LGBTQ Stereotypes in Film Research Project

LGBTQ Stereotypes in Film Research Project


Please share LGBTQA+ film info on this page.

I made this page to help collect data for a research project on LGBTQ+ stereotypes in film and how they affect the viewers opinions on the community.

Operating as usual


I'm hoping some of you might have some free time to help me with my research.

I am currently working on a PhD in film studies. My research is focused on Viewers perceptions of stereotypical q***r/q***r coded characters in movies. The data collected will be used in a dissertation, a book, a podcast, and a documentary film/series.

Please feel free to share these links with anyone you know that may wish to participate in this research study.

Survey for participants that identify as q***r and/or on the LGBTQ+ spectrum

Survey for participants that identify as heterosexual/cisgender

thank you!

New Film Study Survey (Heterosexual / Cisgender participants only) New Film Study Survey (Heterosexual / Cisgender participants only).


I have finished my dissertation if anyone would like to read it. I am currently continuing the data collection and adding onto what I have already collected while beginning to write a book based around my dissertation. I will also be starting a podcast/YouTube channel very soon to post audio and video discussions on the subject.


dear new friends, I could use some help

I just received ethics approval for my Masters of Research in film and media research study and could use some survey participants.

The research is focused on Q***r film tropes and their affects on societies views of the LGBTQ+ community.

It's only 10 questions, if you can please share it with other film nerds that might like to be part of my study.

The LGBTQ+ survey is maxed out so please use the control group survey

Anonymous Control Group Survey

Heterosexual participants


*Please remember if you fill out a survey or questionnaire those answers are used in scholarly papers that end up being used a lot of the time for reference to legislation.

If you waste your chance to give input into subjects you may care about, you may be hurting yourself or a cause you care about in the long run.


I'm currently coding some data and figured some of you may be curious about what movies people mentioned in their questionnaires.

Below you will find a list of films/characters and how many mentions they received in the LGBTQ+ only questionnaire.

250 people submitted answers, some were left blank or answered using TV shows/characters.

participant replied: “Can’t remember” 20

Frank N. Futer (rocky Horror) 16
The Birdcage (movie) 13
But I’m a cheerleader (movie) 9
Damien (Mean Girls) 9
Philidelphia (movie) 6
Brokeback Mountain (movie) 7
Simon (love, simon) 9
To Wong Fu (movie) 8
Mrs. Doubtfire (Harvey Firestein) 6
Bound (movie) 6
Cynthia (pitch perfect) 5
Fried green tomatoes (movie) 5
Rent (movie) 5
Ace Ventura (movie) 4
Desert Hearts (movie) 3
Hollywood (mannequin) 3
Boys don’t cry (movie) 3
Rupert Everett (my best friend’s wedding) 3
V for vendetta (movie) 3
Billy Elliott (movie) 3
Paranorman (movie) 3
Midnight express (movie) 2
Alexander the great (movie) 2
Christian (clueless) 2
Perks of being a wall flower (movie) 2
The birdcage (French version) 2
Moonlight (movie) 2
LeFou Beauty and the beast (movie) 2
DEBS (movie) 2
Partners (movie)
Basic Instinct (movie)
Bright young things (movie)
Luce (Imagine Me and you)
Saving Face (movie)
Jennifers Body(movie)
Jamie (Beautiful Thing)
Torch song trilogy (movie)
Stardust (movie)
Tanner (GBF)
Carol (movie)
The Color Purple (movie)
Zorro the gay blade (movie)
Sleepaway camp (movie)
Black Swan (movie)
Tony (bend it like beckham)
The fifth element (movie)
The Boys in the band (movie)
Blue is the warmest color (movie)
Embrace of the vampire (movie)
Buffalo bill (silence of the lambs)
Hedwig (movie)
Dodge ball (movie)
Kinky Boots (movie)
Al Pacino (dog day afternoon)
Frank (little miss sunshine)
Wallace (Scott Pilgrim)
Sin City (movie)
Lamar (revenge of the nerds)
Carla (whats cooking)
I love you phillip marshall (movie)
Kevin Kline (in and out)
Priscilla queen of the desert (movie)
Mike (my own private idaho)
Big daddy (movie)
Danish girl (movie)
Life of brian (movie)
Serving in silence (movie)
Miss congeniality (movie)
Wild things (movie)
Airplane (movie)
The crying game (movie)


Please remember if you fill out a survey or questionnaire those answers are used in scholarly papers that end up being used a lot of the time for reference to legislation.

If you waste your chance to give input into subjects you may care about, you may be hurting yourself or a cause you care about in the long run.

Film Study Survey (Heterosexual participants only) 24/02/2020

I just received ethics approval for my MRes research study and could use some survey participants.

The research is focused on Q***r film tropes and their affects on societies views of the LGBTQ+ community.

It's only 10 questions, if you can please share it with other film nerds that might like to be part of my study.

Heterosexual participants

LGBTQ+ participants


Film Study Survey (Heterosexual participants only) Film Study Survey (Heterosexual participants only) .


Would any of you like to read my research proposal?


Please share this page in any groups you feel it might be appreciated in, or with any friends that might want to follow it.


I just made this page to help me collect data on LGBTQ+ tropes in film and how they affect the viewers opinions on the community.

Please post likes to interviews, books, articles, anything that might contribute to my research or our followers might find interesting.


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