Are you or someone you know in need of non-degree graduate credit for certification renewal or hours towards a pay increase? Marshall University is offering classes this summer! 100% asynchronous courses start May 13th and run through July 19th. Registration deadline is May 10. Please note, you MUST have an existing Schoology account to enroll in Schoology I or II. You do not need to be a WV resident to enroll.
Technology Integration Specialists
This could be useful
NatGeo MapMaker - Create, Share, and Print Custom Maps
Free Technology for Teachers
Art teachers
The Louvre Just Put Its Entire Art Collection Online for Free
You can view nearly 500,000 works of art from the comfort of your own home.
Smart Ways to Upgrade Your Home Teaching Setup
You may be teaching from your living room, but a few simple adjustments can up your teaching game.
Unsure of the accuracy, but the premise is spot on.
19 Best Practices for Teaching Live Sessions
This post was written by educator Emily Vizzo. Back-to-school season is here, and for many educators, that means more distance learning. Despite the distance, though, you’re still the same kind, ca…
The “Eighth Wonder of the World”
This educator idea aims to help students understand the environmental impact and modification of the environment involved in constructing the Brooklyn Bridge.
“Super helpful advice from our occupational therapy team leader at The Center for Connection. My kids, in school less than a week, are having headaches, face-aches, feeling extra tired. We're going to try this. I put my computer up at eye level when I'm recording things for vanity reasons, but my back is bothering me, so I should do this for all my email time as well.” ~ Tina Payne Bryson, Ph.D.
“Posture, posture, posture! Teachers, as you spend more time on your laptops, this is so important for your long-term health! Parents, as you setup learning stations for your children, this is so important for their attention, visual skills, and long-term health!
In the picture, you can see the red arrow indicating that the student is looking down at the desk to see the laptop, resulting in the flexion of his neck. This causes strain, not only to the neck, but also to the shoulders and back. It also makes the eyes work harder. And it makes it more difficult to pay attention because the vestibular nuclei on the back of the neck are not activated to keep the brain/body alert.
Instead, elevate the laptop using books or a box to eye level. This brings the neck back into a more neutral position making it easier to learn and better on long-term health! (You'll have to imagine the student looking straight forward. Excuse my remedial image-creating skills).
As you can see, the student has his feet planted firmly on the floor as well. This also positively influences posture. If you don't have a chair that allows for this, place books or a box under the feet to allow for them to be planted.” ~ Chaves, Pediatric Occupational Therapist
How to Create Community in a Virtual Classroom
By establishing routines that address the challenges of online learning, teachers can help students in grades 3 to 8 feel a sense of belonging.
Whether you’re teaching to a virtual classroom or experiencing a hybrid model, there are resources to help your students learn from anywhere. Find collections and community with support from our site: http://on.natgeo.org/6181Gm6Rl
10 EASY Ways to Build Classroom Community VIRTUALLY
Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe so you don’t miss future videos! MY TEACHERSPAYTEACHERS STORE: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Pocketf...
How to Align Your LMS With the Science of Learning
The demands of distance learning will make your Learning Management System (LMS) more important than ever this year. Have you thought about how to align your tech with the best research on how students learn?
Antipodes Map - Tunnel to the other side of the world
Antipodes map helps you find the other side of the world, the antipodes of any place on Earth
15 Online "Camps" Fill Kids' Summer with Learning Adventures
From outdoor exploration to summer enrichment to computer coding, online camps keep kids busy, learning, and having fun. Advice from Common Sense Media editors.
School Library Journal Day of Dialog Virtual Event
Join usfor themost anticipated day-long gathering of librariansand educators—now fully virtual and free to attend!
Fun with Geography
Get ideas for how to have fun with geography in your daily life.
Two Ways to Find Free Ebooks to Download
Every day I'm hearing from teachers who can't get back into their classrooms because their school buildings are completely closed. My own ...
Nine Good Sources of Public Domain & Creative Commons Audio
Since November when native support for audio was finally added to Google Slides I’ve had a marked increase in requests for recommendations for sources of classroom-friendly audio. Here are ni…
Live Discussion with Stanley Nelson
Teachers, you’re invited to an exclusive live conversation with Stanley Nelson!
Conversations with Common Sense: Neil deGrasse Tyson
Astrophysicist and host of Nat Geo's Cosmos: Possible Worlds sits down for an interview with Common Sense Media Senior Editor Polly Conway to talk about the ...