Watcha doin' this weekend?
Darci Monet Vocal Style Studio
"Sing like you MEAN IT!" Private voice lessons & song consultations in person in Los Angeles as well as online via Zoom. DO NOT TEXT.
Darci Monet CAN DO and STILL DOES what she teaches! She is not only an expert vocal coach, but an active professional vocalist, performer and award-winning songwriter. A native upstate New Yorker who started her career in Nashville singing backup for some of the most accomplished recording artists in the business, she brings twenty-plus years of formal study, hands-on experience and a joyful, down
Operating as usual
Yooz student Kat has inspired and impressed me! We had a really intense session last week where she had to go really deep emotionally to work through the song we were working on. She was absolutely brave AF in those moments...allowing another to see your vulnerability can be terrifying. I'll let her share how it went for her in her own words below. For me personally, it was truly the work with singers I love to do best and is the whole reason my studio's little catch phrase is "Sing Like You Mean It." And she absolutely did! Bravo, Kat. 🥰
Today my voice coach and I had what I would call a breakthrough.
Do you ever try to connect with your material and just feel like there’s this giant wall in the way? Like you know you can relate to it but the emotion feels flat and forced?
Yeah… turns out when we have our own emotional blockages, it’s hard to be real and honest and vulnerable.
Sometimes we may not even realize that our attempts to “maintain our composure” are preventing us from truly experiencing the story we are telling, and consequently, preventing the audience from also experiencing the moment.
So, today Darci Monet watched me break down in tears when I finally was able to get out of my own damn way and not hide from the emotions brought forth by my piece. It’s been a very long time since I’ve sang anything with so much unabashed and raw emotion.
When you’re in the moment, you don’t even realize people are watching or listening. You are simply living your reality through the story you are telling, and the audience just happens to have the pleasure of experiencing it with you.
Real is better than perfect. People would much rather hear the humanity and truth of a voice cracking with emotion than a perfectly held note.
♉️♌♌As an extroverted Ta**us with a Leo rising AND Leo moon (all that Leo in my chart is where my, "LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME!" comes from), I’ve come to realize that my time is best used singing in front of and/or speaking to groups of people, either providing entertainment or encouraging them to go for what they want and accomplish their goals.
With that in mind, I have lots of workshops and masterclasses in the pipeline over the next few months for vocalists and performing artists (a second Total Artist Masterclass in September, several Zoom workshops), I'm seeking out music conferences or meetups I might participate in as an expert (suggestions welcome!) and even some studio and live performances (FB Live concerts and a BIG secret project I'll spill the tea on soon!). Whenever I do one of the aforementioned, afterwards I still have TONS of energy to burn off! Man, it's such a rush and I could seriously do it all day long! I usually have to go have a glass of wine afterward with friends to settle my b***y down. 🥴🥂
Don't get me wrong, I get great satisfaction from my one-on-one sessions with my singers (that's the intuitive empath Ta**us part), but I guess when you come out a big ole drama queen 🎭👑, you always crave a larger audience...and I think that being able to move many hearts at once is kinda one of my Superpowers! Really excited to get back in front of people again. It's been too long.
So, tell me...what’s one of YOUR superpowers? We've all got at least one...AT LEAST! Fess up, little heroes! 😁
♪♫ Sing Like You Mean It Story Time ♪♫
A few years ago, I was working with my voice student Elaine, who had everything she needed to succeed in her niche, which was musical theatre. Great voice, solid acting chops (she was big into improv), cute as a button (think the perfect Elle Woods), stone cold work ethic...but she couldn't seem to even get a call back whenever she auditioned for shows.
She had struggled with this for a couple years and was so frustrated. And it made no sense to me, either...
Until I said to her, “Okay. Let's break down the audition process. Walk me through a typical audition for you from the minute you walk into the building till you walk back out."
When she started explaining, I realized that she was making a
very simple, but gargantuan, mistake.
The mistake was this: once she'd signed in, sat down and waited for her name to be called, turns out she was doing everything BUT mentally focusing on what she was actually there to do! She was eyeing the room, checking out - judging - all the other actors (who looked like her? who didn't?). She was straining to hear through the door of the audition room to try and figure out who sang better than her. She was trying to read the facial expressions of everyone who came out to see if they'd give the impression that they'd crushed it. She tried to guage who was a seasoned pro and who was wet-behind-the-ears and on and on...
