Videos by East Cooper CAS in Mount Pleasant. The East Cooper Center for Advanced Studies serves all high school students in the East Cooper area.
Congratulations to our Rookie Teacher of the Year, Madisan Smith!
#ECCAS #LightingTheWay #rookieteacheroftheyear
Congratulations to our Rookie Teacher of the Year, Madisan Smith!#ECCAS #LightingTheWay #rookieteacheroftheyear
Check out our ECSN December show! You will not be disappointed. Great job, students! #ECSN #ECCAS #LightingTheWay
Our new Computer Science Student Spotlight is Lilah Smith, nominated by Ms. Carccasson!#ECCAS #LightingTheWay #ECSN
Check out our newest episode of The Weekly Beacon brought to you by our very own ECSN! #ECSN #ECCAS #LightingTheWay