Educational administration | scope ,features ,approches and tools of education administration
Leaders in Learning with Fatima permote education and its importance. This is only for compatative
Operating as usual
Educational administration | scope ,features ,approches and tools of education administration
What is organization? Type of organization | Theories of organization | structure of organization In this video we will discuss about an organisation and its definition. it's approches and the Type of organisation.
Authorities under PEEDA 2006 for School Education Department In this video we will list us about the authorities of PEEDA act in education department.
Diffrence between Policy,Plan ,Project and programme In this video we will discuss about education and administration. in which we discuss what is policy? what is plan ?what is project? and what is programme?
Communication| verticalr and Horizontal,Upward and downward ,Formal and informal communication In this video we will discuss about communication and It's type.
PPSC lecturer and Headmaster test preparation | PPSC past paper|B.ed In this video we will discuss about PPSC past paper or model paper 9f Education Subject .In which we ckear all concept if educational pedagigy ,education fo...
#ppscallexamsquestionandanswer |#PPSClecturer #PPSCheadmaster #PPSCModelpaper #PPSC past paper In this video we will discuss about public service commission model paper number one remaining question.Cinceptual study accordi g to paper .Solve MCQ
#ppscallexamsquestionandanswer |#ppsclecturer |#ppscmodelpaper #ppscheadmaster This video we will discuss about what a public service commission pass paper number 2 in which we will discuss all type of concept which is regarding lecture...
#ppsc #spsc#kppsc#literacy#gbpsc #ajkpsc#fpsctest#educationalvideo #B.ed #M.ed #lectures .ed .ed /urdu leacture ,Headmaster and headmistress exams .Quick review ...
Leaders in Learning with Fatima Leaders in Learning with Fatima permote education and its importance. This is only for compatative
Eid mubarik
Single National curriculumin Urdu |National curriculum| Modern emarging trend in this video we will discuss about what is curriculum. who is used this curriculum word first time. what is national curriculum and who coined first time Na...
Detail information about UNESCO in Urdu and Hindi #unesco #unescoworldheritage In this video we learn about UNESCO all detail . in which include History of UNESCO , role of UNESCO , theme of UNESCO , Area of UNESCO , latest project , Pa...
concept and working of UNICEF in Urdu and Hindi in this video we discuss about UNICEF its working its area and PAKISTAN main project regarding education. in this video we discuss all details according to t...