She was being a Snoopy Suzie instead of getting herself mentally prepared for her audition.
When I pointed it out, she said, “But..." And I said, "No buts. Here's your new process. Sign in, sit down, stick in your earbuds and listen to your 32 bars play on repeat. Run your sides. Don't be rude, but don't bother with anyone else. They're not your business. This is YOUR time and you're not there to make friends OR judgments. Set your focus, then go in the room and slay." Reluctantly, she agreed to try it.
And wouldn't ya know, her very next audition, she not only slayed the audition AND got a call back for the first time in a couple years...SHE BOOKED THE DANG LEAD!
That big shift in process and focusing her mindset on the task at hand helped Elaine go from being relegated to the company (not that there's anything wrong with that...there are no small parts!) to playing Lucy in "You're A Good Man, Charlie Brown." She continued to book major roles in a few other shows following that until she retired to have a family.
If you’re struggling with streamlining your focus and mindset, whether it be in your vocal technique, your audition process, or your general work ethic, it's fixable. It's doable. And I can help.
If this is something you want, send me a DM and we can explore it further. Your best gigs are yet to come!
A while ago, I had a really big insight.
Even though I was an exceptionally talented vocalist, for much of my life and career I played small and let what other people thought about me (or what I PERCEIVED they thought about me) drive my will to succeed...or not. I leaned all the way in on the idea that no one would be interested in giving a chance to a short, juicy, very loud, lil-bit-snarky New Yorker with occasional foot-in-mouth disease, regardless of my talent level. I was just TOO MUCH and that would always work against me.
It took me a long time, but what I came to realize was that it didn't serve me - or anyone else - to keep minimalizing myself that way. I didn't deserve to feel that way about myself, either. Who was I helping by NOT giving myself 100% of my time, effort and investment? Musicians are healers...I AM A HEALER! How much good might I have done by stepping into my power when I was much younger and unabashedly, joyfully GOING FOR BEING ALL THE EFFING ME I am and can be???
This is why I'm so passionate about working with my singers and other performing artists.
Because I want to help those with exceptional talent to stop struggling with Play Small Syndrome and instead shamelessly fly their artsy fartsy freak flags and heal the world with their divinely bestowed and inspired gifts! The world needs us "carnies" now more than ever. MORE.👏🏻THAN.👏🏻EV.👏🏻 ER.👏🏻
If you’d like support with shedding your Think Small Syndrome, drop a comment below or DM me. I would be honored to support you.
HEY LOS ANGELES! If you’re an actor-that-sings or a singer-that-acts (any genre) who is looking to sharpen your audition skills, you definitely want to attend the Total Artist Masterclass that I'm co-leading.
If you have any questions about it, drop a comment below or DM me and I'll answer as soon as I can. Otherwise, visit for more details and registration/payment instructions. And by all means, if you know someone who'd benefit from attending, please share!
Time to level up, artists! Let's do this!
♪♪ Sing Like You Mean It Story Time ♪♫
One of the most disappointing times of my life was when I auditioned for The Voice for the third season in a row, finally got a call back, crushed it and STILL didn't get booked on the show. 😬
Thing is, I had made a REALLY huge mistake in my audition...
After I sang, in the "here's my-sparkling-tv-ready-personality" portion, a producer said, "Wow, that was great! But this is your third time auditioning and we haven't booked you yet? How did THAT happen?" I said I didn't know but I hoped the third time would be the charm. He responded, "Well, I think it will be, Darci. Great audition." To which I WANTED to respond, "Great, cuz I'm sure you're all getting sick of seeing me!" Ya know...cuz I do the humor. But what I ACTUALLY SAID was, "Great! Cuz I'm sure sick of seeing you guys!"
*cue record scratch* 😳
It was one of those moments where your brain is screaming, "SHUT YOUR PIEHOLE! STOP TALKING!" the entire time the awful words are pouring forth.
Deafening silence. I wanted to vomit. "No! I, I mean..." 🤮
He calmly interrupted with, "Thanks for coming in," and I watched him put my headshot and application on the bottom of the BIGGER pile of headshots and applications, which I knew had to be the rejection pile.
I learned an important lesson that day. Doesn't matter how prepared you are or how smokin' you look, if you bring a spirit of desperation into the room, it can go dreadfully wrong. And that's what I did. I wanted that gig SO. DANG. BAD!
