COMING SOON: Birthing Classes at Door County Healing Center🤰
Our basement renovation is ALMOST complete, so it's time to start some classes.
First up is birthing class with a trained and experienced birth educator and labor doula, Heidi Kratcha! Whether this is your first baby, or you have multiple babies already, this class is a WONDERFUL resource for ensuring a prepared birth experience.
There are two options for taking this class:
Option 1: 1 day class from 1pm-4pm on a Saturday. This class is geared mainly towards those in the second trimester, and focuses on comfort measures, interventions, active labor, and post partum. Cost is $129 which includes the class, workbook, and several handouts.
Option 2: 2 classes, each on the second Wednesday of a month. The first class will be geared towards those in their second trimester, and the second class will be geared towards those in their third trimester. Cost is $179.
Class dates to be announced soon, but call the office today at 920.818.0045 to secure your spot and hear more about this wonderful class opportunity!🤩
Door County Childbirth Education
Door County's most comprehensive childbirth education class.
Operating as usual
Are you considering a home birth or wish to birth in a birth center with the care of a midwife? I highly recommend Mindful Birthing - Green Bay LLC . Visit her website for more information.
I Agree 100%! The birth of your baby can also impact the bond you have with them, how breastfeeding goes, and much more. Know you have the legal right to make informed decisions.
I will soon be teaching Childbirth Classes again!!
⭐️⭐️Childbirth Education Classes Coming Soon⭐️⭐️
Planning for an amazing pregnancy and birth begins by preparing for one. That’s why we’ve teamed up with Door County Childbirth Education to offer a complete and comprehensive childbirth preparation course — starting in OCTOBER!
This is NOT your average birth class! This THREE-PART series is tailored to cover the most important topics of all stages of the pre/post-natal period, including:
✔️ Nutrition, supplementation & exercise
✔️ Creating a birth plan
✔️ Choosing a provider and birth facility
✔️ Comfort measures
✔️ Understanding interventions
✔️ Identifying and tracking contractions
✔️ Preparing for different stages of labor
✔️ Newborn care and breastfeeding
We are proud to be hosting our good friend and amazing birth advocate, Heidi Kratcha. Heidi is the owner of DC Childbirth Education, a labor and birth doula, childbirth educator and wife and mother of three. She has taught childbirth classes for nearly 10 years and has attended over 75 births as a doula. With her she brings unparalleled experience as a skilled and compassionate teacher. We are thrilled to be having her leading this amazing resource for our community and also as a vital part of our growing team at DCHC!
Our first series begins THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20 at 6pm at DCHC. Cost is $179 and includes a workbook and handouts. We have limited space available so call our office today to sign up and let us help you prepare for YOUR best birth!
** Additional details to follow next week **
Yes!! I've seen bigger babies come out faster than smaller babies.
Yip this bub was born vaginally at home in the birth pool.
5.46 kg
12 pounds
3 hour labour
Intact Perineum
The midwife had this to say.
“Stop telling women they can’t birth big babies vaginally “
Did you know? And just because you're water breaks doesn't mean you're in labor.
I'm now offering virtual classes. Contact me for more information!
I always offered orange juice shortly after birth to all my clients. 🍊
Expecting? Chiropractic during pregnancy can help optimize pelvic function for a safer, less invasive birth. Call our office to schedule your appointment to begin care with us today.
Looking to increase your milk supply? These have ingredients that have been shown to help, plus they taste yummy.
No Bake Lactation Balls I mentioned in this blog post that I tried my best to boost and maintain my milk supply for breastfeeding Emily right out of the gate. I wrote all about my past breastfeeding experience in this pos…
Yes! Your body lets you know when it's ready to push. Just because you're fully dilated, doesn't mean it's necessarily ready to push. Listen to your body!
Don’t Push: New Programme Could Save Women From Birth Injury – The Natural Parent Magazine By Hannah Schenker For those who have been reading about and involved with the Positive Birth Movement and who have read about things like unassisted, ecstatic or or****ic births, this may prompt you to throw your arms in the air and exclaim “No kidding! We’ve been saying this for aaaaages!”. ...
Virtual childbirth education class now available. Contact me for more info!
Vitamin C is important during pregnancy. Here's a great article outlining the benefits for mom and baby:
Due dates are just a guess and can be wrong by up to two weeks! Just like guessing how big a baby will be, it's rarely accurate. Your baby will come when they're ready ❤️
Your Due Date is Wrong. The Imperfect Science of Due Date Prediction. According to science, your due date is wrong. Only 5% of babies will arrive on their Estimated Due date. Only 35% will arrive in the week of their due date!
Inducing labor should not be done unless medically necessary. Your doctor going on vacation, a holiday, or you're uncomfortable are not valid reasons to induce. Inductions can cause unnecessary complications. Know the risks.
"I believe every woman has the right to any birth experience she wants, wherever she chooses and with whatever care provider she's comfortable. It's about doing your own due diligence and finding the best option for you." - Ricki Lake
‘Ineffective, outdated and unethical’ – the case against antibiotic eye drops for newborns Canadian pediatricians and midwives want changes to what they consider an ineffective medical treatment for newborn babies: antibiotic eye drops to guard against STIs from their mothers.
Welcome to Door County Childbirth Education! I am excited to announce that I am going to start teaching classes again! I will be teaching at Door County Healing Center in Sturgeon Bay.