Midlothian Middle School PTO, Midlothian, VA Videos

Videos by Midlothian Middle School PTO in Midlothian. Parent Teacher Organization for Midlothian Middle School

A new Mustang Rundown with important dates and the school supply list 😃 : https://www.smore.com/fqhk7-

Other Midlothian Middle School PTO videos

A new Mustang Rundown with important dates and the school supply list 😃 : https://www.smore.com/fqhk7-

2nd part of the halftime show! (2/3) Our staff can dance!!!

First part of the halftime show! (1/3)

Last part of the halftime show (3/3). Go Mrs. Chilcote! #livelikeamustang

🤩Missing something?! Watch our Lost and Found reel and see if it makes an appearance! Pictures of all the items in the c...

Here is Shannon, one of our amazing Fall Dance chairs, announcing the winners of the poster raffle from the dance on Fri...

2022 8th Grade Fun Day Drumline
Thank you to Midlothian High School Bands for performing at 8th Grade Fun Day . It was amazing!!!