! if you are not using one, why not try this one? Go, on, you might even enjoy learning t...

Songs of Transition 6 - " Go Inside"
Hey! how was your day? Here is the second of two videos today that help children to transition from one place to another...

Songs of Transition 4 - "Line up"
Spotlight videos for today can be used to help children get ready to transition from one place to another... the first v...

Songs of Transition 3 - "It's time to get together"
Group time/ registration/ gathering together is a regular part of the day for most children. I have used songs to signal...

Songs of Transition 5 - "Dinner Time"
Here is the "Dinner time" song, for you to learn, share and use with your children. Preparation and routine is SO import...

Songs of Transition 8 - The Go Home Song
Looking for new ides to implement this term? Here is a teaching video for "The go home song" including Makaton Signs (or...

Songs of Transition 7- The Bed Time Song
Song 7 in "Songs of transition" series; This is the “Bed Time Song”, this video teaches it complete with signs. Please S...

Songs of Transition 6 - " Go Inside"
Did you know there are now 9 videos in the "songs of transition" playlist?Here is the "go inside" song, intended to help...

Songs of Transition 4 - "Line up"
Have you seen/ are you using this song?! The "line up" song...The first of 2 videos (see video 6 also) that can be used ...

Songs of Transition 9 - "Snack Time"
This latest video is a preparation time for snack time, useful for home and nursery/ childminders/ other educational set...

Songs of Transition 3 - "It's time to get together"
Hi everyone! Welcome to all you newbies; thanks for liking my page! Please share these posts with anyone who would find ...

Songs of Transition 2 - "Every Body Tidy Up"
Everybody's favourite...A "tidy up" song for parents, carers, childminders, nurseries!Particularly useful with the very ...

Songs of Transition 5 - "Dinner Time"
Have you seen this song yet?! The "Dinner Time" song; a lively interactive simple song with signs, as always.This song c...