Videos by Saint John Catholic School in North Charleston. Serving K4 through 8th grades. Our school is a small community sharing our Catholic faith.
For our #throwbackthursday we wanted to share the Catholic Schools Week breakfast from last Sunday. Thank you to our awesome Parish Council for cooking. We love our church family!
#75yearsoffaithandlearning #saintjohncatholicchurch #diocesechas #saintjohnsaints #catholicschoolsweek
For our #throwbackthursday we wanted to share the Catholic Schools Week breakfast from last Sunday. Thank you to our awe...
Teacher versus Student Kickball game #wearefamily #75yearsoffaithandlearning #catholicschool #saintjohncatholic #diocese...
Catholic Schools Week Day 2*100th day of school•fun dress up•making lunches for the Blessing Box with Prayer Buddies •pr...
It's almost here! We can't wait for all of the fun as we celebrate Catholic Schools Week!#dioceseofcharlestoncathschools...
The Saint John Family Christmas was a wonderful night. Thank you to our teachers and staff for working an extra long day...
Feeling merry🎄#catholicschool #75yearsoffaithandlearning #saintjohnsaints #streameducation #saintjohncatholic
Thank you, Saint Clare and Bishop England volunteers for bringing Christmas to the halls of our school.😊❤️🎄✝️We can’t wa...