Videos by Goldwater Institute. We're working daily in state courtrooms, legislatures, and communities nationwide to empower people to live freer, happier lives.
Gilbert's pickleball tax is unconstitutional!The Goldwater Institute is suing to stop it. Learn more from Goldwater atto...
2 BILLION DOLLARS SPENT.40 MILLION HOURS CONSUMED.New Goldwater report shows that #DEI is plaguing higher education. But...
"This ideology has started to run its course..."The needle on DEI is moving. Here's Goldwater's Matt Beienburg with the ...
What will ASU officials say under oath about the school's DEI regime?A court decision in favor of ASU professor Owen And...
$76,969 in taxpayer dollars on luxury school board vacations...Goldwater stands up for taxpayer rights: https://www.gol...
Today, we're thankful for our ESA moms who are standing up to the government so that their kids can get the education th...
“Public dollars should be used for public purposes. It shouldn’t be used to enrich private special interests.”Goldwater ...
Defending the American Dream often means speaking out when government gets in the way...That’s what Joe and Debbie Faill...