East Cooper CAS, Mount Pleasant, SC Videos

Videos by East Cooper CAS in Mount Pleasant. The East Cooper Center for Advanced Studies serves all high school students in the East Cooper area.

Congratulations to our Rookie Teacher of the Year, Madisan Smith!
#ECCAS #LightingTheWay #rookieteacheroftheyear

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Other East Cooper CAS videos

Congratulations to our Rookie Teacher of the Year, Madisan Smith!#ECCAS #LightingTheWay #rookieteacheroftheyear

Check out the latest edition of ECSN! #ECCAS #ECSN #LightingTheWay

Congratulations to our Student Spotlight from Media Technology!

Congratulations to our Engineering Student Spotlight!

Check out our ECSN December show! You will not be disappointed. Great job, students! #ECSN #ECCAS #LightingTheWay

Congratulations to our October Faculty Member of the Month, Maddi Smith! #ECCAS #LightingTheWay

Congratulations to Jorja Tyler, our Cosmetology Student Spotlight! #ECCAS #LightingTheWay

Our new Computer Science Student Spotlight is Lilah Smith, nominated by Ms. Carccasson!#ECCAS #LightingTheWay #ECSN

Please enjoy our latest episode of the Weekly Beacon!#ECCAS #LightingTheWay #ECSN

The newest Student Spotlight is from our Business Program. Congratulations to Hailey Levins!#ECCAS #LightingTheWay

Congratulations to our September Faculty Member of the Month, Lisa Dudding!#ECCAS #LightingTheWay

Check out our newest episode of The Weekly Beacon brought to you by our very own ECSN! #ECSN #ECCAS #LightingTheWay

Congratulations to our BioMed Student Spotlight, Alice Li! #ECCAS #LightingTheWay

Check out the newest edition of the Weekly Beacon! #ECSN #ECCAS #LightingTheWay

Happy Birthday, Roberta Ellis! #ECCAS #LightingTheWay

Happy Birthday, Andy Streets! #ECCAS #LightingTheWay

Check out our very first ECSN Weekly Beacon! #LightingTheWay #ECCAS

Happy Birthday to our amazing AP, DeAna Sutler! We hope you have a great day! #ECCAS #LightingTheWay