Videos by The Paint Place UWS in New York. The Paint Place is a dynamic, mobile paint studio that delivers a unique blend of creativity and convenience straight to your doorstep. Ideal for those looking to add a splash of fun and color to any gathering.
Our next Paint in the Dark class will be on 11/15. Book your seat today!
#nycthingstodo #thepaintplace #glowinthedark #paintandsip #paintandwine #funwithfriends #datenight
Our next Paint in the Dark class will be on 11/15. Book your seat today!.....#nycthingstodo #thepaintplace #glowinthedar...
Happy Halloween witches and warlocks! Did the rain ruin your plans for tonight? Come paint in the dark with us! .....#gl...
Our ‘Paint in the Dark’ class last night was a success! 🎨 .....#glowinthedarkparty #glowinthedarkpainting #paintandsip #...
Paint pouring! Thursday! Astoria! Pour your heart out in this marbling, dripping, paint swirling class!.....#paintpourin...
We’re teaming up with Bohemian Hall & Beer Garden ! Our first class at the beer garden will be on March 11th!! Tag your ...
Ever wonder how our samples are created? Check out Ryan painting the view from Cherry Hill for our first OUTDOOR class! ...
VAN GOUGH TRIVIA! Vincent Van Gough’s painting of Starry Night Over the Rhône was repainted so many times in the foregro...
Check out this FANTASTIC time lapse of our Bob Ross style waterfall painting class with Ryan! Thanks, Kerem, for the fan...
Get Your Paint On! ...#Repost @julieoh0202 (@get_repost)・・・Paint night! 👩🎨🎨👨🎨#thepaintplace #byob #newyorkers #paintin...
How amazing is this video made by a student in our class. #amazing #art #paintandsip #byob #painting #paintingclass #art...
#Repost @liciliciousz with @repostapp・・・I'm an artist 🤗 #Banksyinspiried #thepaintplace #girlsnight #nyc #thingstodo #pa...
It's not too late to book your seat ...Log on to #paintparty #paintandsip#revel#penthouse808#queens...
#contest #artcamp #specialevents...Grab your friends, sign up your kids and win free seats. It's all going down at the p...
So much to get involved with @thepaintplaceny. #kids #camp#summer#selfie#contest#banksy#paintandsip#kids#penthouse808 #h...
Thanks for sharing @sexualising. Can't stop watching. 👀 too #cute. #sharingiscaring #otter #vegan #salad. #paintyourpet