Non-profit Christian Elementary school. Established on 7th May 2007
Based in Mlolongo - Kenya Initially, we just had a fellowship and sent the kids home.
Springs of Life School, was established in May 2007 with one three year old girl and two and a half year twin boys. It was not initially a school per see…..As my husband and I came daily to church with our boys to make ground work for the church, we realized that there were children who would keep us company. We realized that these were school going children who were not going to school. I had to
go and inquire from their parents only to hear that the area had one public school and they could not afford the private school education. One of the church members donated USAID food and we could at least cook them lunch. There came a young girl who was attending in-service courses during school holidays who challenged us to begin a school so that she could teach and get some fees for her course too. Three pupils grew to fifteen, then fifty, eighty, one hundred and fifty and in the past two years, it just tripled. The school’s motto is Firm Foundation for Firm Future and is based on the Kenya 8-4-4 system of education, employing qualified and trained teachers from the Kenyan colleges. While the school does not discriminate against religion, every parent who brings their children is given the basic values and beliefs and they have to choose either to adhere to the school rules or take their children to the public school. As a school, our vision is to see the local children overcome their surrounding challenges and bring out the best in their live; in talent, academics, socially and spiritually be well nurtured to be the best. The school is run by a board of directors, which comprises of the principal, two directors and two members for the Parents Teachers’ Association which is appointed every year with a parent from every class chosen by the parents. While the PTA does not determine the running of the school, it does advice the board of directors on matters concerning the pupils’ welfare. The staff consists of the principal, Head teacher, Deputy Head teacher and the senior teacher. Every class has a class teacher who should be able to know every child in their class, where they live, and their parents’ contacts. The class teachers should be able to know and address the academic progress of every pupil in their class. While the Head Teacher is in charge of the exams and children performance; the senior teacher is in charge of the curriculum, syllabus, and the teachers’ lesson plans and schemes of work. The deputy Head teacher has been with the school for quite some time, and while she is in charge of the preschool management, she deals a lot with the parents and the school visitors in the absence of the Principal. The school has a school cabinet that consists of the President, vice President, the cabinet ministers, and the class secretaries. Initially it was appointed by the teachers but as the school has continued to grow, the pupils are learning about democracy and are able to choose their own cabinet. The class secretaries report to the class teacher, while the cabinet and the president are under the Head teachers’ guidance. Springs of Life school, was founded on the basis of assisting children from low income earning families to get good quality, basic education based on Christian values and morals. The school charges the pupils a minimal amount of fee to cater for the school financial needs while providing ten o’clock cocoa and lunch time meals which is very important to some families who are able to get just one meal a day. The staffs are supposed to be role models to the pupils through speech, character, dress code and right standing with God. The school begins with morning devotions on a daily basis and ends with prayers in the evening. The staff have a weekly devotion which fosters the school motto; Firm Foundation for Firm Future. The school’s mission is to be the best academically, morally and spiritually in the region while competitively attaining a good standing nationally to foster the future desires of every child who passes through our hands. This is being nurtured through extracurricular activities like drama club, science, debate and games, not forgetting scouting and the counseling department. And as we look forward to our first class eight exams next year, our anticipation is not just to do the exam but to pass the exam well.