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1.What would happen if the nose did not have hairlike structures?
2. How is the food chain important in an ecosystem?
Tikukufunirani zabwino zonse pamene mupitilira kulemba mayeso a MSCE lero.
Lero kuli ma subject awa:
1. Agriculture P I
2. History P I
3. English P I
MSCE alert!
It is a must to know the characters of the following:
a. Macbeth
b. Macduff
c. Lady Macbeth
Dear form 4 students
As you continue preparing for your MSCE Exams, I would like to share with you tips on how you ought to handle POETRY (Paper III Question 1)
1. Read the given poem repeatedly to get a general understanding of what it is all about.
2. Try to identify the persona (speaker in a poem) and the addressee as soon as you can. Your ability to identify these two will help you to quickly grasp the gist of the poem
3. Take note of difficult words and try to understand their meanings from the context in which they are found i.e consider the whole stanza and NOT just one line
4. Take note of all literary devices and figures of speech used in the poem and understand their importance and meanings
5. Think about the denotative and cononative meanings of the poem
6. Reflect on the central messages the poet intended to put across
What Is Poetry Analysis?
Poetry analysis is examining the independent elements of a poem to understand the literary work in its entirety. Analyzing poems line by line allows you to break poems down in order to study their structure, form, language, metrical pattern, and theme. The purpose of literary analysis is to interpret the meaning of a poem and appreciate it on a deeper level.
Five Things to Consider When Analyzing Poetry
Poetry involves different elements like language, rhythm, and structure. Together, they tell a story and create a complexity that is unique to poetic verse. When studying poems in-depth, look at these individual elements:
1. Theme:
Poetry often conveys a message through figurative language. The central idea and the subject matter can reveal the underlying theme of a poem.
2. Language:
From word choice to imagery, language creates the mood and tone of a poem. The way language is arranged also impacts the rhythm of a poem.
3. Sound and rhythm:
The syllabic patterns and stresses create the metrical pattern of a poem.
4. Structure:
//to be continued//......
Solve the following equations simultaneously:
1. x - y = 21
log xy = 2
2. xy = 4
log x + 2 log y = 1
In solving for you will convert log into exponential equations e.g. log xy = 2 will be 10^2= xy
x - y = 21 (1)
100 = xy (2)
x = 21 + y (3)
Substitute x for 21 + y in (2)
100 = y(21 + y)
100 = y^2 + 21y
y^2 + 21y - 100 = 0
(y + 25) (y - 4) = 0
y = - 25 or 4
Substitute the value of y in (3) to find the values of x
x = 21 - 25
= - 4 or
x = 21 + 4
= 25
For practice, solve question 2.
*Good morning colleagues*
- I want to notify you that the note making lesson continues today.
- I wish you all the best as you wait.
Teacher F.G.
The stage requires sunlight which is absorbed by chlorophyll in the form of ADP
(Adenosine Diphosphate).
Through the process called photophosphorytion, the chlorophyll allows ADP to combine with phosphate electrons to form energy ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate).
ATP is used to split water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen atoms through a process called photolysis.
The oxygen atoms combine to form oxygen
molecule which diffuses out of the leaf
through the stomata as a waste product while
the hydrogen remains and is used in the dark stage.
In this stage, light is not needed. This is why it is referred to as light independent stage.
Carbon dioxide gas from the atmosphere diffuses into the leaf through the stomata into the chloroplasts from which it is reduced by hydrogen using ATP to form glucose.
The process by which glucose is produced is called reduction reaction.
This glucose is then converted into other
forms of organic molecules such as starch, lipids and vitamins through condensation reaction.
N/B: Both Light and Dark stages occur during day only despite the fact that dark stage does not require sunlight in order to take place.

It is a chemical process where green plants make food complex organic food from water and carbon dioxide in the presence of sunlight.
The necessary conditions for photosynthesis are:
1. light - a source of energy
2. Water
3. Carbon dioxide
4. Chlorophyll - a green pigment in chloroplasts used to capture light
Adaptations of leaves for photosynthesis
1. Broad shaped - increase surface area for absorption of both light energy and carbon dioxide
2. Thin lamina - provides reduced distance for the exchange of gases as well light reaching the cells
3. Network of veins - good supply of absorbed raw materials
4. Presence of stomata - for exchange of gases
5. Chloroplasts - contain chlorophyll that capture sunlight energy
6. Supported by stem and petiole - to expose them to light
1. Temperature
2. Light intensity
3. The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
1. Light stage
2. Dark stage
Question: Describe both stages of photosynthesis.
To be continued...(G.G)
In preparing for MSCE maths exams, it is important to know and master basics. They will always act as a foundation on which you build your grades. A foundation well laid has positive results.
As you are preparing remind yourself of these basics.
1. Number line
2. Angles, types and their properties i.e. different angles between the line and their properties
3. Cartesian plane
4. LCM and HCF e.t.c
Every statement made in Mathematics should have a reason. For example when you say a + b = 180°, there must be a reason for it being so. The reasons are basically the theorems e.g. angle sum of a triangle e.t.c
Agriculture. Form 2.
Revision test.
Classification of livestock ( book 1)
1. Ruminant animals are ____
a. Animals with one stomach
b. Animals with Caecum
c. Animals that chew the cud ✅
d. Animals that digest cellulose
In an essay form, describe how energy is maintained in an ecosystem.
NOTE-MAKING continued//
2 *Main points/Subheading*
-skip a line from the title,then write the main idea.
- a main point is a point that a particular paragraph carries or explains.
