The Keith-Lachmann Group

The Keith-Lachmann Group


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The Keith-Lachmann Group provides products and services to assist small businesses grow and achieve the next level through organization, cash flow management, and learning good business habits.


Why Banking on Your Smartphone Is Safer Than Using Your PC - DailyFinance

Is banking on a cell phone or a PC safer? You might be surprised! It's easy to feel like accessing your bank accounts via a smartphone must be risky. It could be stolen! Or hacked! But IT security experts say mobile banking is actually more secure than online banking from your computer.


For Some Businesses, Daily Deals Have A Dark Side : NPR

Looking to use Groupon or Living Social? If there are no side buys, i.e. drinks with a meal, the losses may be too great, and then there is the drop in ratings like Yelp. Groupon and Living Social have become a major force in retail, but they require businesses to offer deep discounts. At times, the flood of extra customers comes at a high cost.


Why Women Will Rule the Economy of the Future—In 1 Graph

I noticed this trend while in the Army. I worked with several NCO's who's wives had a BA/BS or even a MA/MS while they were high school grads. For the past 35 years, women have been responsible for almost all of America's education gains


Competitive advantage and UBER culture

Does your organization have an Uber culture? Perhaps that is what stands between you and success. Competitive advantage and UBER culture, Customer Service. Competitive advantage and UBER culture: Management and Business News


6 Habits of True Strategic Thinkers

Where do you stand with your business? You're the boss, but you still spend too much time on the day-to-day. Here's how to become the strategic leader your company needs.


Warren Buffett has said that when he is looking at his leaders for companies, he evaluates three categories of characteristics:
-- Intelligence
-- Energy
-- Integrity

His fundamental belief is that if a person has 2 of these, the lack of the third can kill a business. Do the fast math on the negative side of the equation:

-- Low integrity, high energy and high intelligence and you have a smart, fast-moving thief
-- Low energy, high intelligence and integrity and you have a shop keeper, not an engine of growth
-- Low intelligence, high energy and integrity and you have strong functionary, but not a great problem solver or visionary


Become an Extraordinary Leader - Scott Edinger - Harvard Business Review

How do you develop leaders in your organization? Recognize your people at their deepest level. Business bloggers at Harvard Business Review discuss a variety of business topics including managing people, innovation, leadership, and more.


Ten Things Only Bad Managers Say - BusinessWeek

Get out the pencil and paper to score yourself as a manager. In the Army we used to say, "Praise in public, criticize in private." and I think that is still a good motto. Nope, it's not just you. These jerks are out there


The 10 Worst Things About Owning A Business : Lifestyle :: American Express OPEN Forum

Some problems and wishful thinking for solutions... it is all the people business. Here's how to fix the ten most frustrating things about owning a business.


Complexity of Office 365 is a good thing... for Google Apps | ZDNet

Google at $5/mo or Microsoft at, oh! which of 11 plans? And MS will not guarantee your data integrity when you want to switch (even to another MS plan). Breathe easy, Google. Microsoft Office 365 is proof that cluelessness still trumps innovation in Redmond.


25 Things Partners Should Know About Office 365 -- Redmond Channel Partner

Thinking of putting your business in the cloud? Here is some food for thought WEB EXCLUSIVE: The big launch of Microsoft's much-anticipated successor to BPOS is imminent. Here's what every partner needs to know.


The Perfect 7-Step Plan To Boost Daily Productivity

Need to get more done? Sometimes we just need the obvious stated by someone else! J.K. Glei highlights the things we can do around e-mail and other daily distractions to make sure we get the important stuff done.


eChannelLine Daily News USA

Is your business hardened against cyber-crime? eChannelLine Daily News is an e-newsletter that helps the IT distribution channel by providing timely news and analysis about the products, services, programs and the players in North America.


In business there are different types of debt. I will be looking at two types over the next couple weeks and working to find out which is healthier. TIME DEBT vs. FINANCIAL DEBT! Stay tuned!



For a lot of New Years fun attend the Basquerade! The bastard masquerade offers an elegant night of hedonism. Music and entertainment for all with variety acts and DJ's making the night a buffet of the senses.


