GSCA is looking for new E-board members for the 2021-2022 academic year.
Boston College Graduate Students of Color Association
GSCA is a community of people who believe that the various racial and ethnic backgrounds from which

Black Womyn’s Empowerment Conference March 12&13

“Hate is too great a burden to bear. It injures the hater more than it injures the hated.”
—Coretta Scott King

GSCA welcome back event. February 26

We honor the legacy of Dr. King. In these unsettling times, his relentless fight for justice resonates more than ever. Let’s keep the dream alive.

Come join us next Friday for some Halloween festivities 🎃 👻 🎃🎃👻☠️ there'll be games and prizes! Zoom link will be sent day of. Don't forget to wear your costume!!!

Have you registered to vote? ☑️ Need some help in the process? 📝 Try for registration and reminders via text or email!
TurboVote We help you vote, no matter what. Sign up for election reminders and get help with voter registration and voting by mail — all in one place!

"Don’t let anyone call you a minority if you’re black or Hispanic or belong to some other ethnic group. You’re not less than anybody else."
- Gwendolyn Brooks, American Poet

Thanks to everyone who came out to our GSCA welcome back event. We had a good turnout from HigherED, Sociology, Carrol School of Management and the School of Social Work.

GSCA welcome back event will be on September 11 @5:30pm. Come network with fellow graduate students, play games and win raffle prizes 🏆🥇

TGIF!!!!!!!You are finally at the end of the first week of classes!!!! Remember to make time for yourself and engage in self-care as you get accustom to your class schedule, friends and BC 🦅 community.
Self-Care Tip: Practice relaxation techniques. Sit or lie down comfortably in a quiet space. Close your eyes, and take a deep breathe in, counting slowly to 5 while you breathe. Then exhale slowly, counting from 5 to 1 while you breathe out. Repeat 10 times. You can do this anywhere to relax your mind and body.

Come join GSCA for our welcome back event on September 11, 2020 at 5:30pm via zoom. Meet new and returning graduate students, win raffle prizes and GSCA swags!!

As we wind-down summer activities Boston College Graduate Student of Color Association is please to welcome new and returning students to the Heights 🦅
GSCA will be hosting a welcome back event for all students on September 11, 2020 at 5:30pm via zoom. Come enjoy a night of fun, meet new people, win raffle prizes and GSCA swags.

Home - Reopening Boston College Frequently asked questions for employees, faculty, students, and parents are provided by section. Please return to this site frequently, as information will be posted as it become available.

Today is the GSCA Grad Toast at 6pm EST. Come celebrate GSCA members graduating this year! Use this link to attend:

Hope you all are doing well as the end of the semester approaches. We realize this is a difficult time and COVID-19 has disrupted the normality of our lives in many ways, but still want to take time to recognize BC graduate students completing their programs this semester.
We would like to formally invite you to the GSCA Class of 2020 Grad Cocktail Hour: Zoom Edition on May 9th at 6 pm (Zoom link to be provided the day before the event). If you or someone you know is graduating, we would love to take a moment to celebrate your accomplishments and hard work with some drinks and a raffle for gift cards. This is intended to be a semi-formal affair so DRESS TO IMPRESS and BYOB! RSVP here:
Thank you to those who participated in the survey. Here are some updates from Carol Hughes, Director of the Office of Graduate Student Life, regarding some of the challenges graduate students are facing:
1. [email protected] is where students who are struggling (undergrad and grad) can go to see what help is available and perhaps other local resources that are available. This is affiliated with Campus Ministry and I talked with them this morning.
2. Alec (GSA E-board member) has been working with a local food pantry and we will be posting that information early next week.
3. I know the issue of more online classes and summer classes online has come up. I don't have any information about that at this time. It will be important for students to read the email updates from the university and their individual schools and colleges about the academic calendar (which remains unchanged at this time), course registration, and any information about Commencement, summer classes, and online offerings.
4. I know the library closing was challenging- but since it closed the Governor of Massachusetts has ordered that all non-essential businesses close. So the library remains closed. However, each library and O'Neill have tremendous online resources and librarians are available online or by phone or zoom to talk to students and assist them.
5. The GSA and OGSL will start "drop-in" hours on Zoom next week for grad students. Grad students can check-in and if there are issues they are concerned about they can let the staff know and we will research them to find answers.
6. Tyler is about to send a note out to student organization treasurers about funds and programming
7. The GSA is putting a poll into the newsletter to ask grad students what type of passive programming if any, they would like to see in the next month or so.
Additionally, Career Services is offering a number of virtual services to grad students, which are great for those beginning or in the middle of a job search.
I hope this is helpful. Stay healthy.
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Hello GSCA Members,
We hope you all are doing well during these unprecedented times. GSCA is reaching out to ask for your participation in a quick anonymous survey (5 minutes at most) to address any issues that are affecting graduate students and how GSA and/or GSCA may better support you. We know that all of you are facing different challenges and would like to be of service to you in any way that we can.
Thank you for your participation and please don't hesitate to reach out!

