Happy Monday and Happy I LOVE Laveen Day 8!
Vista del Sur is an accelerated school where students work a grade level ahead in Mathematics and English.
The Vista del Sur program develops a solid foundation of fundamental and higher level thinking skills through a structured curriculum that is consistent and sequential throughout the grades. The kindergarten through eighth grade curriculum is taught using direct teaching techniques, whole class instruction, and approved teaching methods, and is not interrupted for non-curricular programs or activi
Operating as usual
Happy Monday and Happy I LOVE Laveen Day 8!
Day 5 of 14 – I ❤️ Laveen Schools!
We’re halfway through our I LOVE Laveen Schools campaign.
Watching our students grow is one of our passions. Day 3 of I LOVE Laveen schools, and we are so excited to receive the amount of LOVE we have been getting.
💖 Day 2 of "I LOVE Laveen Schools"! 💖
We’re kicking off our I LOVE Laveen Schools countdown to Valentine's Day! ❤️
Stay tuned as we share all the LOVE!
A big thank you to our AMAZING school resource officers! These four Phoenix Police officers support our entire community and keep us safe.
Our amazing art teacher, Emma Salger, supported our Art Club students in face painting at our Fall Festival. Everyone had a great time and all the proceeds went towards the Art Club. Ms. Salger, you got talent!
Shout-out to middle school science teacher, Dr. Palmer, and Vista parent, Dr. Angel Cobb-Livingstone! They worked with the Arizona Chapter of American Public Works Association (APWA) and MGC Contractions Inc. to get Vex Go Robots for the Vista Robotics team.
Step Up to the Plate with Vista Del Sur Accelerated Academy!
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! It’s a beautiful day here in Laveen, where we’re celebrating a victory that’s been years in the making—a well-deserved “A” rating for Vista Del Sur Accelerated Academy! Now, let’s step up to the plate and break down just how our star school earned this impressive honor.
So, here’s a big round of applause for Vista Del Sur Accelerated Academy, our “A” team! We can’t wait to see what future seasons hold for these stars. With such a solid foundation, there’s no doubt that Vista Del Sur will continue to score big for years to come.
The Arizona Department of Education has released the 2023-24 A-F School Letter Grades, and we are excited to share that all schools in the Laveen School District have earned As and Bs. Congratulations to Laveen Elementary School, Estrella Foothills Global Academy, Paseo Pointe Dual Language Academy, and Vista del Sur Accelerated Academy for their A-letter grades.
All letter grades can be accessed here: https://azsbe.az.gov/schools/a-f-school-letter-grades
Read this months newsletter!:
October Newsletter
Excited to spotlight our amazing 4th-grade writers ✨📚 Led by Mrs. Kassey Rysdyk, these students presented their writing and edits to the Board using Chromebooks to show off their progress.
Each year one teacher from each school is selected to receive the district's Excellence in Education Award. This prestigious award is given to those who attain high academic achievement for their students, provide exceptional service and leadership at their school, and make a positive difference outside of the classroom and in the community. Congratulations to Vista Del Sur- Briana Wright. Ms. Wright was recognized at the September Board Meeting.
Today Ms. Matute was taken by surprise. She was nominated and selected to be Laveen's Certified Employee of the Month for August. She was celebrated in her classroom with her students and will also be recognized at the upcoming September Board Meeting.
We still have a few openings in our full day preschool program!
We still have preschool openings available at Vista del Sur Accelerated Academy for the 2024-2025 school year. Visit https://www.laveenschools.org/programs-services/preschool/ to learn more and start the registration process.
Monday | 8am - 3pm |
Tuesday | 8am - 3pm |
Wednesday | 8am - 3pm |
Thursday | 8am - 3pm |
Friday | 8am - 3pm |