***Jackets and coats in Men’s and Boy’s sizes are needed most urgently.***
Richland Elementary School PTO
The Parent Teacher Organization of Richland Elementary School in Memphis, TN Richland Elementary PTO is nonprofit parent/teacher organization in Memphis, TN.
Operating as usual
Ms. Morrison’s class is in READ MODE to finish out the Readathon!
Ends this Friday 11.22 so there is still time to get your pledges in and your minutes logged!
Let’s go Redhawks! Almost to our goal 💪🏼📚
Hot off the press….3rd grade parents!!
We just found out this meeting is about to take place in ONE HOUR and another option tomorrow morning!
LINK: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NWViNDA4YjgtYzBlMC00OWRjLTg3ODctZmVhZTZiNzczMWE5%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%222b291c94-5eb0-44b7-89ea-4baf16ecc4a9%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22c16abec8-8982-422c-a00f-437e7236878e%22%7d
Richland fam!!
Now through 12/13 we are doing a drive to help with this need in the community! Thanks in advance for all donations and support for this effort! 🧤🧣❄️
It's the FINAL WEEK OF READATHON to register, log minutes and raise money to help support learning opportunities at Richland!
Huge thanks to our FIRST GRADE families for stocking the teacher & staff snack bar today! 🍇🥨🧀🍏
We still need your help filling the snack bar this Friday! Check the signup and see what you could bring 🍎🍇🧀
Thanks for all you do -- this is one of the teachers favorite PTO efforts!
November Teacher & Staff Snack Bar-- 1st Grade Sponsored The November Teacher & Staff Snack Bar will be on Friday, November 15th and will be sponsored by our First Grade families! Please sign up for an item below. The teachers greatly appreciate your participation and generosity! When signing up for your item, please comment what you will bring to prevent...
Halfway through! Keep the pledges coming and get the minutes logged, Redhawks!
Log minutes this week and you’ll receive an Out of Uniform day!
Tell us, what book(s) or series has your student been enjoying during Readathon?! 📖🤓
Join us for a shopping spirit week at Novel through November 12! Get some holiday shopping done at your local bookstore and give back to Richland Elementary at the same time. Every purchase helps support our school—let’s make a difference together!
Use code RICHLAND24 if you make purchases online, or show this voucher if you shop in the bookstore!
Help us capture these memories! Please upload your photos from these October events to be featured in the yearbook. We'd love to see your favorite moments! 📸
Don’t let all the candy and spooky Halloween vibes let you miss the deadline for the LOWEST yearbook price!!! 👻🎃🍭
$35 price ends today!
5th grade parents, you can go ahead and order the book NOW to get this price and then order your ad (if you’re doing one!) later!
Click here to order! https://richlandpto.org/yearbook
Mark your calendar and add to your upcoming weekly meal plans as taken care of! Nov 12 4-9p grab dinner at MPC and give back to Richland at the same time 🍕
Readathon is underway!!! Make sure you get your student registered so they can begin to track minutes and get pledges! They should have gotten a bookmark from their teacher on Friday with a QR code to register.
Log minutes this week and your student will earn a Chick-fil-a coupon! Everyone time to get your READ on 🤓📚🐛
(All earned weekly prizes will be passed out at the conclusion of Readathon after Thanksgiving break)
Attention all 1st GRADE FAMILIES 🍏 It's that time for another Friday Staff Snack Bar. Let's show our appreciation to our amazing teachers and staff by signing up to stock the November 15 snack bar! 🥨🧀🍇 Whether it's a healthy snack, a sweet treat or refreshing drink, every snack helps keep our teachers fueled and ready to teach. Sign up at the link between now and November 15 and let's keep our monthly snack bars stocked!
Let's see what you've got 1st grade!
https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0C45A4A729A0F9C25-50639221-august?useFullSite=true #/
Trunk or Treat is HERE! We can't wait to see everyone's costumes (please no super scary ones!) on Friday. Candy, costumes, music, food trucks and friends, what more do you need for a Friday night?!
Food Trucks coming include: Yippie Trippie, Good Groceries, Say Cheese, and Donut NV.
See you all so very soon! 👻🎃🍬
We are so thankful for these 2 dads!
East Memphis dads take crossing guard job to new level Morning drop off at Richland Elementary School is very busy and two dads work to make sure all families are safe. “Our job is to make sure people are being kind to one another and getting the…