Now, I'm grateful for that lesson, cuz I never went into another audition with desperate energy. Ever since, I usually get at least a call back if not the gig. If I don't, then it's much easier to let it go. When you go in with an attitude of playfulness and being of service to the casting directors or producers, then leave it at the door on your way out, it truly shifts your success ratio. It's a learned skill and one I share with my students to help them in their own auditions.
I would love to support you in preparing your voice AND whole self for the artist's life. If booking the gig is something you want, message me and we can explore it further.
♪♫ Sing Like You Mean It Story Time ♪♫
People sometimes ask me how I got into voice coaching.
To be a bit vulnerable with you...
The reason I decided to work with singers as more than "rainy day money" and create a career out of it was honestly out of necessity. Back at least 15 years ago, I'd had a handful of students I worked with on evenings and weekends around my corporate day job at a title company, but when the housing market crashed in 2008 and Corp asked me to train someone in the Philippines how to do my job over instant messenger in order to "help me out"...well, I saw the writing on the wall. And when my number was up, I took it as a sign from the Universe that I was supposed to be making a living with music full time and this would be a practical way to begin as I kept pursuing singing work. Good plan, right?
Well, the caveat craptastic "Murphy's Law" attitude, unresolved childhood trauma and a very large missed opportunity beyond my control ("Napoleon Dynamite") buried me beneath their weight and I began to expect failure. I played small, blamed everyone and everything but myself for lack of opportunities and ultimately robbed myself of a fruitful career as a performer. Even worse, I believe it manifested in my body via allergies and chronic sinus infection, which has robbed me of my 3 1/2 octave range and the ability to count on my own voice when I need it.
I faced a crossroads: either get over myself or spiral forever into bitterness. I had already started down that dark path. So, I began the difficult work of healing and rediscovering who I am beyond others' expectations and even my own. I let go of my shame and self-doubt, reignited my love for music and ignited love for MYSELF.
Even though I’ve come a LONG way, I’m still dealing with my broken voice (I've come to accept it may never heal entirely), and am so present to the struggle that so many singers like me wrestle with every day. Their stories may be different from mine in the minute details, but there are so many exceptionally talented vocalists out there who are allowing their self-doubts keep them from their greatest potential.
And, that’s why I do the work I do... because I don’t want anyone to have to wrestle with their inner Negative Nate or Debbie Downer. I want them to know how spectacular they are for WHO they are and simultaneously train their voices so they can step into the spotlight and shine so bright you gotta wear shades to look at them...and pay GOOD MONEY to hear them!
My schedule is quite booked these days, but I’m really passionate about getting my work out in a bigger way. So, I’ve decided to open up a few Sing Like You Mean It Strategy Seshes this week. You can schedule a session by reaching out to me via private message here or email me at [email protected].
So what happens in this Sing Like You Mean It Strategy Sesh? It's a private 60 minute (for 12+) or 30 minute (under 12) vocal assessment session either in person or via Zoom where we'll look at three main areas:
1. Determine your/your child's current vocal skill level (there is no pass or fail!).
2. Discuss the challenges your/your child's voice experiences while singing and if it feels appropriate, address any potentially limiting mental blocks such as stage fright, fear of success, crummy authority figures in your past who should've kept their pieholes shut, etc.
3. I’ll give you a few of my best suggestions while we sing together to make immediate improvements and after, I'll share my recommendations on what we can do going forward to help you get from having a pleasant enough voice to sing karaoke to Hollywood-Bowl-Concert-ready!
These recommendations have worked for me and many of my artists (including a Tony Award winner and world-touring bands) and I promise that you’ll get a ton of value from our short time together.
We’ll also take a few minutes to explore whether we would be a good fit to continue to work together, as I believe a strong, positive connection between coach and client is essential. No pressure, no strings attached... just a great conversation with someone who listens deeply, sees your magnificence and believes that you can transform yourself from waiting sheepishly in the wings into that rock star skyrocketing toward global domination!
Obviously lots of folks are gonna see this post on all my socials, so if you’re interested, then I encourage you to book right away. I've only three spots available.
