Valley Christian Schools, Youngstown, OH Videos

Videos by Valley Christian Schools in Youngstown. K-12 Private Christian School

Valley/ Youngstown Christian has never been known for its band. However that is quickly changing! Our director Mr. Craig Humphreys has put so much time and work over the years and truly transformed this department! Proud of these kids and our school!

Craig Humphreys

Other Valley Christian Schools videos

Valley/ Youngstown Christian has never been known for its band. However that is quickly changing! Our director Mr. Craig...

VCS Students Communicate with Space Satellites
What other students in Youngstown have this opportunity? Tonight we made our first satellite contacts with the help of e...

Boys 4 x 100 Finals!

100 meter finals!

Boys 4 x 100 Semi-finals

State Qualifying Meet

Shout out to this team of high school students waking up bright and early to serve the community! VCS participated in th...

Satur-Day of Caring 4.17.21 Highlights!

Welcome Back!

VCS Middle School and Junior High Tips and Suggestions for Families and Students

An important message from Mr. Kidd