Eagle Pride Marching Band Camp is coming to a close. The students have been working very hard. You're invited to join them on Friday evening for a preview of their 2024 show music.
Sandra Day O'Connor High School Band Program. Visit us for updates on our program, our students, and our achievements.
Eagle Pride Marching Band Camp is coming to a close. The students have been working very hard. You're invited to join them on Friday evening for a preview of their 2024 show music.
Tell you family. Tell your friends. Come out this Saturday and have your car washed by your favorite Eagle Pride Marching Band member.
It's band camp time and a hard-working Eagle Pride Marching Band is a hungry Eagle Pride Marching Band. Please consider chipping in to Feed the Band!
PayPal: [email protected]
Eagle Pride Marching Band July Camp is here! The band is super excited and working hard to bring us an amazing show this fall. Want to show your support? Join the band 7/20 for their car wash fundraiser:
The time has come to start our 2024 season!! All Boosters (parent/guardians) are HIGHLY encouraged to attend! Alumni parents & guardians, if you want to stay connected and help out during our marching season we welcome you too! It's going to be a great evening with you all.
Thank you to our newest GOLD SPONSOR, Tatum Insurance!!! We appreciate their generous support! Please reach out to Debra with your insurance needs!
Happy Independence Day! Wishing everyone a safe and enjoyable 4th of July!!!
Congratulations to the 2024 Senior Class of the O'Connor Band Program! Wishing you many steps of success in your future. Thank you for sharing your talent, time, and memories with us! You will be missed. Don't be strangers, come back and see us!
It takes a small army to keep our program afloat and need all the volunteers we can and get! Meeting starts at 6pm. See you there.
We will have several volunteer opportunities beginning this Summer with the Eagle Pride Marching Band, get trained now! DVUSD volunteer training only has to be done once within your student's school career and fingerprint cards are good for 6 years. Join us for our next class on Tuesday, May 7th @ 6pm in the SDOHS Library. Looking forward to seeing many of you there. Here we grow!!!!
Let the O'Connor Band students take one chore on your to-do list today! Student's will be washing cars, trucks, work vehicles, off-road vehicles...pretty much whatever you bring for a donation.
They are raising money to assist with costs for their 2024 marching show. Come show your support by stopping by at one of our 4 locations today from 10am-2pm..
Thank you in advance for your support!
Those who were not able to make last night's meeting we have good news for you! Our final Eaglet Orientation meeting during May Music Camp is tonight! Any new parent or guardian to the Eagle Pride Band is asked to join us. We will be discussing expectations, scheduling, answering questions and more. Looking forward to our time together. Please share this post to help spread the word!
We invite at least one parent/guardian of all future members of the Eagle Pride Marching Band to ONE of our meetings. We will be going over procedures and information, volunteering, rehearsal and performance schedules and answering all your questions! We look forward to meeting you this week!
Who's ready for May Music Camp?!?! We kick off tomorrow with Percussion & Color Guard! Come be a part of something amazing this week. We are excited! Help us spread the word by sharing and commenting on our post.
Marching season is upon us! Students who are interested in becoming a member of the 2024 Eagle Pride Marching Band (yes this includes Color Guard) needs to attend May Music Camp! This is going to be a fantastic way to get to know many members of the band, get a glimpse into what marching band is, and have a LOT of fun!
Parents & guardians, we will have two Eaglet Orientations (marching band 101) on May 1st & May 2nd from 7:30pm-8:30pm in the Library, you only need to attend 1. We look forward to meeting you this week.
TONIGHT is a busy night for the O'Connor Bands program. We have our final day of Percussion & Color Guard auditions for the 2024 Eagle Pride Marching Band! Also tonight is our final Spring Training Day for those who are already committed to being part of the award-wining marching band.
**If you have an incoming 8th grade or any student who is interested please get them here tonight.**
Next week is our May Music Camp (At SDOHS)! If you student is on the fence about joining us, have them attend so they can come see what we are all about so they can make an educated decision!
We are so excited to share what's to come this season!!! Please help us spread the word by liking, commenting and sharing our post. Keep soaring Eagles!
Here's an easy way to make money for our band program AND not have to worry about to make for lunch OR dinner TODAY! Our fundraiser goes all day, just mention it to your server or use the fundraiser tab if ordering to-go!
There's a group meeting at 6:30pm if you want to eat together and make it a family event. Thank you in advance for your support! Go Eagles!
All students interested in auditioning for Drumline, Front Ensemble, or Color Guard are REQUIRED to attend as much of these two evenings as possible!
Materials will be provided.
Students should wear athletic clothes, athletic shoes, and bring water– please be prepared to go outdoors!
