Happening today 1-3PM COMMUNITY SERVICE with APO. Mid level Roj in the Innovation Lab
Stop by and say HI 👋
The Center for Experience & Opportunity is a one-stop shop for McDaniel College students and grads interested in experiential learning opportunities.
Four years sounds like a long time, but it'll fly by in the blink of an eye! Make your years at McDaniel count from the very beginning by visiting the Center for Experience and Opportunity (CEO). Want an internship? We can help with that. Not sure of you major? We'll help you discover the best fit for you! At the CEO, you can get connected to a variety of experiential learning opportunities, inclu
Operating as usual
Happening today 1-3PM COMMUNITY SERVICE with APO. Mid level Roj in the Innovation Lab
Stop by and say HI 👋
Check out this week’s jobs and internships spotlight! These employers are seeking McDaniel students and alumni to fill their roles.
Stop by our bulletin board, log onto Handshake, or email [email protected] to learn more.
Sending out a very happy birthday to our Associate Director of Career Development Joanna Hamburg! Wishing you a wonderful year full of fun and success 🎉
Mark your calendar for the CEO Open House! August 27th, 10am - 6pm. Food, giveaways, prizes! Stop by as you can to see our space and learn what we’re all about!
Welcome to the U.S. and your new Home on the Hill! Our international students have arrived 💚
🤿️ Bahamas anyone?
The waters around San Salvador Island, Bahamas are the classroom for this two week Jan Term course - Field Study: Tropical Marine Biology 🐠 *no prerequisites or scuba certification required - this is now a snorkeling experience!
This program is intended for all students of any major and will provide a solid introduction to tropical marine biology, basic oceanography and geology, island plant and animal biology, historical and cultural studies, and photography. The focus of this course is on-site study as each day students visit multiple aquatic and terrestrial sites for exploration and discovery. In addition to opportunities for on-site lectures and discussion, students will review photographs (both underwater and land shots) that they have taken to learn more about what they saw making connections and drawing conclusions about the different plants, animals, ecosystems, geology, and cultures they encounter.
To learn more about this exciting opportunity students should visit global.mcdaniel.edu
9 days until Westminster Welcome 2024!
Happy National Internship today! Today we celebrate and thank our leaders of tomorrow — interns!
Our six Summer Intern Fellows are just *some* of the McDaniel interns we’d like to recognize. Swipe to learn more about our interns and their goals.
Are you a McDaniel intern this summer? Share a photo of your internship, write a caption about your goals, tag us, and use the
McDaniel students study abroad during spring 2024 semester | McDaniel College During the spring 2024 semester, nine McDaniel College students immersed themselves in another country through their study abroad experiences in Budapest, Hungary, Seoul, South Korea, and Cusco, Peru.
Bad weather during Local 5 resulted in our morning service moving inside, where students participated in activities such as making blankets and toys for animals, cards and lanyards for deployed troops, Kindness Rocks, and more!
In the afternoon, we returned to the Restore, Boys & Girls Club, Farm Museum, and Rescue Mission.
Service during Local 4 included supporting activities at Habitat Restore and the Farm Museum, spending time with the members at Boys and Girls Club and the Arc, building shelving units at the Rescue Mission, and making capes out of t-shirts for children at Rec and Parks!
The Boys and Girls Club of Carroll County currently has over 560 members — throughout the year, McDaniel students are among the 1160+ volunteers and 75+ mentors who help make sure members have a safe place to learn and grow.
During their Local experience, students have the chance to volunteer in the community with organizations like Westminster Recreation and Parks. The Center for Experience and Opportunity has enjoyed getting to know the incoming class by taking them out into the community!
Dozens of incoming McDaniel freshmen volunteer to aid City of Westminster McDaniel Local provides incoming freshmen with an intro to the City of Westminster via community service activities.
“May the rest of our lives, be the best of our lives”. Experience the beauty and wonders of Greece during Jan Term ‘25 - visit global.mcdaniel.edu for more information and to sign up!
Registration is open and space is limited so be sure to check out this JanTerm 25 course at global.mcdaniel.edu
In addition to several of the previous service sites, incoming students also visited the Arc to help with a BBQ during McDaniel Local 3!
Did you know that individuals like our McDaniel volunteers have helped Habitat for Humanity for Carroll County invest over $2,400,000 into the local community, including making home repairs or providing homes for 62 families?
During session 2 of McDaniel Local, a new group of incoming first-year students continued working on projects around the community!
At Westminster Rec and Parks, students prepped materials for next year’s annual Westminster egg hunt, including craft kits for 5,000 children to make bunny headbands!
Students at the Farm Museum also worked on craft kit prep, cutting out pieces for 500 felt craft kits that children will get when visit for farmhouse tours or to see Santa in December.