Is currently offering a free 1-1/2 hour meeting to listen to your new business idea, OR an intermediate Cash Flow Analysis within your current business. Contact us!


Feel free to contact us about some great new business opportunities we have developed to help your company get your message out to new target markets and increase your business.


Wants to welcome Christian Fooks as its new Director of Business Development. Great things are coming from this new executive!


The Eight-Word Mission Statement - Eric Hellweg - Our Editors - Harvard Business Review

Try this exercise to gain focus. An eight word Mission Statement in the format
"Verb, target, outcome." This can get you on track in a hurry forcing action (verb), focus (target) & metrics (outcome)! Business bloggers at Harvard Business Review discuss a variety of business topics including managing people, innovation, leadership, and more.


How important is cash flow analysis to your company. Most companies live and die by their cash flow. But having a real sense of what is coming in and going out can also provide you with great data about your industry.


Have you ever heard a business owner talk about breaking even, or "cracking their nut"? Over the next week I am going to be looking at how to effectively understand cash flow to get to the break even point so that, you the business owner, can focus on profitability!


We are coming to the near end of the SWOT analysis and how to use it within a business plan. Moving on we will finish with O = Opportunities and T = Threats and how to use those within a plan. First I would like to discuss Threats.
Read on in the below comments.....


Where do I put the strengths I discussed in my SWOT? Strengths should be prevalent throughout your business plan. This is why you are getting into this industry. They are also points of elimination of risk in your risk assessment and show strength to your sales/business development section. Play up yo your strengths as they will also serve as a first step to capitalizing on the "Opportunities" within your SWOT!


Discussing your weaknesses in a SWOT analysis can be a humbling experience but it is necessary for strategic development of your business plan. Within your plan you will take those weaknesses and address them in a risk assessment.


Over the last two weeks I have talked about doing a SWOT analysis for your business. The next steps I would like to discuss are how to use that SWOT inside of a business plan or the various sections of your business model. Please stay tuned to learn how to apply these section into practical research.


What new business thoughts are on your mind?


Final section of the SWOT - T = Threats! At this point in your analysis you should be feeling quite comfortable with being honest with yourself about your business. now it i time to examine the real threats that are present in your industry and in your company.


Back to our SWOT Analysis - Today, O = Opportunity. This is the point in which you can really assess what you are doing that your competition is not. OR even better, look at your competition and look at what they are not doing and exploit those areas for opportunities. Really think about the advantages you can take in this marketplace right now.


At KLG friends tell us Foursquare is the new SMM hit. But does it have a positive ROI? The ROI jury is out on Foursquare and other SMM. Folks swear by the SMM they use. Have a plan but have not run it buy a BS test? Or you don't understand all of the above? Contact Chris (the guy holding the fish) or Nathan at KLG for an initial no-cost consultation to start you down a path to realize a great ROI on your SMM.


In an attempt to try and give something back to the community but more importantly the economy, KLG is offering a free Q & A session regarding your career or ccompany at no charge. We are also offering a free Cash flow analysis session at no charge. 2 45 minute Sessions for a value of $350.00 dollars. Please contact us if you are interested in setting up a time to visit with us.


Last week we worked on Strengths. Now onto Weaknesses. This is hands down the hardest part of a SWOT. Sometimes we do not want to admit to our weaknesses but we cannot overcome until we face them and accept them. Be honest with yourself and about your company. If you are lacking certain education or experience write it down. If your company is lacking a competitive edge write it down most importantly be honest.


How are those S.W.O.T. Analysis coming along. Today - S for Strengths! Write down the real strengths that you our your organization bring to your industry. Be Honest and thorough. Don't be afraid to make your list long and don't hold back. This is a great exercise in "Blowing your own horn". Focus on what drives you or your organization. Let us know what you come up with. More to come.......


Why You Need A Policies and Procedures Manual For Your Business | Technibble

This link is a great read for any small business with employees or looking to grow and hire new employees. Feel free to contact us with anyquestions on how we can help develop a policies and procedures manual for your business. Why does a Big Mac look and taste same at every McDonalds, regardless of which one you go to? It is because of their Policies and Procedures and this is why you want to document yours.

Want your school to be the top-listed School/college?