We would love to thank everyone who supported our 1st ever Quarter Auction on Friday night. It was a HUGE success and we are extremely grateful for your support. Congratulations to all of our winners!!!
Ok everyone…. we are 24 hours away from our Golden Eagle Quarter Auction event! We have lots of room for you to come and support our multi award winning band program. We do fundraisers like this to provide a one-of-a kind experience and program for our students. Click on the link to purchase your tickets TODAY! Don’t forget to bring lots and lots of quarters because our prizes are AWESOME! Silent auction bidding is going on NOW! You do not need to be present to win. Click on the link and on the top is a tab titled, Auction where you can start placing those bids. We have 2 SW Airline tickets, a foursome @ Marriott Camelback Inn, a home purifying system, a senior photo session and much more!
Doors will open @ 5:30p so you can grab a bite to eat from our delicious food trucks, Aioli Gourmet Burgers and The Snowy Churro! The auction will begin at 6:30pm. It’s going to be a night of fun, laughter and raising money for the band. See you tomorrow night!
Golden Eagle Quarter Auction 2024 By Sandra Day Oconnor High School Band Booster Club
Congratulations to these OHS students who performed in Tucson at the All State Festival last weekend. We are so proud to have you as a part of our program.
Sandra Day O'Connor High School Marching Band Parents Alumni
Parents of Sandra Day O'Connor
SDOHS Band Parents! 2018-2019
Sandra Day O'Connor High School
Oconnor Bands
The last couple of weeks have been nothing but ABSOLUTELY EXCITING and we have much to celebrate and want to recognize the following groups for their efforts!
Winterguard finished 8th in Scholastic A class at State Championships.
Indoor Percussion finished 5th at State Championships in Percussion Scholastic A.
Congratulations to all the members and staff of these talented groups for all of your time and dedication you put into your shows. Way to soar eagles!!!
Sandra Day O'Connor High School Marching Band Parents Alumni
Parents of Sandra Day O'Connor
SDOHS Band Parents! 2018-2019
Sandra Day O'Connor High School
Oconnor Bands
We need you O'Connor fans, supporters, family and community members!!!!! We need to raise funds to continue to provide an enhanced band experience for our students. We rely on our fundraising efforts to enable us to do this.
We will have food trucks available for dinner & dessert purchases prior & during the auction from Aioli's Gourmet Burgers & The Snowy Churros! The evening is going to be PACKED with fun and excitement while raising money for the O'Connor Band Program.
Please share, like and comment on our post to help spread the word. PURCHASE YOUR TICKETS AND EXTRA PADDLES TODAY!!!!!
Thank you in advance for your continued support!
Click on the link to get an idea of the concept a quarter auction:
We have a fantastic venue, the auction paddles, DJ, food trucks and a TON of fantastic items to auction..... now we need YOU and your family, friends, co-workers and community members to join us! Bring lots of quarters to bid on many of the cool items we have like, lessons from several of our staff members, Kendra Scott jewelry, tickets from Southwest Airlines, Cardinals tickets, a variety of gift cards, coffee baskets, round of golf for four, home air purification system and much much more!!! Please don't wait and buy your tickets today! Help us spread the word by sharing our post.
Get your tickets and invite your friends, family & co-workers to support our program by attending the Golden Eagle Quarter Auction. What is a quarter auction?
Think roulette + bingo. Each item that is up for bid is given a value $.25 and up! The auctioneer will announce the item that is up for bid. If you're interested in getting that item , you toss that money into the bucket on your table, and raise your paddle(s). Then the auctioneer picks a number (bingo style.). If your number is picked, YOU WIN!! There's advantages to having multiple paddles.... After we pay our event expenses, the remaining funds will benefit the band program. You could win, Southwest Airline tickets, passes to Bearazona, a senior photography session, tickets to Flagstaff Extreme, a variety of gift cards, jewelry from Kendra Scott, tickets to House of Comedy, round of 4 at the Marriott Camelback Inn and more!!!
Get your early bird tickets today!
Tonight, support our talented Varsity Winter Guard as they perform, Wriggle at WGAZ Championships. Leave it all on the floor and have a great show!
We are so excited to have our 1st Spring Training Day tomorrow for those who will be or are interested in being a part of the 2024 Eagle Pride Marching Band, yes this includes current 8th graders! Please use the *updated* QR code to get your student signed up on our intent form. See you tomorrow night!!
Our Eagles continue to soar both inside and outside of the classroom. Good luck today ladies!
Parents of Sandra Day O'Connor
Sandra Day O'Connor High School Marching Band Parents Alumni
SDOHS Band Parents! 2018-2019
Sandra Day O'Connor High School
Oconnor Bands
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