The Woodlands High School JROTC Booster Club, The Woodlands, TX Videos

Videos by The Woodlands High School JROTC Booster Club in The Woodlands. The Woodlands High School Booster Club Facebook is open to everyone interested in supporting the Cadets of The Woodlands AF JROTC, the BEST group of JROTC cadets in the country.

Other The Woodlands High School JROTC Booster Club videos

Novice Unarmed Team- Inspection

Unarmed Regulation

Oak Ridge Drill Meet 2016 - Unarmed Team Inspection


Cleveland Drill Meet - Unarmed Regulation

Unarmed Inspection - John Jay - 2015

Armed Team Inspection

Run Thru The Woods 2011

Mother's Day Color Guard presentation at LaCrosse Championship

Final Drill Meet of the Year - March 26, 2011

Chili Cook-Off Kick-Off

The Woodlands High JROTC - Exhibition Drill Team