The Hubert H Humphrey Fellowship Program at the UMN Humphrey School, Minneapolis, MN Videos

Videos by The Hubert H Humphrey Fellowship Program at the UMN Humphrey School in Minneapolis. The Humphrey Program fosters a mutual exchange of knowledge and understanding about issues of common concern in the United States and other countries around the world.

As the fall semester draws to an end, a group of our Humphrey Fellows and the Master of Development Practice (MDP) students hosted a session, in a world café style, to facilitate an open conversation for participants to explore how masculinity shapes identities, interactions, and societal expectations. 💬✨ Participants discussed ways to navigate and identify masculinities in their daily lives – wrapping up the semester with new perspectives and deeper connections!

Thank you to our Fellow, @majo_boscarino for creating this video!

@humphrey_school @humphreyfellowship @iieglobal

#hhhproud #exchangeourworld #humphreyfellows

Other The Hubert H Humphrey Fellowship Program at the UMN Humphrey School videos

As the fall semester draws to an end, a group of our Humphrey Fellows and the Master of Development Practice (MDP) stude...