Please register ( and join Alyssa Harris for the Graduate Students of Color Talk Series on Wednesday, February 26 from 5:30-6:30pm at the Murray House. Light refreshments will be provided.
Title: Conversations with Professors of Color
Bio: Allyssa L. Harris RN, Ph.D., WHNP-BC is an Associate Professor and Department Chair at the William F. Connell School of Nursing at Boston College. She is the Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner Program Director at Boston College and a member of the health care team at Healthquarters, Inc. in Beverly, MA. Dr. Harris’s program of research centers on reducing adolescent sexual risk behaviors in particular understanding the role of parent-adolescent sexual communication and media influences of sexual risk behaviors. In addition, she conducts research in the areas of diversity and leadership among nurses of color. Dr. Harris has published a number of articles on Women’s Health issues including contraception, sexual decision-making, and parent-child sexual communication. Dr. Harris has received awards for Education from the New England Regional Black Nurses Association and the Inspiration in Women’s Health award from the Nurse Practitioners for Women’s Health Association. She is a member of the Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International, the Nurse Practitioners for Women’s Health Association, the Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric, & Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN), New England Regional Black Nurses Association and the National Black Nurses Association. Dr. Harris is the President of Boston’s College’s chapter of Sigma Theta Tau, a member of the Editorial Advisory Board for the journal, Nursing for Women’s Health (NWH) and is the column editor for the Short Reviews column in NWH.

Hi everyone! The 43nd Annual Eastern Evaluation Research Society (EERS) Conference is looking for students interested in, studying, or working in evaluation. The conference will be held on April 26th – 28th, 2020 at the Chauncey Hotel and Conference Center in Princeton, New Jersey. The conference theme is Capacity, Complexity, Collaboration.
EERS has a history of encouraging and supporting student work and newcomers to the field of evaluation across many settings including education, health care, social services, government, and many other fields. The conference offers an opportunity for student participants to explore common challenges, celebrate successes, gain presentation skills, network with student and professional peers, and contribute to improving knowledge across the field of evaluation. Students selected to give presentations or present posters of their work will receive stipends to offset the cost of attending the conference.
Presentation proposals are due Monday, December 2, 2019, and as always, we welcome your submission to the general call for proposals as well! Visit the for details.
2020 Call for Proposals The Eastern Evaluation Research Society (EERS) is pleased to invite your proposals for Individual, Skill-Building, and Panel sessions at the 43rd Annual Conference ( ). The conference will be held at our new home, the Chauncey Hotel and Conference Center in Princeton, New Jersey on April 26-28...

Hi all! If you're looking to do something fun this weekend the Graduate Student Association will be hosting an Apple Picking Event. Tickets are $20 and include transportation from BC, a bag of apples, cider donuts and a hay ride.
Tickets can be purchased using this link:

Hi all! Just a reminder that tomorrow is GSCA's first event of the year! Come eat and hang out with new and returning members of GSCA from 5:30 to 7 at the Murray House!
Boston College Graduate Students of Color Association - Events 389 followers

Hey GSCA! The McNair Scholars Program is looking for Graduate Mentors. If you are interested please fill out this form using the link provided:
Google Forms - create and analyze surveys, for free. Create a new survey on your own or with others at the same time. Choose from a variety of survey types and analyze results in Google Forms. Free from Google.

Hi everyone! As the new semester approaches we'd like to welcome new and returning members to GSCA! Tomorrow we'll have a table at Grad and Professional NSO during the Resource Fair. Feel free to stop by!

The Graduate Students of Color Association will be having its March Luncheon
this Friday, March 22nd at 12:00 noon-2:00 pm at the Murray House.
FREE FOOD from El Pelon will be served!!!
Come socialize, network, and mingle with other grad students :-)
See ya there!

This past weekend was a success! Thanks to all of our lovely graduate students of color that came out to pick apples with us at Shelbourne Farms. Shout out to Boston College Graduate Student Association (GSA) for organizing this outing!

Event: Boston Millenials Take the Mic
When: This Saturday, Sept. 22nd at noon
Where: City Year, 287 Columbus Avenue, Boston, MA 02116
Join us for an afternoon of storytelling about the millennial of color experience in Boston. During this workshop style meeting, seasoned Toastmasters will present speeches about their personal challenges and triumphs as minorities or allies to minorities, and will be supportively evaluated.
We invite you to come hear relatable stories, and practice public speaking yourself by sharing your story during an impromptu speaking exercise!
*Register on EventBrite below...
Going to the Office of Graduate Student Life's Brunch Cruise? Rita and I will be there this Saturday! Feel free to introduce yourselves and ask any questions you may have about GSCA.
Brunch Cruise on Boston Harbor
Saturday, September 15
Boarding Time: 12pm
Cruise Time: 1pm-3pm
Place: 60 Rowes Wharf
Price: $25
Tickets can be purchased here if you still need one!

Hello All! I'm volunteering to gather participants for the following study. Your help would be appreciated!!!
This is a call for Black college students (undergraduate and graduate) of any ethnicity/nationality to participate in a survey study looking at how experiences around race may affect your academic motivation and achievement.
Your participation is needed in order to fill the gap in research as it relates to Black college student’s experiences around race in academic institutions.…/SV_1U0hQCEeHaXR5J3
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