Thank you to Massachusetts author/illustrator Brian Lies for his engaging and energetic author visit today! Please check out his work at http://www.brianlies.com/.
Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Leicester Elementary School, Elementary School, .
Thank you to Massachusetts author/illustrator Brian Lies for his engaging and energetic author visit today! Please check out his work at http://www.brianlies.com/.
Happy Hallowwen!🎃 Have fun and be safe this weekend!
A huge THANK YOU to the PTO for sponsoring today's Trunk or Treat.. Thank you also to all staff and families who decorated a trunk...and to all the families who came out to enjoy and support!🎃🎃
Mrs. Pike and our students have decorated our building with their beautiful work!
All students in grades 1 through 4 reviewed school wide expectations for all areas of the building. We're off to a great start being Safe, Respectful, Responsible Learners!
Following is the lunch menu for the first few days of school.
Reconnecting! Great to ALL be back together!
Please enjoy our Virtual Spring Concert! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubNoLzFHZUY
Thank you to the Grafton, Sturbridge, Auburn, Hudson, and Leicester Police and Fire departments for their visits this week! Our Kindergarten, 1st grade and 2nd grade students were ecstatic!
Students and staff had a great transition into their new spaces this week. It was wonderful to see so many smiles. Thank you again to the staff at LMS and LHS who welcomed our youngest learners with open arms and the Becker staff who has supported our transition to campus!
We are ready and very excited to welcome all our students back tomorrow! Our Elementary staff, as well as staff across the entire district and Becker College, have been working tirelessly to prepare for our reopening. We can't wait to see everyone IN PERSON tomorrow morning!
Join us Wednesday, April 14, at 6:00 for a Virtual Author Visit with Richard Sobol. Students have all read his book "Breakfast in the Rainforest" in class and during his presentation he will discuss this book as well as his work photographing and storytelling with whales off of Cape Cod.
More information about Mr. Sobol's work can be found at his website: https://www.richardsobol.com/
We will send the link for the Google Meet in a One Call Wednesday.
"Richard Sobol brings dynamic image driven presentations to students in grades k-12 with his audio-visual programs featuring first-hand encounters with wild animals, wildlife conservation projects, the protection of endangered species, peacemaking in a troubled world, as well as explorations within African and Asian Cultures."
Richard Sobol: The Traveling Photographer Photojournalst Richard Sobol is the author and photographer of The Traveling Photographer book series published by Candlewick Press.
During hybrid learning, our Specialist Team took on the additional task of creating SEL (social emotional learning) lessons, videos, and activities to support students during this time. This last video highlights all the SEL concepts learned this year and includes some of the bloopers that occurred along the way at the end of the video. Enjoy!
What a wonderful week it has been having most of our students back in the building! There is so much energy and excitement! Students had a special visitor greet them on Monday as they returned and have done a remarkable job adjusting to new safety protocols throughout the building. Welcome back!
Our halls are decorated with hearts in which students expressed how they would be good friends to each other in response to a recent SEL lesson by our Specialist Team💕❤💕
Please join us tonight at 6PM for the virtual author visit! Our visiting author is Rajani LaRocca. Ragani immigrated from India with her family as a baby. She attended Harvard Medical School and is a practicing Primary Care Physician in Eastern Massachusetts, where she lives with her husband and family. Rajani has also authored both novels and picture books for children which illustrate different cultures and traditions. Her presentation will share how she went from doctor to doctor-author, and how to use everything you have (brain, stomach, and heart) to improve your writing. Please follow the link below to join the event.
Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Zoom Rooms is the original software-based conference room solution used around the world in board, confer...
Please mark your calendars! Leicester Elementary School will be hosting a Virtual Author Visit on Wednesday, February 10th at 6PM for our students and families. A link for this virtual meeting will be shared in the coming weeks for this event.
Our visiting author is Rajani LaRocca. Ms. LaRocca immigrated from India with her family as a baby. She attended Harvard Medical School and is a practicing Primary Care Physician in Eastern Massachusetts, where she lives with her husband and family. Rajani has also authored both novels and picture books for children which illustrate different cultures and traditions.
The Author Visit Program is the "Anatomy of an Author" in which
Rajani explains how she went from doctor to doctor-author, and how to use everything you have (brain, stomach, and heart) to improve your writing. You can find more information about Rajani on her website https://www.rajanilarocca.com/ to share with your class.
