Ghada Karmi on BBC regarding Trump's Jerusalem declaration
Trump’s Jerusalem announcement: Interview with Mark Regev and Ghada Karmi – BBC Newsnight
Following President Trump’s decision to recognise Jerusalem as Israel's capital, Emily Maitlis speaks to Israel's Ambassador to the UK Mark Regev and Dr Ghad...
Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro responds to Trump's declaration on Jerusalem
Rabbi Shapiro Reacts to Jerusalem Announcement
In depth analysis! Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro reacts to Jerusalem being declared the capital of Israel, and explains that the Jewish people relate to Jerusalem as ...
Has Zionism Hijacked Judaism?
Has Zionism Hijacked Judaism. - Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro
ICMES hosted a speaking event featuring Rabbi Yakkov Shapiro. The event was held at the International Law Institute in Washington, D.C. Rabbi Shapiro is the ...
Conference of interest: Israel's Influence - http://israelsinfluence.org/
Official conference website homepage.
New film about U.S. - Israeli relations faces censorship and suppression. mondoweiss.net/2015/12/valentinos-comeback-suppression
Valentino’s Ghost makes comeback after 4 years of suppression
Michael Singh’s film “Valentino’s Ghost,” which shows that anti-Muslim and anti-Arab images in popular culture are part of an imperialist/Zionist propaganda effort, has itse…
Ghada Karmi interviewed by Phil Weiss of Mondoweiss:
Ghada Karmi visits the ‘New York Times’ reporter in her former house in Jerusalem
When NYT’s Jodi Rudoren spoke to the Jewish Community Center in NY, no one asked about the house she lives in in Jerusalem, which a Palestinian family once lived in. But this is all Palestini…
Watch Amatzia Baram speak about ISIS between Saddam's Iraq and Iraq today - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_5qTkWkk4U
Analysis of "right of return" by ICMES Board member Ghada Karmi - http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/2014/12/jewish-right-return-201412118156571815.html
The Jewish right of return
European states should welcome and facilitate the return of surviving European Jews and their descendants.
Compelling analysis of ISIS and Islam by Turkish scholar Neslihan Çevik - www.dailysabah.com/opinion/2014/10/23/critical-spirit-of-islam-against-the-mass-insanity-of-isis
Critical spirit of Islam against the mass insanity of ISIS | Opinion | Daily Sabah
The Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), having declared itself a caliphate, is now making a call to all Muslims (especially engineers and doctors) to emigrate to their new home, "Sham," the land of Ibrahim, with the caution that ones who remain... | Daily Sabah
Chas Freeman offers stark analysis of misguided US mid-east policy - susris.com/2014/10/31/the-collapse-of-order-in-the-middle-east-ambassador-chas-freeman/
The Collapse of Order in the Middle East – Ambassador Chas Freeman | SUSRIS
The Collapse of Order in the Middle East – Ambassador Chas Freeman Published: October 31, 2014 Share Article Related ExpertsChas W. Freeman, Jr.Related TimelinesUS Chiefs of Mission to Saudi ArabiaRelated PostsObama’s Foreign Policy and the Future of the ...Focus KSA: Amb Chas Freeman on US-Saudi Re…
As'ad AbuKhalil on the Syrian situation: http://english.al-akhbar.com/content/syrian-wars-proxy
Syrian wars of proxy
The Syrian war is not only a proxy war. There is a strong internal dimension to the war in Syria but it has been obscured by various layers and dimensions of outside intervention and agendas. The Syri
The Kerry-Qatar Ceasefire Document: What it Says About American Strategy in the Middle East |...
The Kerry-Qatar Ceasfire Document: What it Says About American Strategy in the Middle East, by Dr. Jonathan Rynhold
Symposia Iranica – Call for Papers
We welcome proposals that engage with any aspect of Iranian studies within the humanities and social sciences. These include, but are by no means limited to the subfields of archaeology; design, crafts, art and architecture history; ancient, medieval, modern and contemporary history; the history of medicine; anthropology; literature...
Israeli Academics Condemn the Slaughter and Endless Oppression of the Palestinian People
The signatories to this statement, all academics at Israeli universities, wish it to be known that they utterly deplore the aggressive military strategy being deployed by the Israeli government. Th...
VIDEO: British Parliament accuses of war crimes - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJWNE83j__k&sns=em
Israel accused of war crimes (UK Parliament)
Highlights from a UK parliamentary debate in which MPs variously accused Israel of war crimes, disproportionate violence, ruining peace negotiations by build...
Israeli journalist Gideon Levy condemns the Zionist core of the Israeli state.
Window Into Palestine: Our wretched Jewish state
Our wretched Jewish state
ARTICLE in Veterans News Now offers interesting critique of ISIS's role in the current Middle East crisis.
ISIS insurrection serves Israel’s interests
Fragmenting, weakening and balkanizing the Middle East has been part and parcel of the Zionist impulse from the very beginnings of the Jewish state.
ICMES Board member Ghada Karmi is a featured interviewee in new film about the one-state solution: withoutaland.com. Ghada Karmi - Palestinian Writer
withoutaland - Home
ICMES Board member Ghada Karmi participates in roundtable discussion on Al Jazeera English about the Palestinian national movement.
What is the future of the Palestinian national movement?
Ghada Karmi, Ilan Pappe, Ali Abunimah and other experts discuss the unity deal and failure of negotiations with Israel.
VIDEO of Dr. Carl Ernst giving ICMES's first Annual Ibrahim Abu-Rabi' Commemorative Lecture on May 7, 2014 in DC -
Rethinking ERNST
A Tragedy of Errors: U.S. Incompetence in Israel-Palestine Talks, Part II
by Mitchell Plitnick In part one of this piece, I began sketching the picture that emerges from the words of U.S. diplomats to an Israeli reporter. There’s more here, and the image is one of the Un...