Service during McDaniel Local 1 started with nearly 100 incoming first-year students getting involved with community engagement at Westminster Rec and Parks, the Boys and Girls Club of Westminster, Westminster Rescue Mission, Carroll County Restore, and the Carroll County Farm Museum!
Our McDaniel Local Leaders (with the yellow shirts!) were excited to start taking small groups out into the community.
Learn about marine life while snorkeling off San Salvador island in the Bahamas this Jan Term 2025 with Dr Morrison! Go to global.McDaniel.edu to learn more!
McDaniel Local has started and that means so has our community service!
Our McDaniel Local Service Leaders are ready to get the class involved with 6 local nonprofits! Over the course of the summer, the incoming class will create change with over 1,300 hours of community engagement.
Registration for the the second summer session of FirstGenU is now open! If you're a first generation student seeking to build job search skills and leadership skills, this FREE, self-paced virtual program is for you.
Get support with interviewing, networking, communication skills, project management, and more!
Registration on Handshake (link in IG bio).
Congratulations to Syd Hinnant, who is getting recognized for her BA in Psychology today! Syd joined the CEO as an Office Assistant in 2020, before moving into the role of CEO Ambassador in 2021.
Syd’s calm and professional demeanor has allowed her to be an excellent mentor in guiding her fellow students through their career journeys. She helped to establish the annual Career Closet, provided feedback to countless students taking My Career, and advocated for an increase in mental health resources and spaces available to students on campus through the Griswold-Zepp Award.
After graduating as an undergraduate in December 2023, Syd returned to the CEO as a Graduate Assistant in spring of 2024. We’re pleased to have her keep working with us as she pursues her MS in Mental Health Counseling!
Congratulations to graduating CEO Ambassador, Akira Tisdale! Akira joined the team in fall of 2023.
In her year as an Ambassador, Akira used her positive energy to motivate her peers and fellow Ambassadors to keep moving forward with projects and career development. With a strong desire to show others how pops of color can be used in business casual wardrobes, Akira took steps on moving McDaniel’s annual Career Closet in new directions.
Best wishes, Akira! Your enthusiasm will be missed in the office.
Congratulations to graduating CEO Ambassador, Kramoh Mansalay! Kramoh started with the CEO in 2020 as an Office Assistant before moving into a CEO Ambassador role in 2021.
He’s used his experiences and interests as a Biomedical Science and Arabic and Middle Eastern Studies dual major to inspire other students along their own career journey. He’s gained research experiences as a Summer Intern Fellow, embraced community engagement by positively impacting Muslim youth in Philadelphia through the Griswold-Zeppelin Award, and spent a semester abroad in Morocco…and that’s just to highlight a few of his accomplishments!
Best of luck as you continue your journey, Kramoh!
Earlier this week, 22 members of the class of 2024 participated Career Bootcamp, a full day of workshops and speakers to help them achieve their career goals!
Thank you to the employers, alumni, and McDaniel staff members that helped make this day a success.
✨ Class of 2024, make sure to check out our wall of job postings (and discover even more opportunities on Handshake)✨
Where are you applying post-grad? 🥳 🎓
Students shared their semester and Jan Term study abroad experiences at the Academic Symposium on Monday.
Start planning your international adventure by visiting global.mcdaniel.edu or make an appointment through Handshake
Four years sounds like a long time, but it'll fly by in the blink of an eye! Make your years at McDaniel count from the very beginning by visiting the Center for Experience and Opportunity (CEO).
Want an internship? We can help with that. Not sure of you major? We'll help you discover the best fit for you!
At the CEO, you can get connected to a variety of experiential learning opportunities, including:
Community outreach
Service learning
Undergraduate research
Post-graduate fellowships
Pre-professional studies
The CEO also provides a full range of career services for all McDaniel graduate and undergraduate students and alumni, including:
Career option research
Graduate school planning
Career material development
Clarification of skills, interests, and work-related values
Search for internships and employment opportunities
Through these experiences, you'll be able to discover not just what you want to do with your life, but who you are as an individual.
CEO assistance is available on a walk-in basis, by appointment, online, or by telephone. Come visit us today!
[email protected]
Monday | 8:30am - 4:30pm |
Tuesday | 8:30am - 4:30pm |
Wednesday | 8:30am - 4:30pm |
Thursday | 8:30am - 4:30pm |
Friday | 8:30am - 4:30pm |
Welcome to the Official Green Terror Battalion page!
McDaniel makes earning a nationally acclaimed graduate education personal, convenient and flexible.
A K-12 teacher graduate preparation program that promotes Bilingual Deaf Education framework to provi
Using modern digital modeling software and manufacturing processes for digital fabricators to design
This account is not updated regularly. For more information, follow along on our Instagram page: https://instagram.com/go2mcdaniel/
The tradition of liberal arts studies rests comfortably here. Exemplary teaching is its central mission, both at the undergraduate and graduate levels.
This is the page for the McDaniel College chapter of the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC)