Hobbton High School Class of 1972

Hobbton High School Class of  1972


This page is dedicated to Hobbton High School Class of 1972 run by volunteers from this class.

Operating as usual


We need your help to introduce our students to the many amazing career opportunities in the world today.

We are creating a database of alumni and their current or past professional careers. The information in the database would be used to connect with alumni for events such as Career Day and guest speaking events throughout the year.

If you would be willing to be included in our database, please email Ms. Carla Sutton or Mrs. Shelley Fussell with your contact information and a brief summary of your job. Thank you! Go Wildcats!

[email protected]
[email protected]



OK friends, we're almost to the finish line for our 50th year class reunion. It's finally going to happen this Saturday 18 June, 2022. Alfredo's in Clinton, 101 Wall Street.
Still seems hard for me to believe that we have been out of high school for that long. The planning on this project has been "eye opening" to me. I always knew that I had the opportunity to work with a wonderful bunch of friends but with all the challenges that we faced, everyone came through like we had been planning events all along. I guess that's kind of what life has been about since we left Hobbton. We have all had challenges in our lives, some of us still face some real challenges but we're still here.
I hope that this Saturday we can forget about our present and past challenges, our differences in opinions and enjoy the company of our classmates that are still here. We have been through a lot!
Pat yourself on the back for all that you've done. Put on your "Boogie shoes" and join us. To borrow a little from Kool & the Gang,
"A dedication to last throughout the years
So bring your good times and your laughter too
We gonna celebrate your party with you"

See you there!

Wayne Spencer


We are 5 weeks away from our 50 year class reunion. I was corrected from saying our 50th reunion because we've only had about 5.
Some of those memories have faded but some are so vivid it seems like only yesterday. I'm probably not the only one.
At the 1st reunion I attended at Warren's mill pond, I saw people I had not seen in 40 years. Some I recognized immediately, some not at first and to be honest, some not at all.
I hope all that can join us on June 18th at Alfredo's in Clinton, will. Don't worry if you don't recognize someone, ask their name, and don't be embarrassed when you have to ask again. Let's face it folks, we're getting older, thank your lucky stars that you're still here to ask questions.
See you soon!

Wayne Spencer

Photos from Hobbton High School Class of  1972's post 05/04/2022

It's On! Please RSVP to JC Oates, address on invite below. Please share to your page. Any questions, please reach out either by a call or text to Wayne or JC, numbers below. Can't wait to see everyone who can make it!


50 years ago, graduation was only 6 months away. Go Wildcats! CLASS of '72


Wildcats Class of ’72 CALL to ACTION
- - Can you believe next year is 50th Reunion?

Background - - The year prior to the pandemic, a small group of classmates began gathering socially, then texted to stay in touch during the shutdown. Once it was reasonably safe, they started gathering in person during the summer of 2021. A sub-set of this group volunteered for a 50th Reunion Planning Committee. If you’re interested in participating in this group, please Message this FB page using the “Message” button and a committee member will reach out.

NOW, for the CALL to ACTION - - NEED ALL CLASSMATE CONTACT INFORMATION. The Committee set up an email address [email protected] to start this process. If you have an email address, PLEASE send your mailing addresses, phone numbers (prefer cells , otherwise home ) and ANY/ALL information on deceased classmates to that email address as soon as possible.

If you don’t have an email, please message this FB page. If you know people who don’t use email, FB or other electronic communication, please have them call Wayne Spencer at 864-363-3232. He’s working full-time at Brewer’s Hardware in Faison, so please leave a message with the information or a call-back number (or stop by the store.)

FYI – Wayne’s wife, Michelle, is the owner of this page as she is very comfortable with FB. If you have questions or concerns, "Comment" on this post or use the “Message” function and it will be passed to Wayne or other committee members.

PLEASE SHARE to your FB page or TAG others. Michelle can provide FB help if necessary.

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