Mrs. Hiltz and the Elementary Chorus (grades 2-4) have been hard at work over the last several weeks preparing for their first performance. What a great way to kick off the holiday season! Enjoy the show!
Have a wonderful holiday and enjoy your break!
Leicester Elementary Virtual Winter Concert 2020 The Leicester Elementary School Virtual Grades 2-4 Chorus performs winter songs as part of their winter concert.
Reminder that today is "Wear your favorite holiday hat or headband day". Due to the snow day yesterday, Monday will be either Pajama Day OR Cozy Flannel Day. Or better yet...wear Cozy Flannel Pajamas!
Days of Winter Fun Days of Winter Fun December 18 Wear your favorite holiday hat or headband December 21 Winter Pajama Day/Cozy Flannel Day December 22 Holiday Sweater/Attire Day
Please see the message from Dr. Tencza below. Stay safe and enjoy a good, old-fashioned, snow day❄❄☃☃
Good Afternoon Families and Staff,
After consultation with other school districts, the Leadership Team, and others, as well as checking the weather predictions, I have decided to call a snow day for tomorrow, Thursday, December 17, 2020. The uncertainty of the wind, power outages and internet access during the day all played a part in the decision. I know that there are rare instances that "snow days" would be necessary, and I think this is one of them.
The no school announcement will be on the news stations as well.
I hope you are all safe and get to enjoy the day with your family.
Marilyn Tencza, Superintendent❄
Though we are learning in a remote model for these weeks, we can still have some fun before break!! Looking forward to seeing everyone's Winter Spirit Wear!
Days of Winter Fun Days of Winter Fun December 17 Cozy Flannel Day December 18 Wear your favorite holiday hat or headband December 21 Winter Pajama Day December 22 Holiday Sweater/Attire Day
2nd and 3rd graders working to support each other on their first asynchronous Wednesday yesterday.
We can't wait to see you tomorrow or Friday! See the presentation to learn about some of the changes and expectations for this school year.
Copy of Student Expectation Presentation 20-21 Welcome Back!
8/31/2020 LES Update
8/31/20 Elementary Update Leicester Elementary School Week of 8/31/20 The first day of school is fast approaching. We understand that there has been a lot of information over the past several weeks and below is a recap of what has been sent to provide you with all of the information in one place. Please do not hesit...
As a reminder, we will be distributing chromebooks at the main entrance of the elementary building, to all 3rd and 4th grade students on Monday, August 24th from 4-6:30pm. Distribution for grades K-2 will be on Tuesday, September 1st from 4-6:30pm. Please return the chromebook that was issued in the spring at this time.
For 3rd and 4th grade families, if you have not yet paid the Technology Fee, please click here to access the myschoolbucks payment portal: https://www.myschoolbucks.com/ver2/login/getlogin.action?clientKey=ZZH52SZ0WA0823D. If you have not set up your account yet, you will need your child's student ID (lunch number) to do so. More information on our 1:1 chromebook program can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/18nhUzy249ARS0p3qFL39FtubC1Aw5Ry0KpS7vSwUK2U/edit
Chromebook Informational Flyer 2020 1:1 Chromebooks at LPS Learning must extend beyond the walls of our schools for students to compete with their peers. We must provide students with anytime, anywhere access to the curriculum and the necessary tools to personalize their education. What are the costs and benefits of the ...
Please review the following video to learn more about 5 day, full remote learning (Cohort D). We received many questions about this plan at last night's parent meeting and we hope this answers many of your questions.
A few reminders for families:
There is a virtual parent meeting tonight at 6:30. Please see the communication from Mrs. Boss for the meeting link. We hope to see you there!
The 1st day of school for grades K through 4 is Tuesday, September 8, 2020.
The 1st day of school for Pre-K is Monday, September 14, 2020.
If you plan to opt of the hybrid model and choose a the full remote model for your child, please visit the district webpage and follow the link towards the top of the page to opt your child out. http://leicester.k12.ma.us/
You can also use this link to go directly to the opt out form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfLFggPVmICcqNyDqNZAst3kRM0nzMLVQSA99_-rL9HHnqzsA/viewform
LES in the news!!
Photos: Leicester teachers wish kids a Happy Summer ! A reverse parade for parents and students was held by teachers at Leicester Elementary School.
It was wonderful to see so many smiling faces at today's reverse parade. It was a great way to bring closure to our school year. Thank you to our staff and families for your support. Have a happy and healthy summer!!