Yattiyr I.S.E.E. Christian School, Pasadena Videos

Videos by Yattiyr I.S.E.E. Christian School in Pasadena. Yattiyr ISEE Christian School - Intellectual, Spiritual, Emotional & Experiential

I am so thankful and glad I said yes when He invited me to go away with Him!

Other Yattiyr I.S.E.E. Christian School videos

I am so thankful and glad I said yes when He invited me to go away with Him!

Destiny sings in Japanese!

Holly shares her gift of danceat the Christmas recital.

Yattiyr kids sing Hallelujah (not Handel version). Merry Christmas!

Class of 2014 song written by Coach Courageous Katherena who was inspired by the Holy Spirit!

After interpreting worship on the banner we danced around it. So much fun! Freedom worship!

Truly inspired by one of our student's ability to see the music.

Here is a tour of our school.

Look what we learned today at school. This is truly an experiential learning. We built and designed a perfect town where...