🥰 🕉🙏🏻☮️🌿
P.S. If you’re not personally interested in unleashing your inner rock star, feel free to forward this to a friend or family member who wants to or perhaps needs that little nudge to step into their light. Or share on your own socials in case you know someone who secretly dreams of being a great singer or has a kid who never stops singing (like I was!). We all know SOMEONE who wants to sing better, even if we can't think of one off the top of our heads. You could be the catalyst in changing someone's life for the better...ya never know!
Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.
This challenge was going around Tik-Tok and my student Mark Tiger decided to partake. Okay, slight touch of pitchiness at the start (this was supposed to be a practice run) but DAAAAAANG! Breath control FTW! That's what consistent lessons and daily practice can do. Also...he's a BARITONE, slammin' that G in full voice. Take THAT, tenors! 😘
Wanna learn how to do this? Talk to me.
📣Happy to finally announce this upcoming masterclass I've been working on with my colleague Freddie Lara and our special guest Robin De Lano!
🧐We're looking for a few actors-that-sing and singers-that-act to work with closely who want to dramatically improve their skill set and learn some great technique and audition tips, ALL IN ONE DAY, in a loving, safe, spirit-lifting environment.
→ Are focused on a career path in the entertainment industry...
→ Are really ready to improve your craft AND break down the barriers that may hold you back...
→ Are capable of handling constructive but encouraging feedback in a group setting...
→ And are coachable...
Then this might be the masterclass for you! 🎶🎭🕉
Please follow the instructions on the flyer below to sign up. SPACE IS EXTREMELY LIMITED. This is an in-person masterclass. Singers of all genres welcome (not limited to musical theatre). See website for prerequisites. Feel free to share with other actors/singers you know.
Let's go, artists! See ya there!
Bring your questions about singing and vocal health to this FREE ONE HOUR ZOOM Q&A WORKSHOP and I'll do my best to answer and demonstrate when applicable and/or possible. Open to any singer 15+, all genres, but space will be limited in order to answer the most questions possible, so first come, first serve.
Please feel free to share with any singers you know!
So, I was at the piano and had just finished a Sing Like You Mean It Strategy Sesh with a potential student who had lots of natural talent but had never taken voice lessons before. She had A GAZILLION questions! It occurred to me that there are probably lots of folks out there like her...people who love to sing, have innate ability but have maybe hit a plateau, don't know what the next step is or just have lots of general questions because they've been inundated with all the available "info" on the interwebz.
If that's you, drop me your questions about singing below. It can be anything at all...examples:
"How do I hit my high notes easier?"
"I've always heard you should never/always ______. Is this true?"
"How do I know if I'm good enough to 'make it'?"
"My 4th grade teacher told me I'm tone deaf. Was he right?"
I'll do a free one-hour Sing Like You Mean It Workshop over Zoom next week and dig into some of your questions there (Monday or Tuesday evening). ALSO, I'll reserve TWO SPOTS for those who want to sing and get a little bit of live feedback, too (honest, constructive and always encouraging!). If you're interested in one of those spots, comment below and I'll do a random name drawing in the workshop.
Hit me up, songbirds! ♪♫
My student Ashley has totally inspired me! 🥰
Part One: Fall of 2021, she came to me to help her with her audition for her high school musical, which was "The Little Mermaid." She was hoping to be able to access her chest voice (that coveted Broadway belt), but unfortunately I didn't have enough time to train her properly before her audition, so we stayed with her lovely head voice and she was cast in the show as one of the Mer-Sisters. Yay, success! 🎉
Part two: Understanding I can't just snap my fingers and magically give her a diva belt (I mean...I'm good but, I'm a musician, not a MAGICIAN 😉 ), the following year she reached out to me earlier so we could have enough time to open up her chest voice and get her comfortable enough with it to audition for Gingy in "Shrek the Musical." Over several lessons we worked hard and when she auditioned, BANG! She got the part! She wisely continued with me afterward for several months so she could give herself time to let her newly-minted chest voice settle into her muscle memory (cuz that's a thing!). 💪🏼
It's also important to understand that this ENTIRE TIME, she REFUSED to sing in front of family or friends until forced to in rehearsals. She was primarily a dancer and usually the "chorus girl," and never felt like she could compete with the other classmates her age who'd had years of experience and training already. So, she definitely had some shyness and confidence issues. By the time "Shrek" opened last weekend, she STILL hadn't sung her solo in front of anyone but me! 🫣
But working with me these last six or so months, I just built her up and built her up, and she came into each lesson a little more confident than the one before. I knew she'd be able to tap into that inner ham bone when the time came...her training as a dancer would serve her there. And that's exactly what happened! She's in the middle of a two week run, but this is a text her mom sent me after the show opened this past weekend:
"You would be so impressed. Or maybe not, as you get to hear her every week. 😂 Everyone kept telling her that they had no idea she could sing like that. I'm so glad this is the way she gets to end her senior year and her last show." ❤️
I am so proud of her, doing the work, staring her fear in the face and triumphing in spectacular fashion, but also understanding that to achieve a big goal requires a plan and an investment in yourself of time and commitment! I will miss this lovely, very talented, sweet-natured young lady and am so grateful I got to be a small part of helping her learn how truly talented she is, what a super star she is and that with commitment and preparation, the net will appear when she decides to leap!
