Tribal Scholars Program, Ketchikan, AK Videos

Videos by Tribal Scholars Program in Ketchikan. The Tribal Scholars Program is a High School for 9-12 grade students

Other Tribal Scholars Program videos

Christy shared with us how she identifies male seals while hunting. She’s very careful to not shoot females, as they are...

Last semester we read “Phantom of the Opera.” Discussions involved just how much of a “Chad” Raoul was; and how Erik wou...

Zombie fish!

Poor high bush cranberries! At least someone loves you!❤️ (And you’re really really good with a Turkey dinner!)

High bush cranberry continued! Students acquiring their own data!

This time on “Mrs. Pickrell Tries Stuff”— high bush cranberries. Rich in vitamins! Rich is tartness!😂

This time on “Mrs. Pickrell Tries Stuff”— stink currant! Makes an amazing jelly! Raw? Well, perhaps an acquired taste?

This is what we call “hands-on learning” and “discovery” 😂


A question that Ms. Morgan is asked A LOT is, “Can I eat that?” And Ms. Morgan, with her expert blend of science in conn...

Hands on learning is the best learning!

The muskeg is quite spongey and makes for funny dancing

Available to Indigenous high school students. Apply today! Spaces fill up quickly.

The lóol (fireweed) will be turning to fluffy seeds soon! And that means... New School year! Tribal Scholars! Time to en...

Tribal Scholars online Science Fair