Learning with Mrs.Blake

Learning with Mrs.Blake


Hello families, I'm an online ECE Tutor/Teacher here to educate children ages 6-9.

Operating as usual

Photos from Learning with Mrs.Blake's post 06/05/2024

More certificates

Photos from Learning with Mrs.Blake's post 05/31/2024

Certificate time is here!!
Thank you Janayah and Adale for being great learners. It was my pleasure tutoring ya'll. 😇🥰


Hello, big changes are coming. I won't be tutoring most of the summer this year. Starting the week of August 19-23, I will be available on Wednesdays and alternative Saturday's. If I make changes for more weekday availability. I will update everyone accordingly. Have a great summer!! 😇🥰🤩

Photos from Learning with Mrs.Blake's post 04/13/2024

My lil honor students!

Vowel Families EE and EA Flashcards 03/24/2024

Phonics is a method of teaching kids to learn how to read by helping them to match the sounds of letters and blend sounds together. As well as to distinguish long and short vowel blends in words. These flashcards will help your kids learn how to read words that have ee and ea vowel family blends. Click on the link below to buy the flashcard bundle.

Vowel Families EE and EA Flashcards Phonics is a method of teaching kids to learn to read by helping them to match the sounds of letters, and groups of letters, to distinguish words. These flashcards will help your kids learn to blend sounds from letters to make words. This flashcard bundle includes 25 flashcards and 10 blank bonus ca...

Photos from Learning with Mrs.Blake's post 03/22/2024

Phonics is a method of teaching kids to learn how to read by helping them to match the sounds of letters and blend sounds together. As well as to distinguish long and short vowel blends in words. These flashcards will help your kids learn how to read words that have ee and ea vowel family blends. This is just a glimpse of how the flash cards will look. The full version with the link will be released soon upon purchase of $2.99.

Spring Tracing and Writing Prompt Journal 03/15/2024

Spring is here!

Spring Tracing and Writing Prompt Journal These worksheets will ask your kids to trace words as well as look at a picture, draw something related to it, and then write about it. A fun way to engage their imagination and give them practice in writing. This journal has 19 pages and is in PDF format. Your child will improve their writing and a...


🤷‍ I try.

Spring Tracing and Writing Prompt Journal 03/13/2024

New Spring journal🐝⚘️🌼🍀🐰🐣

Click on the link to purchase it.

Spring Tracing and Writing Prompt Journal These worksheets will ask your kids to trace words as well as look at a picture, draw something related to it, and then write about it. A fun way to engage their imagination and give them practice in writing. This journal has 19 pages and is in PDF format. Your child will improve their writing and a...

Mrs.Blake - Outschool Teacher 03/11/2024

Hello parents, although I wont be available to tutor everyday this week in the evenings, I will be available to tutor all week in the morning and afternoon. I have a few signups but I'm open to having more short notice.
🦋March 12th; 10:00am-11:00am, 1:45pm-3:30pm, 4:30pm-5:30pm
🦋March 13th; 1:45-2:30pm, 4:00pm-5:30pm

🦋March 14th;10:00am-11:00am, 1:45pm-3:30pm, 4:30pm-6:30pm

🦋March 15th;10:00am-11:00am, 1:15pm-3:30pm, 4:30pm-7:30pm

Check my classes out by clicking on the link below.

Mrs.Blake - Outschool Teacher BA. MED | 44 upcoming classes | 21 classes available by request


Yes!! I missed the 300 learner mark but yaaah!!
of myself

Mrs.Blake - Outschool Teacher 03/03/2024

Get $3 off my classes with coupon code MRSBLMARCH3 until Mar 31, 2024.

Get $3 off my classes with coupon code MRSBLAPR3 until Apr 30, 2024.

Get $3 off my classes with coupon code MRSBLMAY3 until May 31, 2024.

Get $3 off my classes with coupon code MRSBLJUNE3 until Jun 30, 2024.

P.s Please don't use the discounts until it's closer to the start date of the coupons. The 1st of every month is when you can usually begin using the coupons.

Mrs.Blake - Outschool Teacher BA. MED | 39 upcoming classes | 26 classes available by request


Something that made me happy today! 😇🥰

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Videos (show all)

New workbook coming soon :)
This 11-page vocabulary workbook will educate children on major events in the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., or MLK...
This set of 6 fun worksheets will help children remember major events in the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., or MLK....
January Calendar Tracing Workbookhttps://nuggets-of-wisdom.com/products/date-tracing-workbook
Click the link to purchase. https://nuggets-of-wisdom.com/products/kindergarten-vowel-phonics-workbook
New workbook will be available soon!
Family fun time coming up!
Here is my updated Intro video.  Alot of changes has been made. I will update my Intro video every so often.
Just opened up a morning Guided reading class. https://outschool.com/classes/guided-reading-and-reading-comprehension-fo...




Washington D.C., DC

Opening Hours

Wednesday 6pm - 7:30pm
Saturday 9:30am - 12pm
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