Congratulations, Ashley! 🥰💖
(P.S. Gingy, the gingerbread man was hand-made by one of the moms at the school! 🤯)
Hey, errbody! Finally getting a chance to thank all of you who joined my Live on Sunday and especially those of you who so generously made a Birthday Love Offering! I so appreciate your support, love and enthusiastic comments! 🙏🏻💖 A few things...
⌛→ If you missed the show, you can find it pinned to the top of my timeline at to watch at your leisure. 👩🏻🎤
🎁→ If you would still like to make a Love Offering, I'll gratefully accept them. I's my birthday! I'll shamelessly accept gifts all month long! 😁
Venmo (preferred):
Zelle: 818-209-6432
CashApp: $DarciMonet
E-Gift cards: [email protected]
PayPal (if you must): [email protected]
✒️→ Lastly, if you'd like to be on my email list so you don't have to rely solely on social media algorithms to find out when I'm performing or hosting a master class or workshop, private message me a valid email address and I'll add you (and I PROMISE I won't spam the crap out of you!). I HAVE A VERY BIG ANNOUNCEMENT coming up and you won't want to miss it! 😎
Thank you again, friends and family. Have a great rest of the week! 🙏🏻💖
Holy crap, the world is absolutely bat guano currently 😵💫 and artists are struggling to figure out how to start "art-ing" again as the world truly reopens post-pandemic. 🥴 Cuz of this, I’m feeling especially called to serve right now, but was struggling to figure out the best way, with the resources I've been given.
🎁One thing I can do is this: if you know a talented, aspiring singer (or you?) who is especially shy or insecure about putting themselves out there for whatever reason - bullying, a touch of stage fright, low self-esteem, maybe even some post-pandemic PTSD (this is a real thing, y'all🥺) - then I would be delighted to offer my usual free Sing Like You Mean It Strategy Sesh over the phone, AS WELL as a free in-person or Zoom Vocal Assessment Session (usually $50-75). Yup...TWO free gifts! Don't say I never gave ya nuthin! 😉
👩🏻🎤👶🏻As a voice coach for 15 years and a childcare provider for 30+ years, I can safely say that confidence building has probably been the single most common thread in my professional life, and having realized that fairly recently, I’m more passionate than ever about helping talented artists uncover their vocal super powers ✨and overcome the debilitating limiting beliefs that can rob them of reaching their potential. I know what that feels like and I don't want anyone else to experience it. There's a fire in my belly, y'all! 🔥
💖Comment below and DM me if you or someone you care about could use a little extra support right now. I want to help artists get to the other side of this. It's so much easier doing it together! 🤝🏻🫶🏼
Photo credit: Ron Davis
Hair/makeup: Martin Lane Christopher
TODAY'S THE DAY! Join me at 4pm pacific (7e/6c/5m) on my personal profile ( - NOT HERE) to celebrate my 50th birthday about three years too late (thanks, 'Rona 😒) as I serenade you with songs from 1970, the year I was born. IT'S FREE AND IT'S GONNA BE OUTTA SIGHT! See ya there! ♪♫
Had an amazing experience yesterday at Gerald White's vocal health master class! He's the most bestest, for real. Can't wait to share some of what I learned (and was reminded of) with my own singers this week. Even voice coaches need voice coaches!
I’m SO excited I can hardly stand my own dadgum self!
Hey, vocalists (and those who want to be), I’ve got something special in the works for you right now…I can hardly wait to share it (but it’s not quite ready).
