Confidence Training and Fitness

Confidence Training and Fitness


Confidence in Christ as well as confidence in exercise & nutrition.

Operating as usual


Workout of the Day
Saturday 240615

3 rounds for time of:

10 muscle-ups
10 forward rolls
20 alternating single-leg squats
20-meter handstand walk

Compare to 101203.

Post time to comments.

Today’s workout is a bit off the beaten path and will definitely get you out of your comfort zone. This workout is a true expression of coordination, agility, accuracy, and balance (the neurological skills in the 10 general physical skills). Without these skills, learning new movements and connecting the dots becomes very difficult. For most, expect this workout to be on the slower, less-intense side of fitness — this is OK. Today is a great day to practice skills and challenge yourself with new movements. Less-experienced athletes should reduce the difficulty of each movement, but maintain the movement function to the best of their ability (e.g., scale the handstand walk to a bear crawl). Have fun today!

The bear crawl (pictured above) builds core strength, shoulder stamina, coordination, and balance, and is an effective dynamic warm-up movement for more advanced athletes and progression for beginner athletes to build strength and skill carryover to the handstand walk and more.

Intermediate option:

3 rounds for time of:

5 muscle-ups
10 forward rolls
20 alternating single-leg squats
10-meter handstand walk

Beginner option:
3 rounds for time of:

5 low-ring muscle-up transitions
5 forward rolls
20 alternating reverse lunges
10-meter bear crawl


It's Back Squat day!
This exercise helps with flexibility and stability.

1) Work to a heavy back squat

2) Workout:

4 min AMRAP
5 Back Squats (50% of today's max)
5 Dumbbell Snatches
rest 1 min


Have a blessed day!


Thursday is our rest day. Even on rest days, it's good to move a little and work out soreness. Try these....


Who smiles while on the bike?
Well, only at the beginning of the workout!

Partner workout today:


2 heavy power cleans
5 calories on the bike

20 minutes
We completed 23 rounds + 2 cleans


Happy Monday!!!


Rowing intervals today:
Sprint :20
Pace the rest of the minute for 7 minutes.


Take things slow. Just START. Then you'll create a good habit.


How's your week going so far?
Write a plan and do it!!
Happy training! 🙂✔️


Glad to be done with 24.2!!!

20 minutes ~
as many rounds as possible:
300 meter row
10 deadlifts
50 double unders

The Official Squat Form Checklist [Are You Squatting Wrong?] 06/03/2024

Squat University is a great page to follow.
Today we did backsquat for our skillwork today and here are some tips...

The Official Squat Form Checklist [Are You Squatting Wrong?] Learn the correct squat form with this clear step by step checklist.The squat is typically one of the first barbell exercises young athletes are taught today...


How many steps can you get in today? Go for a long walk and enjoy!!


A detailed warm up is so important. It aides in flexibility and mobility.
The 4-way Banded Stretch does just that!
Today's Workout
EMOM (Every Minute On the Minute):
5 cals Rower or Bike
6-8 Lunges
8 Rounds


Today's workout was a fun one!
I-go-you-go max Kettlebell Swings in 7 minutes.
Our score: 206


We've been working on balance.
We noticed it's easy to walk on the beam looking down, little more challenging looking straight ahead and super difficult if you close your eyes.


Test Week!
Today was Row 500 meters for time (after the workout).
8 min AMRAP
3 heavy hang cleans
8 burpees over the bar


I turned 50 yesterday and Tim is 52 today.
So. We did "Filthy 50"
50 of each:
Kettlebell Swings
Push Ups
Wall Balls
Sit Ups
L: 18:02
T: 19:21
🎂 🥳


Jumping Lunges or Mary Kathrine's if you did P90X 😉
Minute 1 - 1
Mintue 2 - 2
Minute 3 - 3
.....all the way to 15 Minutes.
Total of 120 - "gonna feel that tomorrow"
Rest. Then:
Every Minute on the Minute for 6:
5 Wallballs
20 Heavy Jump Rope Singles


Bench Press for strength today.

Followed by a partner WOD:
3 minutes
Neither partner sets barbell down
Partner 1) 5 deadlifts & 3 Thrusters
Partner 2) Barbell Hang
Rest 2 min and repeat.
Rest 2 min and run 400 meters.

Finisher: TABATA Abs


Hope everyone has a Blessed Christmas!
Great workout this morning followed by COFFEE ☕️
4 Rounds ~ 5 Minutes per Round
500 m row
15 kettlebell swings
10 goblet Squats
Rest until start of next 5 minutes

Photos from Confidence Training and Fitness's post 21/12/2023

12 Days of Christmas! The workout goes just like the song 🎵🎄🎵
Thank you Sam for the help with programming! ❤️
1 Pull Up
20 Double Unders
3 Air Squats
4 Cals Bike or Rower
5 Push Ups
6 Push Press
7 Hang Cleans
8 Deadlifts
9 Step Ups
10 Sit Ups
11 Dumbbell Thrusters
12 Burpees

Tim: 23:28
Laura: 27:03

Merry Christmas!


Set daily walking goals.

✔️more limber
✔️feel for more accomplished
✔️establish a routine
✔️get fresh air and sunlight
✔️encourages more goals

Want your school to be the top-listed School/college?