-each paragraph has one main point.
- a main point is not found in the introduction and conclusion paragraph.
-main points are also not found in transitional paragraphs.
-The main point has to be written starting from the margin.
-the first letter of the main point has to be a capital letter but the other letters must be small letters.
-underline the main point.
- do not put a full stop at the end of a main point.
- do not use symbols, abbreviations and any other shortforms of words in the main point.
-the main point has to be brief and straight forward.
-the main point must be numbered by either of the following
a. Upper case letters (A,B,C,D)
b. Arabic numerals (1,2,3,4)
c. Upper case Roman numerals (I, II, III,IV)
-the numbering of main points must be done outside the margin, ( if your answer sheet does not have margins, draw them)
-Always underline the main point
-The main point is commonly found in the first sentence of each paragraph in the main body.
- sometimes the main point might not be found in the first or second sentence of the paragraph. In this situation, read the whole paragraph then ask oneself what the paragraph is all about. The answer you get will help you form the main point.
When writing the main point try as much as possible to be brief and straight forward. Preferably, use a phrase......
*To be continued later........*
A writer should always clearly and plainly state his position.
Do not be long-winded, just get to the point.
When writing about biology, you must prove that your point is valid by applying the scientific method to your reasoning.
Conduct enough research,
Construct a hypothesis,
Test your hypothesis in an experiment, and
Communicate your results via your essay.
Attention esteemed colleagues and students!
I wish to inform you that the note-making lesson will proceed tomorrow at 9 a.m. Invite your friends to like this page. Stay tuned!

You should always clearly and plainly state his position.
Do not be long-winded, just get to the point.
When writing about biology, you must prove that your point is valid by applying the scientific method to your reasoning.
Conduct research,
Construct a hypothesis,
Test your hypothesis in an experiment, and
Communicate your results via your essay.
*Note- making*
- it is a process that involves extracting important points from a long text then re-writing and arranging them into a set of notes.
*Note-making layout*
1. Title
-Your note- making must have a title.
- a title is the subject or central idea of your note making.
*How to write the title of your note making*
i. It must be written in capital letters.
ii. Do not underline the title.
iii. The title must be centred.(written on the centre of the page.
iv. The title must be brief, use a phrase or clause, not a complete sentence.
v. Do not use symbols ,short forms of words and abbreviations in the title.
vi. Do not punctuate the title.
*How to come up with an appropriate title for your Note-making* where do we find the title.
-There are two ways of finding the title for your Note-making:
1. Sometimes you can find the title of your note-making in the introduction paragraph.Read the introduction paragraph carefully. The words that help in the formation of the title are mostly found towards the end of the introduction paragraph.
2. Sometimes you can read the introduction paragraph without finding words that can help in the formation of the title. In such a situation,read the whole passage given. Then ask oneself what the passage is all about. The answer you get will form the title of your Note-making.
*Types of English literature essay questions*
- there are two types of literature essay questions
1. *Loaded essay questions*
-these are questions which demand the candidate to concentrate on one thing or area only.
*Example of a loaded essay question from the novel the PEARL*
With examples from the novel *the pearl* explain how the theme of *curiosity* has been portrayed.
- in the question above, you can agree with me that our focus will only be on how *curiosity* is portrayed in the novel the pearl, nothing else.
- All our 8 paragraphs will explain about *curiosity* nothing else.
- however it is important for you to know that repetition of the same character or situation to explain the the theme of *curiosity* is not allowed
- for example, if you write in one paragraph that *curiosity* is being portrayed by *the beggars* when they es**rt *Kino* to *the Doctors* house to see if the doctor is going to treat *Coyotito* for free,. Then thats enough , do not write about *the beggars* again find another character or situation that portrays the theme of *curiosity* do not repeat anything to do with *the beggars*
2. *Multiple Essay Question*
- A multiple Essay question gives a candidate two options or areas of concentration/focus.
*Example of a multiple Essay Question*
Explain how the following themes have been portrayed in the play *MACBETH*
a. *Appearance versus Reality*
- in the question above we have been given to things to write on or focus on.
- make sure you write 4 points for each theme. Finish the 4 points for the first theme then move on to the next theme.
do not mix things up.
- do not write more than 4 points for one theme . Each theme must have its on four points, when combined you must have a total of eight points
- there is no numbering in an essay
This essay must have one title
ENGLISH (All levels)
A synonym is a word whose meaning is the same as that of another word.
1. abandon=desert, forsake, leave
2. behaviour = deportment, conduct, demeanour
3. big = huge, enormous, gigantic, huge, mighty, great, vast, large
4. dangerous = perilous, risky, hazardous
5. eager = keen, enthusiastic
6. elude = baffle, avoid, cheat, fool, evade
7. emancipate = free, liberate, loose, release
8. fatal = deadly, mortal
9. invoke = call, summon
10. mistake = error, blunder, fault
Give synonyms of the following words:
a. enough
b. polite
c. timid
d. scorn
e. cunning
-Teacher M.K-
* Write your summary in a single paragraph
*Your summary should be between 70 and 100 words
*Do not begin your summary like a folktale, e.g "Long time ago...." or "Once upon a time...."
*Stick to one tense. Either write in Simple past tense or simple present tense, and NOT both.
*Do not change names, e.g of characters, places etc
*Observe all rules of grammar and writing
*Use six most relevant main points from the passage to write your summary
*Avoid copying and pasting (Lifting)
*Use linking words properly to join your main points
-Teacher M.K-
Stop doubting yourself, work hard, and make it happen.