Videos by LANK - Lake Anne Nursery Kindergarten in Reston. We are Reston's first preschool founded in 1965!
Team Weeden had so much fun searching for moon rocks this morning!
Today’s New To You find of the day- check out this dinosaur! Come shop this Saturday from 7:30-1pm for this and MANY oth...
Our New to You sale is fast approaching! Here are some tips to prepare! Donations will be accepted starting NEXT Friday ...
Corn Experiment
Pre-k had fun with this corn experiment. Try it at home:
Water Delivery!
We cheered for our water delivery driver. Thanks Culligan Water for bringing us fresh drinking water!
Warning: Always take your child’s shoes off over a trash can. LANK Beach might be found inside! #sandyshoes #lankbeachto...
Each of the amazing class baskets were put together by room parents through donations from our families. They are all in...