Small-group English classes online
5 euros/45 minutes (maximum 4 students per group)
Group 1: Adults - beginner
Group 2: Adults - intermediate
Group 3: Kids - ages of 8-10
Group 4: Kids - ages of 11-13
Group 5: Teenagers between the ages of 14 and 17
Step ahead-online
Step ahead-online education provides you a high-quality English language education with a personalized learning plan and an experienced teacher.
We offer you the most efficient study method with our own teaching mode. 领先一步线上教育给您提供高质量和个性化的学习方案,我们有九年教师经验的资深教师,曾在多个著名匈牙利大学做过研究学习,我们独特的教学模式给您的孩子提供最高效率的学习,我们采用小课教育确保每个学生都可以做到时时刻刻参与其中,领先一步线上教育期待着您的加入。
Operating as usual
Have you been following BBC's 6-minute English? If not, it is the right time to start.
BBC Learning English - 6 Minute English / Melting ice sheet: Is it too late? Scientists worry about this year's global heating and melting polar ice
ESL匈牙利老师9月21日网课开始报名了!9年教师经验,在匈牙利众多大学做过研究research, 针对中小学生开启英语网课,5-7人一班,不论你的孩子英语什么程度都可以报名,参与分班考试,找到属于你的一组,老师会照顾到每个学生,提高孩子英语水平,名额有限!电话+36706218678 微信:fengyuxin19991025.
Online English classes - enroll today! Our group classes start on September 21st. The teacher of the first 2 groups is a certified ESL teacher/researcher with 9 years of teaching experience. Our English courses are for primary and high school students.
5-7 students per class. Feel free to join us, take the placement test, and start with a group you truly belong to. The number of places is limited! Message me on Facebook! Phone +36706218678 WeChat: fengyuxin19991025