I’ve never done anything like this before! And actually, I've been doing A LOT of "thinking outside the box" and stretching my parameters lately so I can help MORE people MORE OFTEN...
Announcement coming VERY soon!
This new thing will help you keep your voice strong and healthy FOR LIFE, so you can keep singing your face off well into your golden years, NO MATTER WHAT GENRE YOU SING (yeah, I'm talking to YOU TOO, metalheads!). And guess what? It isn't gonna break the bank or your schedule.
Wait...WHAT??? Yup, you read that right. Details TBA.
So, singers...drop me a comment or gif below if you’re excited to tap into your inner greatness and go from "meh" to KAPOW! 😁
I enjoy working with all my students as a rule, but it's extra yummy when they are also good friends! Great voice coaching session today with Miz Andie Kay (of The Key of F). She is always prepared, she's disciplined in her practice, she's always on time (I mean ALWAYS), she's game to try new things and step outside her comfort zone (okay, USUALLY...she's not a fan of me asking her to improv at the drop of a hat), she keeps growing vocally, she's driven, committed to her art AND she's the first to offer help if you need it...or even if she THINKS you need it. Also, super cool blue hair.🤘🏻
I am super blessed with this crop of world class talents I get to work with right now. They make my job a joy!
You can check out music by The Key of F on Spotify.
Photo credit: Alexx Calise
Something that frustrates me about some singers is how obsessed they seem to be about knowing what their "voice part" is (i.e.; soprano, alto, tenor, bass, et al).
Some singers assume they’ll be stuck ONLY singing in a particular range forever, because more than likely, an adult told them during their adolescence that they are a (*enter voice part here*), shoved them into that section of the choir and that was that. Or even more infuriating, they studied with a voice teacher who forced them to sing only classical music, which does not ALLOW for an individual to sing outside of the pre-determined SATB ranges.
I am here to tell you that all of that is pretty much poppycock.
When I first started taking voice lessons at 16-ish, my range stopped at E5 (that's right as you're getting into real "opera lady land," for those who aren't familiar with a piano keyboard). The thing was, I wanted to be a soprano so bad I could taste it, just like my then-idol Sandi Patty, the Christian music industry's answer to Meatloaf, the Queen of the 6-minute, overproduced, fully-orchestrated power ballad, BUT THEN SOME, because she always finished with soaring, glass-shattering, overly dramatic, filling-rattling high C's (or D's)!
Alas...I had about an octave's worth of range. *sniff* 🥺
Until my very first voice coach showed me and properly taught me how to access the top of my range, which had been there all along. I simply didn't know how to get there till I sought out a professional's help.
That was it. A MONSTER WAS CREATED! (just ask my siblings😏) If there was a high note to be had, I was gonna be the volunteer to grab it! That and the other vocal skills I learned with my private voice coaches over the years are what prepared me to eventually be in the studio and/or on stage with music icons like Dolly Parton and Steve Winwood. You have to be ready beyond the shadow of a doubt for opportunities like that...and I was.
I would love to support you in reaching your full vocal potential, whether we discover hidden notes you didn't know you had or we simply dig deep and figure out your TRUE vocal style and artistic direction.
If this is something you want, I have time for a few totally free Sing Like You Mean It Strategy Sessions this week. Send me a DM and we can explore it further!
Photo credit: Ron Davis
Hair/makeup: Martin Christopher
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Los Angeles, 91401
Play Music - Make Friends - Have A Blast!
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Rise and Sing is an early childhood music program, led by board certified music therapist Amy Tibert. Amy offers birthday party entertainment, music enrichment classes, and private music therapy services in the greater Los Angeles area.
8210 W Sunset Boulevard
Los Angeles, 90046
Dave is a firm believer in letting dreams drive direction. He's not just another LA based voice coach. Having Dave as your voice coach means having someone on your team that understands everything you need.
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AC's Guitar Lessons offers in-person or online lessons, affordable rates and 30 years experience. AC
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LA's No. 1 Mobile Music School. In-home Private Music Lessons, Online Music Lessons and Group Lessons with Musicians and teachers from Juilliard, Berklee, Yale and other prestigious music institutes across the United States.
5445 Kester Avenue
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Music For Unity Piano Arts Center provides music instructions and performing opportunities to everyone interested in learning music regardless of cultural background, age, skill level, or future professional goals.